24 research outputs found

    Recognizing Cartesian graph bundles

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    AbstractGraph bundles generalize the notion of covering graphs and graph products. In this paper we extend some of the methods for recognizing Cartesian product graphs to graph bundles. Two main notions are used. The first one is the well-known equivalence relation δ★ defined on the edge-set of a graph. The second one is the concept of k-convex subgraphs. A subgraph H is k-convex in G, if for any two vertices x and y of distance d, d ⩽ k, each shortest path from x to y in G is contained entirely in H. The main result is an algorithm that finds a representation as a nontrivial Cartesian graph bundle for all graphs that are Cartesian graph bundles over a triangle-free simple base. The problem of recognizing graph bundles over a base containing triangles remains open

    Cartesian product of hypergraphs: properties and algorithms

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    Cartesian products of graphs have been studied extensively since the 1960s. They make it possible to decrease the algorithmic complexity of problems by using the factorization of the product. Hypergraphs were introduced as a generalization of graphs and the definition of Cartesian products extends naturally to them. In this paper, we give new properties and algorithms concerning coloring aspects of Cartesian products of hypergraphs. We also extend a classical prime factorization algorithm initially designed for graphs to connected conformal hypergraphs using 2-sections of hypergraphs

    Square Property, Equitable Partitions, and Product-like Graphs

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    Equivalence relations on the edge set of a graph GG that satisfy restrictive conditions on chordless squares play a crucial role in the theory of Cartesian graph products and graph bundles. We show here that such relations in a natural way induce equitable partitions on the vertex set of GG, which in turn give rise to quotient graphs that can have a rich product structure even if GG itself is prime.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    The edge fault-diameter of Cartesian graph bundles

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    AbstractA Cartesian graph bundle is a generalization of a graph covering and a Cartesian graph product. Let G be a kG-edge connected graph and D̄c(G) be the largest diameter of subgraphs of G obtained by deleting c<kG edges. We prove that D̄a+b+1(G)≤D̄a(F)+D̄b(B)+1 if G is a graph bundle with fibre F over base B, a<kF, and b<kB. As an auxiliary result we prove that the edge-connectivity of graph bundle G is at least kF+kB


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    As links and nodes of interconnection networks are exposed to failures, one of the most important features of a practical networks design is fault tolerance. Vulnerability measures of communication networks are discussed including the connectivities, fault diameters, and measures based on Hosoya-Wiener polynomial. An upper bound for the edge fault diameter of product graphs is proved