4 research outputs found

    Off-line hand-printed chinese character recognition based on stroke matching

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    The specific purpose of this thesis is the automated recognition of the off-line Chinese hand-printed characters by using a blue ball-point pen. Through mask processing, the main components in a Chinese character such as vertical, horizontal, and slant strokes can be extracted. Then, the connected components with the coordinates of the top, bottom, leftmost, and rightmost ends of each stroke extracted are found. From these coordinates, the length and position of each stroke can be computed. According to the number, relative length, and relative position of each stroke, both of the coarse and fine rule-based classification can be made, and the goal of this thesis is able to be reached. Excluding the load and segmentation of the original image, the computing time for the feature extraction and classification depends on the image size and the number of strokes. It is about 0.3 seconds per Chinese character on an IBM PC 80486 DX33. The advantages of the proposed method include efficient time complexity, strong ability to detect very similar Chinese characters, tolerance of the slope of the stroke, and 96% or higher recognition rate. The disadvantage is the inflexibility for learning driven by the users since the matching rules are open to the manufactures only at present

    Pengenalan Citra Karakter Mandarin Menggunakan Metode Matriks Kuadran Pada Mobile Device

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang hasil penelitian berupa prototype aplikasi pengenalan karakter Mandarin pada handphone Android. Fitur penerjemahan mencakup dua arah dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Mandarin menggunakan input berupa kata-kata dalam huruf latin; dan penerjemahan dari bahasa Mandarin ke dalam bahasa Inggris dengan input berupa foto karakter maupun stroke karakter Mandarin. Pengenalan karakter Mandarin dengan input foto ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode customized matriks kuadran. Paper ini menjelaskan cara kerja customized matriks kuadran yang diusulkan untuk efisiensi proses pengenalan karakter pada platform Android dengan sumber daya terbatas. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem pengenalan citra dan penjelasan arti dari suatu karakter Mandarin, serta mampu menampilkan karakter Mandarin sesuai denganinput berupa kata dalam bahasa Inggris pada handphone Androi

    Uma ferramenta de processamento de imagens para o sistema footscan

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    Orientadora : Olga R. P. BellonFalta a página 88 em todos os exemplaresDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: A literatura atual aponta para a necessidade de um novo método não invasivo e mais preciso para determinação da idade gestacional. Com esse objetivo, foi criado o Método FootScan, que procura provar que através de características da superfície plantar e informações relacionadas a recém-nascidos, pode-se obter a idade gestacional. Neste trabalho, o problema da análise da superfície plantar foi abordado de forma computacional, com o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que tem como principal objetivo apoiar a comprovação do Método FootScan, fornecendo desta maneira contribuições para a Neonatologia e também para a área de Processamento de Imagens. A ferramenta desenvolvida viabiliza a análise supervisionada da imagem da superfície plantar de recém-nascidos, disponibilizando diferentes técnicas para cada um dos problemas encontrados no processamento deste tipo de imagem que apresenta muitos detalhes e, até o inicio deste estudo, não haviam recebido interesse da comunidade de processamento de imagens, para fins de estimativa da idade gestacional. Entre as principais contribuições apresentadas estão: o desenvolvimento de (1) urna técnica de seleção de limiar global para identificação da região da imagem correspondente à superfície plantar, (2) um filtro para redução de ruídos com preservação de características mínimas, (3) uma técnica para detecção de sulcos. (4) a extração automática de medidas da superfície plantar, (5) bem como de uma ferramenta que une todas as técnicas de forma que o usuário possa supervisionar e interagir com a mesma na análise da superfície plantar. Os resultados experimentais indicaram que há realmente uma relação entre as características da superfície plantar e a idade gestacional, fornecendo novas informações que permitiram rever algumas considerações iniciais quanto ao processo de análise das características. A ferramenta está sendo utilizada e avaliada pela disciplina de Neonatologia, do Departamento de Pediatria da Universidade Federa,! do Paraná e vem contribuindo para a pesquisa do Método FootScan.Abstract: Recent Neonatology literature points to the need of a new non-invasive and more precise gestational age estimation method. In this context, it was proposed the Foot,Scan Method, which intents to prove that the gestational age can be obtained through the plantar surface features and other information related to the newborn. This work presents a computational approach to the plantar surface analysis problem. It was developed a tool whose main objective is to support the FootScan Method validation, providing contributions to Neonatology and Image Processing fields. The developed tool makes the supervised analysis of newborn plantar surface feasible, providing a number of techniques to address each one of the problems faced while processing this kind of image, which presents many details and, from our best knowledge, until now were not of interest to the image processing community, for gestational age estimation purposes. The contributions presented here are the development of: (1) a global threshold selection technique for the identification of the image region corresponding to the plantar surface; (2) a small features preserving noise reduction filter; (3) a wrinkle detection technique; (4) a plantar surface measurements extractor; and (5) an image processing tool providing all these techniques to allow the user to supervise the plantar surface analysis. Experimental results showed that there is indeed a relation between plantar surface features and gestational age. These results also provided valuable information that were used to review some initial considerations about features analysis process. The image processing tool is being used and evaluated by Neonatology discipline of Pediatric Department of Federal University of Paraná, where has contributed to FootScan Method research