19,200 research outputs found

    Recognition and identification of form document layouts

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    In this thesis, a hierarchical tree representation is introduced to represent the logical structure of a form document. But different forms might have the same logical structure, so the representation will be ambiguous. In this thesis, an improvement is proposed to solve the ambiguity problem by using the physical information of the blocks. To fulfill the application of hierarchical tree representation and extract the physical information of blocks, a pixel tracing approach is used to extract form layout structures from form documents. Compared with Hough transform, the pixel tracing algorithm requires less computation. This algorithm has been tested on 50 different table forms. It effectively extracts all the line information required for the hierarchical tree representation, represents the form by a hierarchical tree, and distinguishes the different forms. The algorithm applies to table form documents

    CloudScan - A configuration-free invoice analysis system using recurrent neural networks

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    We present CloudScan; an invoice analysis system that requires zero configuration or upfront annotation. In contrast to previous work, CloudScan does not rely on templates of invoice layout, instead it learns a single global model of invoices that naturally generalizes to unseen invoice layouts. The model is trained using data automatically extracted from end-user provided feedback. This automatic training data extraction removes the requirement for users to annotate the data precisely. We describe a recurrent neural network model that can capture long range context and compare it to a baseline logistic regression model corresponding to the current CloudScan production system. We train and evaluate the system on 8 important fields using a dataset of 326,471 invoices. The recurrent neural network and baseline model achieve 0.891 and 0.887 average F1 scores respectively on seen invoice layouts. For the harder task of unseen invoice layouts, the recurrent neural network model outperforms the baseline with 0.840 average F1 compared to 0.788.Comment: Presented at ICDAR 201

    A survey of comics research in computer science

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    Graphical novels such as comics and mangas are well known all over the world. The digital transition started to change the way people are reading comics, more and more on smartphones and tablets and less and less on paper. In the recent years, a wide variety of research about comics has been proposed and might change the way comics are created, distributed and read in future years. Early work focuses on low level document image analysis: indeed comic books are complex, they contains text, drawings, balloon, panels, onomatopoeia, etc. Different fields of computer science covered research about user interaction and content generation such as multimedia, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, etc. with different sets of values. We propose in this paper to review the previous research about comics in computer science, to state what have been done and to give some insights about the main outlooks

    XLIndy: interactive recognition and information extraction in spreadsheets

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    Over the years, spreadsheets have established their presence in many domains, including business, government, and science. However, challenges arise due to spreadsheets being partially-structured and carrying implicit (visual and textual) information. This translates into a bottleneck, when it comes to automatic analysis and extraction of information. Therefore, we present XLIndy, a Microsoft Excel add-in with a machine learning back-end, written in Python. It showcases our novel methods for layout inference and table recognition in spreadsheets. For a selected task and method, users can visually inspect the results, change configurations, and compare different runs. This enables iterative fine-tuning. Additionally, users can manually revise the predicted layout and tables, and subsequently save them as annotations. The latter is used to measure performance and (re-)train classifiers. Finally, data in the recognized tables can be extracted for further processing. XLIndy supports several standard formats, such as CSV and JSON.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Identification of Technical Journals by Image Processing Techniques

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    The emphasis of this study is put on developing an automatic approach to identifying a given unknown technical journal from its cover page. Since journal cover pages contain a great deal of information, determining the title of an unknown journal using optical character recognition techniques seems difficult. Comparing the layout structures of text blocks on the journal cover pages is an effective method for distinguishing one journal from the other. In order to achieve efficient layout-structure comparison, a left-to-right hidden Markov model (HMM) is used to represent the layout structure of text blocks for each kind of journal. Accordingly, title determination of an input unknown journal can be effectively achieved by comparing the layout structure of the unknown journal to each HMM in the database. Besides, from the layout structure of the best matched HMM, we can locate the text block of the issue date, which will be recognized by OCR techniques for accomplishing an automatic journal registration system. Experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Enhancing Document Information Analysis with Multi-Task Pre-training: A Robust Approach for Information Extraction in Visually-Rich Documents

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    This paper introduces a deep learning model tailored for document information analysis, emphasizing document classification, entity relation extraction, and document visual question answering. The proposed model leverages transformer-based models to encode all the information present in a document image, including textual, visual, and layout information. The model is pre-trained and subsequently fine-tuned for various document image analysis tasks. The proposed model incorporates three additional tasks during the pre-training phase, including reading order identification of different layout segments in a document image, layout segments categorization as per PubLayNet, and generation of the text sequence within a given layout segment (text block). The model also incorporates a collective pre-training scheme where losses of all the tasks under consideration, including pre-training and fine-tuning tasks with all datasets, are considered. Additional encoder and decoder blocks are added to the RoBERTa network to generate results for all tasks. The proposed model achieved impressive results across all tasks, with an accuracy of 95.87% on the RVL-CDIP dataset for document classification, F1 scores of 0.9306, 0.9804, 0.9794, and 0.8742 on the FUNSD, CORD, SROIE, and Kleister-NDA datasets respectively for entity relation extraction, and an ANLS score of 0.8468 on the DocVQA dataset for visual question answering. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed model in understanding and interpreting complex document layouts and content, making it a promising tool for document analysis tasks

    Combining Visual and Textual Features for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Newspapers

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    The massive amounts of digitized historical documents acquired over the last decades naturally lend themselves to automatic processing and exploration. Research work seeking to automatically process facsimiles and extract information thereby are multiplying with, as a first essential step, document layout analysis. If the identification and categorization of segments of interest in document images have seen significant progress over the last years thanks to deep learning techniques, many challenges remain with, among others, the use of finer-grained segmentation typologies and the consideration of complex, heterogeneous documents such as historical newspapers. Besides, most approaches consider visual features only, ignoring textual signal. In this context, we introduce a multimodal approach for the semantic segmentation of historical newspapers that combines visual and textual features. Based on a series of experiments on diachronic Swiss and Luxembourgish newspapers, we investigate, among others, the predictive power of visual and textual features and their capacity to generalize across time and sources. Results show consistent improvement of multimodal models in comparison to a strong visual baseline, as well as better robustness to high material variance

    Program documentation standards

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    A style manual is presented to serve as a reference and guide for system and program documentation. It is intended to set standards for documentation, prescribing the procedures to be followed, format to be used, and information to be produced. The standards for program documentation specify the extent to which the programmer should support his efforts in writing. The first three sections of the manual (system, program, and operation descriptions) contain information of particular interest to management, operators, and program users, respectively. Each section was designed as a self-sufficient description from the management, operator, or user point of view
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