13 research outputs found

    Deterministic and Game Separability for Regular Languages of Infinite Trees

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    ?-Forest Algebras and Temporal Logics

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    We use the algebraic framework for languages of infinite trees introduced in [A. Blumensath, 2020] to derive effective characterisations of various temporal logics, in particular the logic EF (a fragment of CTL) and its counting variant cEF

    Regular Tree Algebras

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    We introduce a class of algebras that can be used as recognisers for regular tree languages. We show that it is the only such class that forms a pseudo-variety and we prove the existence of syntactic algebras. Finally, we give a more algebraic characterisation of the algebras in our class

    Embedding finite and infinite words into overlapping tiles

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study languages of finite and infinite birooted words. We show how the embedding of free ω-semigroups of finite and infinite words into the monoid of birooted words can be generalized to the embedding of two-sorted ω-semigroups into (some notion of) one- sorted ordered ω-monoids. This leads to an algebraic characterization of regular languages of finite and infinite birooted words that generalizes and unifies the known algebraic characterizations of regular languages of finite and infinite words

    Regular Languages of Thin Trees

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    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'

    Regular tree languages in low levels of the Wadge Hierarchy

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    In this article we provide effective characterisations of regular languages of infinite trees that belong to the low levels of the Wadge hierarchy. More precisely we prove decidability for each of the finite levels of the hierarchy; for the class of the Boolean combinations of open sets BC(Σ10)BC(\Sigma_1^0) (i.e. the union of the first ω\omega levels); and for the Borel class Δ20\Delta_2^0 (i.e. for the union of the first ω1\omega_1 levels)

    On labeled birooted tree languages: algebras, automata and logic

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    International audienceWith an aim to developing expressive language theoretical tools applicable to inverse semigroup languages, that is, subsets of inverse semigroups, this paper explores the language theory of finite labeled birooted trees: Munn's birooted trees extended with vertex labeling. To this purpose, we define a notion of finite state birooted tree automata that simply extends finite state word automata semantics. This notion is shown to capture the class of languages that are definable in Monadic Second Order Logic and upward closed with respect to the natural order defined in the inverse monoid structure induced by labeled birooted trees. Then, we derive from these automata the notion of quasi-recognizable languages, that is, languages recognizable by means of (adequate) premorphisms into finite (adequately) ordered monoids. This notion is shown to capture finite Boolean combinations of languages as above. Applied to a simple encoding of finite (mono-rooted) labeled tree languages in of labeled birooted trees, we show that classical regular languages of finite (mono-rooted) trees are quasi-recognizable in the above sense. The notion of quasi-recognizability thus appears as an adequate remedy to the known collapse of the expressive power of classical algebraic tools when applied to inverse semigroups. Illustrative examples, in relation to other known algebraic or automata theoretic frameworks for defining languages of finite trees, are provided throughout

    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'