3,665,984 research outputs found

    Invertibility of frame operators on Besov-type decomposition spaces

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    We derive an extension of the Walnut-Daubechies criterion for the invertibility of frame operators. The criterion concerns general reproducing systems and Besov-type spaces. As an application, we conclude that L2L^2 frame expansions associated with smooth and fast-decaying reproducing systems on sufficiently fine lattices extend to Besov-type spaces. This simplifies and improves recent results on the existence of atomic decompositions, which only provide a particular dual reproducing system with suitable properties. In contrast, we conclude that the L2L^2 canonical frame expansions extend to many other function spaces, and, therefore, operations such as analyzing using the frame, thresholding the resulting coefficients, and then synthesizing using the canonical dual frame are bounded on these spaces

    Lifshitz-point critical behaviour to O(ϵ2){\boldsymbol{O(\epsilon^2)}}

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    We comment on a recent letter by L. C. de Albuquerque and M. M. Leite (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) L327-L332), in which results to second order in ϵ=4d+m2\epsilon=4-d+\frac{m}{2} were presented for the critical exponents νL2\nu_{{\mathrm{L}}2}, ηL2\eta_{{\mathrm{L}}2} and γL2\gamma_{{\mathrm{L}}2} of d-dimensional systems at m-axial Lifshitz points. We point out that their results are at variance with ours. The discrepancy is due to their incorrect computation of momentum-space integrals. Their speculation that the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, if performed in position space, might give results different from when it is performed in momentum space is refuted.Comment: Latex file, uses the included iop stylefiles; Uses the texdraw package to generate included figure

    Fluctuating loops and glassy dynamics of a pinned line in two dimensions

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    We represent the slow, glassy equilibrium dynamics of a line in a two-dimensional random potential landscape as driven by an array of asymptotically independent two-state systems, or loops, fluctuating on all length scales. The assumption of independence enables a fairly complete analytic description. We obtain good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations when the free energy barriers separating the two sides of a loop of size L are drawn from a distribution whose width and mean scale as L^(1/3), in agreement with recent results for scaling of such barriers.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Characterizing the Existence of Optimal Proof Systems and Complete Sets for Promise Classes.

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    In this paper we investigate the following two questions: Q1: Do there exist optimal proof systems for a given language L? Q2: Do there exist complete problems for a given promise class C? For concrete languages L (such as TAUT or SAT) and concrete promise classes C (such as NP∩coNP, UP, BPP, disjoint NP-pairs etc.), these ques-tions have been intensively studied during the last years, and a number of characterizations have been obtained. Here we provide new character-izations for Q1 and Q2 that apply to almost all promise classes C and languages L, thus creating a unifying framework for the study of these practically relevant questions. While questions Q1 and Q2 are left open by our results, we show that they receive affirmative answers when a small amount on advice is avail-able in the underlying machine model. This continues a recent line of research on proof systems with advice started by Cook and Kraj́ıček [6]

    Exact valence bond entanglement entropy and probability distribution in the XXX spin chain and the Potts model

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    By relating the ground state of Temperley-Lieb hamiltonians to partition functions of 2D statistical mechanics systems on a half plane, and using a boundary Coulomb gas formalism, we obtain in closed form the valence bond entanglement entropy as well as the valence bond probability distribution in these ground states. We find in particular that for the XXX spin chain, the number N_c of valence bonds connecting a subsystem of size L to the outside goes, in the thermodynamic limit, as = (4/pi^2) ln L, disproving a recent conjecture that this should be related with the von Neumann entropy, and thus equal to 1/(3 ln 2) ln L. Our results generalize to the Q-state Potts model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical aspects of quantum electrodynamics in a finite volume with periodic boundary conditions

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    First-principles studies of strongly-interacting hadronic systems using lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) have been complemented in recent years with the inclusion of quantum electrodynamics (QED). The aim is to confront experimental results with more precise theoretical determinations, e.g. for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the CP-violating parameters in the decay of mesons. Quantifying the effects arising from enclosing QED in a finite volume remains a primary target of investigations. To this end, finite-volume corrections to hadron masses in the presence of QED have been carefully studied in recent years. This paper extends such studies to the self-energy of moving charged hadrons, both on and away from their mass shell. In particular, we present analytical results for leading finite-volume corrections to the self-energy of spin-0 and spin-12\frac{1}{2} particles in the presence of QED on a periodic hypercubic lattice, once the spatial zero mode of the photon is removed, a framework that is called QEDL\mathrm{QED}_{\mathrm{L}}. By altering modes beyond the zero mode, an improvement scheme is introduced to eliminate the leading finite-volume corrections to masses, with potential applications to other hadronic quantities. Our analytical results are verified by a dedicated numerical study of a lattice scalar field theory coupled to QEDL\mathrm{QED}_{\mathrm{L}}. Further, this paper offers new perspectives on the subtleties involved in applying low-energy effective field theories in the presence of QEDL\mathrm{QED}_{\mathrm{L}}, a theory that is rendered non-local with the exclusion of the spatial zero mode of the photon, clarifying recent discussions on this matter.Comment: 57 pages, 10 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.