8 research outputs found

    TFM-Explorer: mining cis-regulatory regions in genomes

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    DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) play a central role in transcription regulation, and computational approaches that help in elucidating complex mechanisms governing this basic biological process are of great use. In this perspective, we present the TFM-Explorer web server that is a toolbox to identify putative TF binding sites within a set of upstream regulatory sequences of genes sharing some regulatory mechanisms. TFM-Explorer finds local regions showing overrepresentation of binding sites. Accepted organisms are human, mouse, rat, chicken and drosophila. The server employs a number of features to help users to analyze their data: visualization of selected binding sites on genomic sequences, and selection of cis-regulatory modules. TFM-Explorer is available at http://bioinfo.lifl.fr/TFM

    Computational Identification of Transcriptional Regulators in Human Endotoxemia

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    One of the great challenges in the post-genomic era is to decipher the underlying principles governing the dynamics of biological responses. As modulating gene expression levels is among the key regulatory responses of an organism to changes in its environment, identifying biologically relevant transcriptional regulators and their putative regulatory interactions with target genes is an essential step towards studying the complex dynamics of transcriptional regulation. We present an analysis that integrates various computational and biological aspects to explore the transcriptional regulation of systemic inflammatory responses through a human endotoxemia model. Given a high-dimensional transcriptional profiling dataset from human blood leukocytes, an elementary set of temporal dynamic responses which capture the essence of a pro-inflammatory phase, a counter-regulatory response and a dysregulation in leukocyte bioenergetics has been extracted. Upon identification of these expression patterns, fourteen inflammation-specific gene batteries that represent groups of hypothetically β€˜coregulated’ genes are proposed. Subsequently, statistically significant cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) are identified and decomposed into a list of critical transcription factors (34) that are validated largely on primary literature. Finally, our analysis further allows for the construction of a dynamic representation of the temporal transcriptional regulatory program across the host, deciphering possible combinatorial interactions among factors under which they might be active. Although much remains to be explored, this study has computationally identified key transcription factors and proposed a putative time-dependent transcriptional regulatory program associated with critical transcriptional inflammatory responses. These results provide a solid foundation for future investigations to elucidate the underlying transcriptional regulatory mechanisms under the host inflammatory response. Also, the assumption that coexpressed genes that are functionally relevant are more likely to share some common transcriptional regulatory mechanism seems to be promising, making the proposed framework become essential in unravelling context-specific transcriptional regulatory interactions underlying diverse mammalian biological processes

    Improving the prediction of transcription factor binding sites to aid the interpretation of non-coding single nucleotide variants

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    Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that occur in transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) can disrupt the binding of transcription factors and alter gene expression which can cause inherited diseases and act as driver SNVs in cancer. The identification of SNVs in TFBSs has historically been challenging given the limited number of experimentally characterised TFBSs. The recent ENCODE project has resulted in the availability of ChIP-Seq data that provides genome wide sets of regions bound by transcription factors. These data have the potential to improve the identification of SNVs in TFBSs. However, as the ChIP-Seq data identify a broader range of DNA in which a transcription factor binds, computational prediction is required to identify the precise TFBS. Prediction of TFBSs involves scanning a DNA sequence with a Position Weight Matrix (PWM) using a pattern matching tool. This thesis focusses on the prediction of TFBSs by: (a) evaluating a set of locally-installable pattern-matching tools and identifying the best performing tool (FIMO), (b) using the ENCODE ChIP-Seq data to evaluate a set of de novo motif discovery tools that are used to derive PWMs which can handle large volumes of data, (c) identifying the best performing tool (rGADEM), (d) using rGADEM to generate a set of PWMs from the ENCODE ChIP-Seq data and (e) by finally checking that the selection of the best pattern matching tool is not unduly influenced by the choice of PWMs. These analyses were exploited to obtain a set of predicted TFBSs from the ENCODE ChIP-Seq data. The predicted TFBSs were utilised to analyse somatic cancer driver, and passenger SNVs that occur in TFBSs. Clear signals in conservation and therefore Shannon entropy values were identified, and subsequently exploited to identify a threshold that can be used to prioritize somatic cancer driver SNVs for experimental validation

    Recent Advances in the Computational Discovery of Transcription Factor Binding Sites

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    The discovery of gene regulatory elements requires the synergism between computational and experimental techniques in order to reveal the underlying regulatory mechanisms that drive gene expression in response to external cues and signals. Utilizing the large amount of high-throughput experimental data, constantly growing in recent years, researchers have attempted to decipher the patterns which are hidden in the genomic sequences. These patterns, called motifs, are potential binding sites to transcription factors which are hypothesized to be the main regulators of the transcription process. Consequently, precise detection of these elements is required and thus a large number of computational approaches have been developed to support the de novo identification of TFBSs. Even though novel approaches are continuously proposed and almost all have reported some success in yeast and other lower organisms, in higher organisms the problem still remains a challenge. In this paper, we therefore review the recent developments in computational methods for transcription factor binding site prediction. We start with a brief review of the basic approaches for binding site representation and promoter identification, then discuss the techniques to locate physical TFBSs, identify functional binding sites using orthologous information, and infer functional TFBSs within some context defined by additional prior knowledge. Finally, we briefly explore the opportunities for expanding these approaches towards the computational identification of transcriptional regulatory networks

    Discovery of Flexible Gap Patterns from Sequences

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    Human genome contains abundant motifs bound by particular biomolecules. These motifs are involved in the complex regulatory mechanisms of gene expressions. The dominant mechanism behind the intriguing gene expression patterns is known as combinatorial regulation, achieved by multiple cooperating biomolecules binding in a nearby genomic region to provide a specific regulatory behavior. To decipher the complicated combinatorial regulation mechanism at work in the cellular processes, there is a pressing need to identify co-binding motifs for these cooperating biomolecules in genomic sequences. The great flexibility of the interaction distance between nearby cooperating biomolecules leads to the presence of flexible gaps in between component motifs of a co-binding motif. Many existing motif discovery methods cannot handle co-binding motifs with flexible gaps. Existing co-binding motif discovery methods are ineffective in dealing with the following problems: (1) co-binding motifs may not appear in a large fraction of the input sequences, (2) the lengths of component motifs are unknown and (3) the maximum range of the flexible gap can be large. As a result, the probabilistic approach is easily trapped into a local optimal solution. Though deterministic approach may resolve these problems by allowing a relaxed motif template, it encounters the challenges of exploring an enormous pattern space and handling a huge output. This thesis presents an effective and scalable method called DFGP which stands for β€œDiscovery of Flexible Gap Patterns” for identifying co-binding motifs in massive datasets. DFGP follows the deterministic approach that uses flexible gap pattern to model co-binding motif. A flexible gap pattern is composed of a number of boxes with a flexible gap in between consecutive boxes where each box is a consensus pattern representing a component motif. To address the computational challenge and the need to effectively process the large output under a relaxed motif template, DFGP incorporates two redundancy reduction methods as well as an effective statistical significance measure for ranking patterns. The first reduction method is achieved by the proposed concept of representative patterns, which aims at reducing the large set of consensus patterns used as boxes in existing deterministic methods into a much smaller yet informative set. The second method is attained by the proposed concept of delegate occurrences aiming at reducing the redundancy among occurrences of a flexible gap pattern. iv Extensive experiment results showed that (1) DFGP outperforms existing co-binding discovery methods significantly in terms of both the capability of identifying co-binding motifs and the runtime, (2) co-binding motifs found by DFGP in datasets reveal biological insights previously unknown, (3) the two redundancy reduction methods via the proposed concepts of representative patterns and delegate occurrences are indeed effective in significantly reducing the computational burden without sacrificing output quality, (4) the proposed statistical significance measures are robust and useful in ranking patterns and (5) DFGP allows a large maximum distance for flexible gap between component motifs and it is scalable to massive datasets