9,306 research outputs found

    Epistemological and interpersonal stance in a data description task : findings from a discipline-specific learner corpus

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    This article examines the stance options used by writers responding to a data description task in the discipline of Statistics. Based on a small learner corpus, it uses inductive qualitative content analysis to explore both the content propositions that students included in their writing, and the ways in which they expressed evaluative stance vis-Ă -vis such propositions. In the light of an interview with a specialist informant, the article discusses the appropriacy of the content choices and stance options taken by students. It then discusses the potential exploitation of the learner corpus for pedagogic purposes

    Social identity, precision and charity: when less precise speakers are held to stricter standard

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    Recent has begun to show systematic connections between social information and pragmatic reasoning. These findings raise the question of whether social information shapes comprehenders' assessments of the correctness of linguistic description in light of a single known and determined fact. We explore this question by testing the impact of speaker identity on T(ruth)-V(alue) J(udgment)s based on the interpretation of number words. We find that imprecise statements from speakers socially expected to be less precise – i.e. “Chill" ones – are rejected at a higher rate, and thus held to more stringent evaluation standards, than those from speakers socially expected to speak more precisely – i.e. “Nerdy" ones. We explain the new finding by appealing to the idea that, by virtue of generally being perceived to be more precise, Nerdy speakers are granted higher epistemic credibility than Chill ones. The emerging picture is one in which TVJ assessments are affected by social considerations in a different way from other experimental tasks, suggesting a nuanced interplay between social information and different interpretation tasks and processe

    Strict finitism, feasibility, and the sorites

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    This paper bears on four topics: observational predicates and phenomenal properties, vagueness, strict finitism as a philosophy of mathematics, and the analysis of feasible computability. It is argued that reactions to strict finitism point towards a seman- tics for vague predicates in the form of nonstandard models of weak arithmetical theories of the sort originally introduced to characterize the notion of feasibility as understood in computational complexity theory. The approach described eschews the use of non-classical logic and related devices like degrees of truth or supervaluation. Like epistemic approaches to vagueness, it may thus be smoothly integrated with the use of classical model theory as widely employed in natural language semantics. But unlike epistemicism, the described approach fails to imply either the existence of sharp boundaries or the failure of tolerance for soritical predicates. Applications of measurement theory (in the sense of Krantz et al. 1971) to vagueness in the nonstandard setting are also explored

    Overinterpreting Law

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    Overinterpretation has attracted considerable attention in other fields, such as literary studies, science, and rhetoric, but it is undertheorized in law. This Article attempts to initiate a theory of legal overinterpretation by examining the rhetorical nature of excess, the sociological dimensions of roles in team performances, and citation to legal and non-legal sources that have discussed overinterpretation. The Article concludes by positing illustrative categories of potential legal overinterpretation, and providing an examination of ways to minimize legal overinterpretation through a judicious, pragmatic balance between abstract considerations and concrete considerations in law

    The Self-Delegation False Alarm: Analyzing Auer Deference’s Effect on Agency Rules

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    Auer deference holds that reviewing courts should defer to agen­cies when the latter interpret their own preexisting regulations. This doc­trine relieves pressure on agencies to undergo costly notice-and-com­ment rulemaking each time interpretation of existing regulations is neces­sary. But according to some leading scholars and jurists, the doc­trine actually encourages agencies to promulgate vague rules in the first instance, augmenting agency power and violating core separation of pow­ers norms in the process. The claim that Auer perversely encourages agencies to “self-delegate”—that is, to create vague rules that can later be informally interpreted by agencies with latitude due to judicial defer­ence—has helped to persuade the Supreme Court to take up this term the question of whether to overturn the doctrine. Yet, surprisingly, the self-delega­tion thesis has never been tested. This Article scrutinizes the thesis empirically, using an original and extensive dataset of the texts of federal rules from 1982 to 2016. My lin­guistic analysis reveals that agencies did not measurably increase the vagueness of their writing in response to Auer. If anything, rule writ­ing arguably became more specific over time, at least by one measure, despite Auer’s increasing prominence. These findings run against common wisdom, but they should not be at all surprising. The self-delegation thesis depends on a model of agency behavior that is inconsistent with what is known about the insti­tutional pressures and cognitive horizons that cause agencies to pur­sue clarity in rule writing. By revealing the failures of theoretical predictions about Auer, this Article more generally draws attention to the need to test behavioral theories of administrative law against empiri­cal reality before unsettling settled law

    Silence at a Price? Judicial Questionnaires and the Independence of Alaska’s Judiciary

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    The real estate industry is facing a major change. The activity based working is promoted heavily by real estate companies, brokers and consultants as the future workplace. Knowledge and information is however limited. Many concepts have a tendency to get mixed up when companies on the market choose to formulate their own concepts. The research is neglected, and more focused on health and design. This thesis focuses on describing how the market may evolve the knowledge and how to implement the activity based working in the workplaces. Purpose The thesis aims to conduct a study to clarify the question of what activity based working means. The focus will be to examining the current work that is proceeding on the market but also explore if it would be possible to facilitate the implementation of the activity based working by using explorative factor analysis. Primary questions ‱ How to define activity based working? ‱ Which theories support the discussion and definition of activity based working? ‱ Which concepts are available on the market today and how are these promoted? ‱ Can the implementation of the activity based working be facilitated by using an activity based scale that measures needs and reactions in different workplace environments? Method The thesis consists of both a qualitative and a quantitative study. The qualitative study is based on interviews and a survey of how the market perceive the activity based working and with which keywords associated with the concept. In total, seven interviews were conducted. The quantitative survey consised of approximately 1000 surveys. Conclusions ‱ Importance of a common definition and market approach for activity based working ‱ Manage the self interest in the market to ensure a good development of activity based working ‱ Activity based working is not just about design and floorlayouts. ‱ Knowledge sharing should be prioritized ‱ Organization, Technology and Premises are all very influencing aspects ‱ The implementation requires a lot of time and effort ‱ Through exploratory factor analysis, is it possible to define the driving forxes within the organization. ‱ The workplace is no longer a specific place. It is an activity that can be performed in multiple places. Future research Future research should focus to continuing efforts on create an overall overview of the activity based working, but also develop clear and efficient processes for the implementation of the activity based working. Other interesting aspects are the international dimension of the work. The development with activity based working will in the future not only be applied on offices. To therefore explore how various industries work with the concepts and if there are any specific needs to develop in the future. Definition In the analysis chapter the author presents a comprehensive definition of activity based working which is developed with the support by the qualitative and quantitative research: “Based on the activities that occur in the workplace, teadership, facilities, and technology are customized to effectively and in a structured way maximize the benefits and value of the work that the individuals performs”Fastighetsbranschen stĂ„r inför en förĂ€ndring. Det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€ttet marknadsförs starkt av fastighetsbolag, mĂ€klare och konsulter som det framtida arbetssĂ€ttet. Kunskapen och informationen Ă€r dock bristfĂ€llig. MĂ„nga begrepp har en tendens att blandas ihop dĂ„ aktörer vĂ€ljer att formulera sina egna begrepp. Forskningen Ă€r eftersatt och mer fokuserad pĂ„ hĂ€lsa och design. Detta examensarbete fokuserar dĂ€rför pĂ„ att redogöra för hur arbetssĂ€ttet kan utvecklas och hur arbetet i framtiden skall pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt implementera det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€ttet inom svenska företag och organisationer. Syfte Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att bringa klarhet i frĂ„gan om vad ett aktivitetsbaserat arbetssĂ€tt Ă€r. Fokus kommer Ă€ven ligga i att undersöka det pĂ„gĂ„ende arbetet pĂ„ marknaden och olika aktörers syn pĂ„ arbetssĂ€ttet. I arbetet undersöks Ă€ven om det skulle vara möjligt att underlĂ€tta implementeringen av ett aktivitetsbaserat arbetsĂ€tt med hjĂ€lp av en aktivitetsbaserad skala som mĂ€ter reaktioner pĂ„ olika arbetsmiljöer. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar ‱ Hur definieras aktivitetsbaserat arbetsĂ€tt? ‱ Vilka teorier stödjer diskussionen och definitionen av aktivitetsbaserat arbetssĂ€tt? ‱ Vilka koncept finns idag pĂ„ marknaden inom aktivitetsbaserat arbetsĂ€tt och hur preciseras och presenteras dessa? ‱ Kan implementeringen av ett aktivitetsbaserat arbetsĂ€tt underlĂ€ttas med hjĂ€lp av en aktivitetsbaserad skala som mĂ€ter behov och reaktioner pĂ„ arbetsplatsmiljöer? Metod Undersökningen bestĂ„r dels av en kvalitativ samt en kvantitativ del. Den kvalitativa delen baseras pĂ„ intervjuer och en marknadsundersökning över hur aktörer pĂ„ marknaden uppfattar det aktivitetsbaserade begreppet och vilka nyckelord som anvĂ€nds frekvent. Sammanlagt har sju Ă€ven intervjuer genomförts med framstĂ„ende personer inom Ă€mnesomrĂ„det. Den kvantitativa undersökningen bestĂ„r av ett 100-tal enkĂ€ter som undersökt kunskapen om det aktivitetsbaserade begreppet inom marknaden och Ă€ven hĂ€r vilka nyckelord som anvĂ€nds frekvent. Slutsatser ‱ Samtliga aktörer bör enas om gemensam definition, information och kommunikation av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€ttet ‱ Hantera marknadens starka egenintresse av arbetssĂ€ttets utvekcling för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla en en seriös och förtreoendegivande bild av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€tt ‱ Aktivitetsbaserat arbetssĂ€tt har mĂ„nga fler dimensioner Ă€n design och planlösningar ‱ Kunskapsspridning inom Ă€mnesomrĂ„det bör prioriteras och sĂ€kerstĂ€llas ‱ Organisation, Ledarskap, Medarbetare, Teknik och Lokal Ă€r samtliga aspekter som bör beaktas vid implementeringen av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€ttet ‱ Aktivitetsbaserat arbetssĂ€tt Ă€r en förĂ€ndringsprocess som krĂ€ver kraft, engagemang och tid ‱ Genom explorativ faktoranalys kan tydliga drivande aspekter urskiljas inom organisationer (AktivitetsBaserad Skala) ‱ Arbetsplatsen Ă€r inte lĂ€ngre en specifik plats utan en aktivitet som kan utföras pĂ„ mĂ€ngder av platser. Framtida forskning Den framtida forskningen bör fokuseras pĂ„ att dels fortsĂ€tta arbetet med att skapa en helhetsbild av arbetssĂ€ttet men Ă€ven möjliggöra tydliga och effektiva processer för implementering av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssĂ€ttet. Det internationella perspektivet Ă€r idag mindre utforskat. Ytterliggare ett omrĂ„de som Ă€r av intresse Ă€r hur olika branscher ser pĂ„ utveckling av arbetssĂ€ttet och vilka specifika behov dessa branscher möjligen har. Definition I det avslutande kapitlet redogörs en samlad definition av aktivitetsbaserat arbetsssĂ€tt som Ă€r framtagen med stöd av den kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningen: “ UtifrĂ„n de aktiviteter som sker pĂ„ arbetsplatsen anpassas ledarskap, lokaler och teknik för att pĂ„ ett effektivt och strukturerat sĂ€tt maximera nyttan och vĂ€rdet i det arbete som individerna utför
