7 research outputs found

    Semantic annotations on heritage models: 2D/3D approaches and future research challenges

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    Research in the field of Cultural Heritage is increasingly moving towards the creation of digital information systems, in which the geometric representation of an artifact is linked to some external information, through meaningful tags. The process of attributing additional and structured information to various elements in a given digital model is customarily identified with the term semantic annotation; the added contextual information is associated, for instance, to analysis and conservation terms. Starting from the existing literature, aim of this work is to discuss how semantic annotations are used, in digital architectural heritage models, to link the geometrical representation of an artefact with knowledge-related information. Most consolidated methods -such as traditional mapping on 2D media, are compared with more recent approaches making the most of 3D representation. Reference is made, in particular, to Heritage-BIM techniques and to collaborative reality-based platforms, such as Aïoli (http://aioli.cloud). Potentialities and limits of the different solutions proposed in literature are critically discussed, also addressing future research challenges in Cultural Heritage application fields


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    Abstract. Research in the field of Cultural Heritage is increasingly moving towards the creation of digital information systems, in which the geometric representation of an artifact is linked to some external information, through meaningful tags. The process of attributing additional and structured information to various elements in a given digital model is customarily identified with the term semantic annotation; the added contextual information is associated, for instance, to analysis and conservation terms. Starting from the existing literature, aim of this work is to discuss how semantic annotations are used, in digital architectural heritage models, to link the geometrical representation of an artefact with knowledge-related information. Most consolidated methods -such as traditional mapping on 2D media, are compared with more recent approaches making the most of 3D representation. Reference is made, in particular, to Heritage-BIM techniques and to collaborative reality-based platforms, such as Aïoli (http://aioli.cloud). Potentialities and limits of the different solutions proposed in literature are critically discussed, also addressing future research challenges in Cultural Heritage application fields

    Reasoning on crowd-sourced semantic annotations to facilitate cataloguing of 3D artefacts in the cultural heritage domain

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    The 3D Semantic Annotation (3DSA) system expedites the classification of 3D digital surrogates from the cultural heritage domain, by leveraging crowd-sourced semantic annotations. More specifically, the 3DSA system generates high-level classifications of 3D objects by applying rule-based reasoning across community-generated annotations and low-level shape and size attributes. This paper describes a particular use of the 3DSA system - cataloguing Greek pottery. It also describes our novel approach to rule-based reasoning that is modelled on concepts inspired from Markov logic networks. Our evaluation of this approach demonstrates its efficiency, accuracy and versatility, compared to classical rule-based reasoning

    Obtener un método para la extracción de información a partir de documentos semiestructurados producidos al interior del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, permitiendo su publicación, reutilización e intercambio a través de la web semántica

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    Actualmente en el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, existen gran cantidad de archivos, los cuales contienen información textual de manera semiestructurada, lo cual dificulta realizar consultas SQL complejas sobre la información allí contenida, impidiendo que esta información pueda ser utilizada de manera activa al interior de la Entidad. Aunque actualmente la entidad posee un avanzado gestor documental, el cual se encarga de gestionar, almacenar e indexar los documentos producidos por procesos realizados al interior de la entidad, la información que se puede extraer de los mismos es bastante limitada, obligando en muchas ocasiones a abrir el documento para poder observar con mayor detalle el contenido en su interior. Además la indexación de estos documentos, en la mayoría de los casos se realiza 100% manual, lo que expone a la entidad a errores humanos debidos a los altos volúmenes de documentos generados, así como a las múltiples fuentes que los generan; Esto impide que la información histórica contenida en estos documentos sea utilizada eficazmente como soporte en la toma de decisiones de la entidad. Para dar una alternativa de solucion a este problema es necesario construir una base de conocimiento siguiendo la estructura y los lineamientos de datos enlazados, que permitan que esta información relevante pueda ser publicada, consultada y usada como insumo vital en la toma de decisiones al interior de la entidad. Para esto durante el desarrollo de este trabajo se pretende obtener un método para la extracción de información a partir de documentos semiestructurados producidos al interior del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, Este método será plasmado en un prototipo que permitirá extraer la información necesaria mediante cuatro fases que abarcan desde la Extracción de Información hasta la fase de Persistencia de conocimiento, de manera que sea posible inferir la información requerida.Abstract. Now in the Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, there are lots of files, which contain textual semi-structured information, making it difficult to perform complex SQL queries about the information contained therein, preventing this information can be actively used inside SENA. Although the company now has an advanced document management system, which is responsible for managing, storing and indexing the documents produced by processes performed inside SENA, the information can be extracted from them is very limited, forcing many times to open the document to observe in detail the contents inside. Moreover indexing of these documents, in most cases 100% manually, which exposes the entity to human error due to high volumes of documents generated, as well as multiple sources that generate performed, this prevents the historical information contained in these documents to be used effectively as a support in the decision making in the organization. To give an alternative solution to this problem is necessary to build a knowledge base following the structure and guidelines linked data, which allow this relevant information can be posted, accessed and used as vital input in decision making inside the entity. For this during the development of this work it is to obtain a method for extracting information from semi-structured documents produced inside SENA, This method is embodied in a prototype which will extract the necessary information through four stages ranging from extraction to the phase information persistence of knowledge, so that it is possible to infer the required informationMaestrí

    Semantic annotation services for 3D models of cultural heritage artefacts

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    Investigating the use of 3D digitisation for public facing applications in cultural heritage institutions

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    This thesis contains research into the use of 3D digitisation technologies by cultural heritage institutions in public facing applications. It is particularly interested in those technologies that can be adopted by institutions with limited budget and no previous experience in 3D digitisation. Whilst there has been research in the area of 3D imaging by museums and cultural heritage institutions, the majority is concerned with the use of the technology for academic or professional, curatorial purposes and on technical comparisons of the various technologies used for capture. Similarly, research conducted on the use of 3D models for public facing and public engagement applications has tended to focus on the various capture technologies, while little has been published on processing raw data for public facing applications – a time-consuming and potentially costly procedure. This research will investigate the issues encountered through the entire 3D digitisation workflow, from capture through processing to dissemination, focusing on the specific problems inherent in public facing projects and the heterogeneous and often problematic nature of museum objects. There has been little research published on the efficacy of 3D models both as providers of informational content and as public engagement tools used to fulfil a cultural heritage institution’s public facing remit. This research assesses the utility of interactive 3D models, as well as rendered animations of 3D content used as in-gallery exhibits and disseminated online. It finds that there is a prima facie case for believing that 3D models may be used to further a museum’s engagement and educational aims, and that there is an appetite among the general public for the use of this type of content in cultural heritage applications. The research will also compare a variety of methods for assessing the success of models

    Il rilievo dell’Architettura tra identificazione tipologica e strutturazione semantica. La Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula nella rappresentazione digitale per il Cultural Heritage.

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    La digitalizzazione delle testimonianze del patrimonio costruito ha animato una nuova sfida dell’epoca contemporanea: la creazione di sistemi intelligenti, efficienti e scalabili per l’indicizzazione, l’archiviazione, la ricerca e la gestione delle collezioni digitali e della relativa documentazione. La strutturazione delle informazioni, spazializzate in ragione di attributi semantici, risponde efficacemente alle esigenze di documentazione e interoperabilità, proprie degli studi interdisciplinari, potenziando la condivisione delle risorse e la creazione collaborativa di conoscenza. L’analisi degli approcci formalizzati finora, mostra diverse questioni aperte e spunti di riflessione connessi con le implicazioni teoriche di una segmentazione architettonica guidata dalla semantica, con le potenzialità espressive e applicative di una interazione più immediata con la rappresentazione digitale nonché con le modalità di accesso e recupero della documentazione spazializzata. Un primo scopo della ricerca è la definizione di una metodologia di annotazione semantica che risolva l’ambiguità e codifichi l’incertezza della etichettatura, affinando la qualità dell’informazione. Una seconda finalità è l’indagine di approcci che razionalizzino e ottimizzino il processo di annotazione, migliorando l’interoperabilità e l’interpretabilità da parte di Intelligenze Artificiali