8 research outputs found


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    This research work presents a novel central processing unit-graphics processing unit (CPU-GPU) computing scheme for multiple object trackingduring a surveillance operation. This facilitates nonlinear computational jobs to avail completion of computation in minimal processing time for tracking function. The work is divided into two essential objectives. First is to dynamically divide the processing operations into parallel units, and second is to reduce the communication between CPU-GPU processing units

    Faster than FAST: GPU-Accelerated Frontend for High-Speed VIO

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    The recent introduction of powerful embedded graphics processing units (GPUs) has allowed for unforeseen improvements in real-time computer vision applications. It has enabled algorithms to run onboard, well above the standard video rates, yielding not only higher information processing capability, but also reduced latency. This work focuses on the applicability of efficient low-level, GPU hardware-specific instructions to improve on existing computer vision algorithms in the field of visual-inertial odometry (VIO). While most steps of a VIO pipeline work on visual features, they rely on image data for detection and tracking, of which both steps are well suited for parallelization. Especially non-maxima suppression and the subsequent feature selection are prominent contributors to the overall image processing latency. Our work first revisits the problem of non-maxima suppression for feature detection specifically on GPUs, and proposes a solution that selects local response maxima, imposes spatial feature distribution, and extracts features simultaneously. Our second contribution introduces an enhanced FAST feature detector that applies the aforementioned non-maxima suppression method. Finally, we compare our method to other state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations, where we always outperform all of them in feature tracking and detection, resulting in over 1000fps throughput on an embedded Jetson TX2 platform. Additionally, we demonstrate our work integrated in a VIO pipeline achieving a metric state estimation at ~200fps.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020. Open-source implementation available at https://github.com/uzh-rpg/vili

    A Monocular SLAM Method to Estimate Relative Pose During Satellite Proximity Operations

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    Automated satellite proximity operations is an increasingly relevant area of mission operations for the US Air Force with potential to significantly enhance space situational awareness (SSA). Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a computer vision method of constructing and updating a 3D map while keeping track of the location and orientation of the imaging agent inside the map. The main objective of this research effort is to design a monocular SLAM method customized for the space environment. The method developed in this research will be implemented in an indoor proximity operations simulation laboratory. A run-time analysis is performed, showing near real-time operation. The method is verified by comparing SLAM results to truth vertical rotation data from a CubeSat air bearing testbed. This work enables control and testing of simulated proximity operations hardware in a laboratory environment. Additionally, this research lays the foundation for autonomous satellite proximity operations with unknown targets and minimal additional size, weight, and power requirements, creating opportunities for numerous mission concepts not previously available

    Towards High Speed Aerial Tracking of Agile Targets

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    In order to provide a novel perspective for videography of high speed sporting events, a highly capable trajectory tracking control methodology is developed for a custom designed Kadet Senior Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The accompanying high fidelity system identification ensures that accurate flight models are used to design the control laws. A parallel vision based target tracking technique is also demonstrated and implemented on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), to assist in real-time tracking of the target. Nonlinear control techniques like feedback linearization require a detailed and accurate system model. This thesis discusses techniques used for estimating these models using data collected during planned test flights. A class of methods known as the Output Error Methods are discussed with extensions for dealing with wind turbulence. Implementation of these methods, including data acquisition details, on the Kadet Senior are also discussed. Results for this UAV are provided. For comparison, additional results using data from a BAC-221 simulation are also provided as well as typical results from the work done at the Dryden Flight Research Center. The proposed controller combines feedback linearization with linear tracking control using the internal model approach, and relies on a trajectory generating exosystem. Three different aircraft models are presented each with increasing levels of complexity, in an effort to identify the simplest controller that yields acceptable performance. The dynamic inversion and linear tracking control laws are derived for each model, and simulation results are presented for tracking of elliptical and periodic trajectories on the Kadet Senior

    Accelerated Object Tracking with Local Binary Features

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    Multi-object tracking is a problem with wide application in modern computing. Object tracking is leveraged in areas such as human computer interaction, autonomous vehicle navigation, panorama generation, as well as countless other robotic applications. Several trackers have demonstrated favorable results for tracking of single objects. However, modern object trackers must make significant tradeoffs in order to accommodate multiple objects while maintaining real-time performance. These tradeoffs include sacrifices in robustness and accuracy that adversely affect the results. This thesis details the design and multiple implementations of an object tracker that is focused on computational efficiency. The computational efficiency of the tracker is achieved through use of local binary descriptors in a template matching approach. Candidate templates are matched to a dictionary composed of both static and dynamic templates to allow for variation in the appearance of the object while minimizing the potential for drift in the tracker. Locality constraints have been used to reduce tracking jitter. Due to the significant promise for parallelization, the tracking algorithm was implemented on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) using the CUDA API. The tracker\u27s efficiency also led to its implantation on a mobile platform as one of the mobile trackers that can accurately track at faster than realtime speed. Benchmarks were performed to compare the proposed tracker to state of the art trackers on a wide range of standard test videos. The tracker implemented in this work has demonstrated a higher degree of accuracy while operating several orders of magnitude faster

    Fusion de données capteurs étendue pour applications vidéo embarquées

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    This thesis deals with sensor fusion between camera and inertial sensors measurements in order to provide a robust motion estimation algorithm for embedded video applications. The targeted platforms are mainly smartphones and tablets. We present a real-time, 2D online camera motion estimation algorithm combining inertial and visual measurements. The proposed algorithm extends the preemptive RANSAC motion estimation procedure with inertial sensors data, introducing a dynamic lagrangian hybrid scoring of the motion models, to make the approach adaptive to various image and motion contents. All these improvements are made with little computational cost, keeping the complexity of the algorithm low enough for embedded platforms. The approach is compared with pure inertial and pure visual procedures. A novel approach to real-time hybrid monocular visual-inertial odometry for embedded platforms is introduced. The interaction between vision and inertial sensors is maximized by performing fusion at multiple levels of the algorithm. Through tests conducted on sequences with ground-truth data specifically acquired, we show that our method outperforms classical hybrid techniques in ego-motion estimation.Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse se concentre sur la fusion des données d'une caméra et de capteurs inertiels afin d'effectuer une estimation robuste de mouvement pour des applications vidéos embarquées. Les appareils visés sont principalement les téléphones intelligents et les tablettes. On propose une nouvelle technique d'estimation de mouvement 2D temps réel, qui combine les mesures visuelles et inertielles. L'approche introduite se base sur le RANSAC préemptif, en l'étendant via l'ajout de capteurs inertiels. L'évaluation des modèles de mouvement se fait selon un score hybride, un lagrangien dynamique permettant une adaptation à différentes conditions et types de mouvements. Ces améliorations sont effectuées à faible coût, afin de permettre une implémentation sur plateforme embarquée. L'approche est comparée aux méthodes visuelles et inertielles. Une nouvelle méthode d'odométrie visuelle-inertielle temps réelle est présentée. L'interaction entre les données visuelles et inertielles est maximisée en effectuant la fusion dans de multiples étapes de l'algorithme. A travers des tests conduits sur des séquences acquises avec la vérité terrain, nous montrons que notre approche produit des résultats supérieurs aux techniques classiques de l'état de l'art

    Real-Time Scheduling for GPUs with Applications in Advanced Automotive Systems

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    Self-driving cars, once constrained to closed test tracks, are beginning to drive alongside human drivers on public roads. Loss of life or property may result if the computing systems of automated vehicles fail to respond to events at the right moment. We call such systems that must satisfy precise timing constraints “real-time systems.” Since the 1960s, researchers have developed algorithms and analytical techniques used in the development of real-time systems; however, this body of knowledge primarily applies to traditional CPU-based platforms. Unfortunately, traditional platforms cannot meet the computational requirements of self-driving cars without exceeding the power and cost constraints of commercially viable vehicles. We argue that modern graphics processing units, or GPUs, represent a feasible alternative, but new algorithms and analytical techniques must be developed in order to integrate these uniquely constrained processors into a real-time system. The goal of the research presented in this dissertation is to discover and remedy the issues that prevent the use of GPUs in real-time systems. To overcome these issues, we design and implement a real-time multi-GPU scheduler, called GPUSync. GPUSync tightly controls access to a GPU’s computational and DMA processors, enabling simultaneous use despite potential limitations in GPU hardware. GPUSync enables tasks to migrate among GPUs, allowing new classes of real-time multi-GPU computing platforms. GPUSync employs heuristics to guide scheduling decisions to improve system efficiency without risking violations in real-time constraints. GPUSync may be paired with a wide variety of common real-time CPU schedulers. GPUSync supports closed-source GPU runtimes and drivers without loss in functionality. We evaluate GPUSync with both analytical and runtime experiments. In our analytical experiments, we model and evaluate over fifty configurations of GPUSync. We determine which configurations support the greatest computational capacity while maintaining real-time constraints. In our runtime experiments, we execute computer vision programs similar to those found in automated vehicles, with and without GPUSync. Our results demonstrate that GPUSync greatly reduces jitter in video processing. Research into real-time systems with GPUs is a new area of study. Although there is prior work on such systems, no other GPU scheduling framework is as comprehensive and flexible as GPUSync.Doctor of Philosoph