10 research outputs found

    Realizing a Low-latency Virtual Reality Environment for Motor Learning

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    Waltemate T, Hülsmann F, Pfeiffer T, Kopp S, Botsch M. Realizing a Low-latency Virtual Reality Environment for Motor Learning. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. VRST '15. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2015: 139-147.Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to support motor learning in ways exceeding beyond the possibilities provided by real world environments. New feedback mechanisms can be implemented that support motor learning during the performance of the trainee and afterwards as a performance review. As a consequence, VR environments excel in controlled evaluations, which has been proven in many other application scenarios. However, in the context of motor learning of complex tasks, including full-body movements, questions regarding the main technical parameters of such a system, in particular that of the required maximum latency, have not been addressed in depth. To fill this gap, we propose a set of requirements towards VR systems for motor learning, with a special focus on motion capturing and rendering. We then assess and evaluate state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for motion capturing and rendering, in order to provide data on latencies for different setups. We focus on the end-to-end latency of the overall system, and present an evaluation of an exemplary system that has been developed to meet these requirements

    The ICSPACE Platform: A Virtual Reality Setup for Experiments in Motor Learning

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    Hülsmann F, Waltemate T, Pfeiffer T, et al. The ICSPACE Platform: A Virtual Reality Setup for Experiments in Motor Learning. Presented at the Virtual Environments: Current Topics in Psychological Research (VECTOR), Tübingen, Germany

    The Intelligent Coaching Space: A Demonstration

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    de Kok I, Hülsmann F, Waltemate T, et al. The Intelligent Coaching Space: A Demonstration. In: Beskow J, Peters C, Castellano G, O'Sullivan C, Leite I, Kopp S, eds. Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents from August 27th to 30th in Stockholm, Sweden. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10498. Cham: Springer; 2017: 105-108

    User satisfaction on virtual reality taekwondo training material

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    This study focuses on the design and development of Virtual Taekwondo Training Environment (VT2E) prototype as a supplementary material for self-directed Taekwondo training. Even though there are varieties of supplementary Taekwondo training materials available, most of them have limitations in supporting self-directed training. The results of the preliminary study clearly indicated the importance of self-directed Taekwondo training among the trainees and they are facing problems while performing self-directed training at home since they do not have proper supplementary training materials to guide them. Thus, the research aims to propose the VT2E prototype as a supplementary material for self-directed Taekwondo training which incorporates Virtual Reality (VR) and Motion Capture (MoCap) technologies which is to study the trainees’ satisfaction in terms of Engaging, Presence, Usefulness and Ease of Use. The methodology of this study consists of three phases, namely; information gathering, prototype design and development and evaluation which is adapted from Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2008). In providing a useful and effective training material, the prototype incorporates the Constructivist Theory and Theory of Flow. Perception, Pearson Correlation and Regression analyses were used to determine the effects of Engaging, Presence, Usefulness and Ease of Use on trainees’ Satisfaction in using the VT2E prototype. The results provided empirical support for the positive and statistically significant relationships between usefulness and ease of use on trainees’ satisfaction. However, Engaging and Presence did not have positive and significant relationships with satisfaction. As for the conclusion, this study has looked into the possibility of introducing a new approach of training through the use of the two technologies. It is hopeful that this prototype can be a guide for self-directed Taekwondo training in enhancing the skills and performances and indirectly fullfil the trainees’ satisfaction

    Virtual reality obstacle crossing: adaptation, retention and transfer to the physical world

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    Virtual reality (VR) paradigms are increasingly being used in movement and exercise sciences with the aim to enhance motor function and stimulate motor adaptation in healthy and pathological conditions. Locomotor training based in VR may be promising for motor skill learning, with transfer of VR skills to the physical world in turn required to benefit functional activities of daily life. This PhD project aims to examine locomotor adaptations to repeated VR obstacle crossing in healthy young adults as well as transfers to the untrained limb and the physical world, and retention potential of the learned skills. For these reasons, the current thesis comprises three studies using controlled VR obstacle crossing interventions during treadmill walking. In the first and second studies we investigated adaptation to crossing unexpectedly appearing virtual obstacles, with and without feedback about crossing performance, and its transfer to the untrained leg. In the third study we investigated transfer of virtual obstacle crossing to physical obstacles of similar size to the virtual ones, that appeared at the same time point within the gait cycle. We also investigated whether the learned skills can be retained in each of the environments over one week. In all studies participants were asked to walk on a treadmill while wearing a VR headset that represented their body as an avatar via real-time synchronised optical motion capture. Participants had to cross virtual and/or physical obstacles with and without feedback about their crossing performance. If applicable, feedback was provided based on motion capture immediately after virtual obstacle crossing. Toe clearance, margin of stability, and lower extremity joint angles in the sagittal plane were calculated for the crossing legs to analyse adaptation, transfer, and retention of obstacle crossing performance. The main outcomes of the first and second studies were that crossing multiple virtual obstacles increased participants’ dynamic stability and led to a nonlinear adaptation of toe clearance that was enhanced by visual feedback about crossing performance. However, independent of the use of feedback, no transfer to the untrained leg was detected. Moreover, despite significant and rapid adaptive changes in locomotor kinematics with repeated VR obstacle crossing, results of the third study revealed limited transfer of learned skills from virtual to physical obstacles. Lastly, despite full retention over one week in the virtual environment we found only partial retention when crossing a physical obstacle while walking on the treadmill. In summary, the findings of this PhD project confirmed that repeated VR obstacle perturbations can effectively stimulate locomotor skill adaptations. However, these are not transferable to the untrained limb irrespective of enhanced awareness and feedback. Moreover, the current data provide evidence that, despite significant adaptive changes in locomotion kinematics with repeated practice of obstacle crossing under VR conditions, transfer to and retention in the physical environment is limited. It may be that perception-action coupling in the virtual environment, and thus sensorimotor coordination, differs from the physical world, potentially inhibiting retained transfer between those two conditions. Accordingly, VR-based locomotor skill training paradigms need to be considered carefully if they are to replace training in the physical world

    Stereoscopic Vision in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Search and Rescue

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    Search and rescue operations are challenging due to the hazards imposed on the rescue teams. Team ARM IT has developed a virtual reality interface that controls a mounted camera payload on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) through a head mounted display. This allows rescuers to manipulate a UAV to assist search and rescue missions safely and effectively through telepresence and enhanced situational awareness. The team tested these hypotheses by prototyping, testing, and refining individual components of the system through the use of flight simulation software and on-site volunteer testing. By providing a realistic sense of the UAV environment enhanced with relevant information, Team ARM IT’s project reduces the danger to the rescuers and provide cognitively natural situational awareness

    Realizing a low-latency virtual reality environment for motor learning

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