7 research outputs found

    3D tracking of laparoscopic instruments using statistical and geometric modeling

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    International audienceDuring a laparoscopic surgery, the endoscope can be manipulated by an assistant or a robot. Several teams have worked on the tracking of surgical instruments, based on methods ranging from the development of specific devices to image processing methods. We propose to exploit the instruments' insertion points, which are fixed on the patients abdominal cavity, as a geometric constraint for the localization of the instruments. A simple geometric model of a laparoscopic instrument is described, as well as a parametrization that exploits a spherical geometric grid, which offers attracting homogeneity and isotropy properties. The general architecture of our proposed approach is based on the probabilistic Condensation algorithm

    Combining Differential Kinematics and Optical Flow for Automatic Labeling of Continuum Robots in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    International audienceThe segmentation of continuum robots in medical images can be of interest for analyzing surgical procedures or for controlling them. However, the automatic segmentation of continuous and flexible shapes is not an easy task. On one hand conventional approaches are not adapted to the specificities of these instruments, such as imprecise kinematic models, and on the other hand techniques based on deep-learning showed interesting capabilities but need many manually labeled images. In this article we propose a novel approach for segmenting continuum robots on endoscopic images, which requires no prior on the instrument visual appearance and no manual annotation of images. The method relies on the use of the combination of kinematic models and differential kinematic models of the robot and the analysis of optical flow in the images. A cost function aggregating information from the acquired image, from optical flow and from robot encoders is optimized using particle swarm optimization and provides estimated parameters of the pose of the continuum instrument and a mask defining the instrument in the image. In addition a temporal consistency is assessed in order to improve stochastic optimization and reject outliers. The proposed approach has been tested for the robotic instruments of a flexible endoscopy platform both for benchtop acquisitions and an in vivo video. The results show the ability of the technique to correctly segment the instruments without a prior, and in challenging conditions. The obtained segmentation can be used for several applications, for instance for providing automatic labels for machine learning techniques

    Segmentation of surgical tools from laparoscopy images

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    Relatório de projeto de mestrado em Engenharia BiomédicaCirurgias roboticamente assistidas têm vindo a substituir as cirurgias abertas com enorme impacto no tempo de convalescença do paciente e consequentemente em tudo o que isso implica, economia de recursos no sector da saúde e a retoma antecipada das atividades laborais do paciente. Este tipo de cirurgia auxiliada por um sistema robótico é guiado por uma câmara laparoscópica, facultando ao médico uma visão das partes anatómicas do paciente. A fim do cirurgião se encontrar apto para operar este equipamento tem de passar por inúmeras horas de formação, tornando o processo desgastante e dispendioso. Para além do referido, a manipulação dos instrumentos cirúrgicos em concordância com a câmara laparoscópica não é de todo um processo intuitivo, ou seja, os erros de natureza subjetiva não são erradicados. A diretiva desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um sistema automático capaz de segmentar instrumentos cirúrgicos, possibilitando desta forma a monitorização constante da posição dos instrumentos. Para tal foram explorados diferentes modelos de aprendizagem automática. Numa segunda fase, foram considerados métodos que pudessem ser incorporados no modelo base. Tendo-se encontrado uma resposta, partiu-se para a comparação dos modelos previamente selecionados, com o modelo base e ainda com o otimizado. Numa terceira abordagem, de forma a melhorar as métricas que serviram de comparação, procurou-se por soluções alternativas, nomeadamente a geração de dados artificiais. Neste ponto, deparou-se com duas possibilidades, uma baseada em sistemas de aprendizagem autónoma por competição e outra em sistemas de aprendizagem de síntese de imagens a partir de ruido com densidade espectral sucessivamente incrementada. Ambas as abordagens permitiram o aumento da base de dados tendo-se aferido a sua eficácia por comparação do efeito do aumento de dados nos sistemas de segmentação. O sistema proposto pode vir a ser implementado em cirurgias roboticamente assistidas, necessitando apenas de mínimas alterações.Robotic-assisted surgeries have been replacing open surgeries with a significant impact on patient recovery time, and consequently, on various aspects such as healthcare resource savings and the early resumption of the patient's work activities. This type of surgery, assisted by a robotic system, is guided by a laparoscopic camera, providing the surgeon with a view of the patient's anatomical structures. To operate this equipment, surgeons must undergo numerous hours of training, making the process exhaustive and costly. In addition, manipulating surgical instruments in coordination with the laparoscopic camera is not an intuitive process, meaning errors of a subjective nature are not eliminated. The objective of this thesis is the development of an automated system capable of segmenting surgical instruments, thereby enabling constant monitoring of their positions. Various machine learning models were explored to address this issue. In a second phase, methods that could be incorporated into the base model were considered. Once a solution was found, a comparison was made between the previously selected models, the base model, and the optimized model. In a third approach, with the aim of improving the comparison metrics, alternative solutions were sought, including the generation of synthetic data. At this point, two possibilities were encountered, one based on autonomous learning systems through competition and the other on image synthesis learning systems from progressively increasing noise spectral density. Both approaches expanded the available database, and their effectiveness was evaluated by comparing the impact of data augmentation on segmentation systems. The proposed system can potentially be implemented in robotic-assisted surgeries with minimal modifications

    Vision-based methods for state estimation and control of robotic systems with application to mobile and surgical robots

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    For autonomous systems that need to perceive the surrounding environment for the accomplishment of a given task, vision is a highly informative exteroceptive sensory source. When gathering information from the available sensors, in fact, the richness of visual data allows to provide a complete description of the environment, collecting geometrical and semantic information (e.g., object pose, distances, shapes, colors, lights). The huge amount of collected data allows to consider both methods exploiting the totality of the data (dense approaches), or a reduced set obtained from feature extraction procedures (sparse approaches). This manuscript presents dense and sparse vision-based methods for control and sensing of robotic systems. First, a safe navigation scheme for mobile robots, moving in unknown environments populated by obstacles, is presented. For this task, dense visual information is used to perceive the environment (i.e., detect ground plane and obstacles) and, in combination with other sensory sources, provide an estimation of the robot motion with a linear observer. On the other hand, sparse visual data are extrapolated in terms of geometric primitives, in order to implement a visual servoing control scheme satisfying proper navigation behaviours. This controller relies on visual estimated information and is designed in order to guarantee safety during navigation. In addition, redundant structures are taken into account to re-arrange the internal configuration of the robot and reduce its encumbrance when the workspace is highly cluttered. Vision-based estimation methods are relevant also in other contexts. In the field of surgical robotics, having reliable data about unmeasurable quantities is of great importance and critical at the same time. In this manuscript, we present a Kalman-based observer to estimate the 3D pose of a suturing needle held by a surgical manipulator for robot-assisted suturing. The method exploits images acquired by the endoscope of the robot platform to extrapolate relevant geometrical information and get projected measurements of the tool pose. This method has also been validated with a novel simulator designed for the da Vinci robotic platform, with the purpose to ease interfacing and employment in ideal conditions for testing and validation. The Kalman-based observers mentioned above are classical passive estimators, whose system inputs used to produce the proper estimation are theoretically arbitrary. This does not provide any possibility to actively adapt input trajectories in order to optimize specific requirements on the performance of the estimation. For this purpose, active estimation paradigm is introduced and some related strategies are presented. More specifically, a novel active sensing algorithm employing visual dense information is described for a typical Structure-from-Motion (SfM) problem. The algorithm generates an optimal estimation of a scene observed by a moving camera, while minimizing the maximum uncertainty of the estimation. This approach can be applied to any robotic platforms and has been validated with a manipulator arm equipped with a monocular camera

    Suivi automatique d'instruments dans les séquences d'images thoracoscopiques

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    Anatomie de la structure thoracique -- Chirurgie minimalement invasive -- Contexte clinique -- Système de navigation pour le rachis -- Approches au suivi d'instruments chirurgicaux -- Techniques de suivi d'objets à travers une séquence d'images -- Objectifs spécifiques du projet -- Méthodologie -- Extraction des caractéristiques de l'instrument -- Suivi temporel par filtrage particulaire -- Méthode d'évaluation et de validation -- Interface graphique et mise en contexte -- Extraction des caractéristiques de l'instrument -- Suivi automatique des instruments -- Précision de la procédure de suivi -- Temps de calcul -- Limites de la méthode proposée

    Visual Tracking of Instruments in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Reducing access trauma has been a focal point for modern surgery and tackling the challenges that arise from new operating techniques and instruments is an exciting and open area of research. Lack of awareness and control from indirect manipulation and visualization has created a need to augment the surgeon's understanding and perception of how their instruments interact with the patient's anatomy but current methods of achieving this are inaccurate and difficult to integrate into the surgical workflow. Visual methods have the potential to recover the position and orientation of the instruments directly in the reference frame of the observing camera without the need to introduce additional hardware to the operating room and perform complex calibration steps. This thesis explores how this problem can be solved with the fusion of coarse region and fine scale point features to enable the recovery of both the rigid and articulated degrees of freedom of laparoscopic and robotic instruments using only images provided by the surgical camera. Extensive experiments on different image features are used to determine suitable representations for reliable and robust pose estimation. Using this information a novel framework is presented which estimates 3D pose with a region matching scheme while using frame-to-frame optical flow to account for challenges due to symmetry in the instrument design. The kinematic structure of articulated robotic instruments is also used to track the movement of the head and claspers. The robustness of this method was evaluated on calibrated ex-vivo images and in-vivo sequences and comparative studies are performed with state-of-the-art kinematic assisted tracking methods