3 research outputs found

    Real-time pedestrian counting by active linear cameras

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    International audienc

    Pedestrian Detection by Computer Vision.

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    This document describes work aimed at determining whether the detection, bycomputer vision, of pedestrians waiting at signal-controlled road crossings could bemade sufficiently reliable and affordable, using currently available technology, so asto be suitable for widespread use in traffic control systems.The work starts by examining the need for pedestrian detection in traffic controlsystems and then goes onto look at the specific problems of applying a vision systemto the detection task. The most important distinctive features of the pedestriandetection task addressed in this work are:• The operating conditions are an outdoor environment with no constraints onfactors such as variation in illumination, presence of shadows and the effects ofadverse weather.• Pedestrians may be moving or static and are not limited to certain orientations orto movement in a single direction.• The number of pedestrians to be monitored is not restricted such that the visionsystem must cope with the monitoring of multiple targets concurrently.• The background scene is complex and so contains image features that tend todistract a vision system from the successful detection of pedestrians.• Pedestrian attire is unconstrained so detection must occur even when details ofpedestrian shape are hidden by items such as coats and hats.• The camera's position is such that assumptions commonly used by vision systemsto avoid the effects of occlusion, perspective and viewpoint variation are not valid.•The implementation cost of the system, in moderate volumes, must be realistic forwidespread installation.A review of relevant prior art in computer vision with respect to the above demands ispresented. Thereafter techniques developed by the author to overcome thesedifficulties are developed and evaluated over an extensive test set of image sequencesrepresentative of the range of conditions found in the real world.The work has resulted in the development of a vision system which has been shown toattain a useful level of performance under a wide range of environmental andtransportation conditions. This was achieved, in real-time, using low-cost processingand sensor components so demonstrating the viability of developing the results of thiswork into a practical detector