2,687 research outputs found

    Study of Fingerprint Enhancement and Matching

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    Fingerprint is the oldest and popular form of bio-metric identification. Extract Minutiae is most used method for automatic fingerprint matching, every person fingerprint has some unique characteristics called minutiae. But studying the extract minutiae from the fingerprint images and matching it with database is depend on the image quality of finger impression. To make sure the performance of finger impression identification we have to robust the quality of fingerprint image by a suitable fingerprint enhancement algorithm. Here we work with a quick finger impression enhancement algorithm that improve the lucidity of valley and ridge structure based on estimated local orientation and frequency. After enhancement of sample fingerprint, sample fingerprint is matched with the database fingerprints, for that we had done feature extraction, minutiae representation and registration. But due to Spurious and missing minutiae the accuracy of fingerprint matching affected. We had done a detail relevant finger impression matching method build on the Shape Context descriptor, where the hybrid shape and orientation descriptor solve the problem. Hybrid shape descriptor filter out the unnatural minutia paring and ridge orientation descriptor improve the matching score. Matching score is generated and utilized for measuring the accuracy of execution of the proposed algorithm. Results demonstrated that the algorithm is exceptionally satisfactory for recognizing fingerprints acquired from diverse sources. Experimental results demonstrate enhancement algorithm also improves the matching accuracy

    A Review of Audio Features and Statistical Models Exploited for Voice Pattern Design

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    Audio fingerprinting, also named as audio hashing, has been well-known as a powerful technique to perform audio identification and synchronization. It basically involves two major steps: fingerprint (voice pattern) design and matching search. While the first step concerns the derivation of a robust and compact audio signature, the second step usually requires knowledge about database and quick-search algorithms. Though this technique offers a wide range of real-world applications, to the best of the authors' knowledge, a comprehensive survey of existing algorithms appeared more than eight years ago. Thus, in this paper, we present a more up-to-date review and, for emphasizing on the audio signal processing aspect, we focus our state-of-the-art survey on the fingerprint design step for which various audio features and their tractable statistical models are discussed.Comment: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2015/PATTERNS15.html ; Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2015), Mar 2015, Nice, Franc

    A new algorithm for minutiae extraction and matching in fingerprint

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.A novel algorithm for fingerprint template formation and matching in automatic fingerprint recognition has been developed. At present, fingerprint is being considered as the dominant biometric trait among all other biometrics due to its wide range of applications in security and access control. Most of the commercially established systems use singularity point (SP) or ‘core’ point for fingerprint indexing and template formation. The efficiency of these systems heavily relies on the detection of the core and the quality of the image itself. The number of multiple SPs or absence of ‘core’ on the image can cause some anomalies in the formation of the template and may result in high False Acceptance Rate (FAR) or False Rejection Rate (FRR). Also the loss of actual minutiae or appearance of new or spurious minutiae in the scanned image can contribute to the error in the matching process. A more sophisticated algorithm is therefore necessary in the formation and matching of templates in order to achieve low FAR and FRR and to make the identification more accurate. The novel algorithm presented here does not rely on any ‘core’ or SP thus makes the structure invariant with respect to global rotation and translation. Moreover, it does not need orientation of the minutiae points on which most of the established algorithm are based. The matching methodology is based on the local features of each minutiae point such as distances to its nearest neighbours and their internal angle. Using a publicly available fingerprint database, the algorithm has been evaluated and compared with other benchmark algorithms. It has been found that the algorithm has performed better compared to others and has been able to achieve an error equal rate of 3.5%

    Low-Quality Fingerprint Classification

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    Traditsioonilised sõrmejälgede tuvastamise süsteemid kasutavad otsuste tegemisel minutiae punktide informatsiooni. Nagu selgub paljude varasemate tööde põhjal, ei ole sõrmejälgede pildid mitte alati piisava kvaliteediga, et neid saaks kasutada automaatsetes sõrmejäljetuvastuse süsteemides. Selle takistuse ületamiseks keskendub magistritöö väga madala kvaliteediga sõrmejälgede piltide tuvastusele – sellistel piltidel on mitmed üldteada moonutused, nagu kuivus, märgus, füüsiline vigastatus, punktide olemasolu ja hägusus. Töö eesmärk on välja töötada efektiivne ja kõrge täpsusega sügaval närvivõrgul põhinev algoritm, mis tunneb sõrmejälje ära selliselt madala kvaliteediga pildilt. Eksperimentaalsed katsed sügavõppepõhise meetodiga näitavad kõrget tulemuslikkust ja robustsust, olles rakendatud praktikast kogutud madala kvaliteediga sõrmejälgede andmebaasil. VGG16 baseeruv sügavõppe närvivõrk saavutas kõrgeima tulemuslikkuse kuivade (93%) ja madalaima tulemuslikkuse häguste (84%) piltide klassifitseerimisel.Fingerprint recognition systems mainly use minutiae points information. As shown in many previous research works, fingerprint images do not always have good quality to be used by automatic fingerprint recognition systems. To tackle this challenge, in this thesis, we are focusing on very low-quality fingerprint images, which contain several well-known distortions such as dryness, wetness, physical damage, presence of dots, and blurriness. We develop an efficient, with high accuracy, deep neural network algorithm, which recognizes such low-quality fingerprints. The experimental results have been conducted on real low-quality fingerprint database, and the achieved results show the high performance and robustness of the introduced deep network technique. The VGG16 based deep network achieves the highest performance of 93% for dry and the lowest of 84% for blurred fingerprint classes

    Student Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Recognition and One to Many Matching

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    Our project aims at designing an student attendance system which could effectively manage attendance of students at institutes like NIT Rourkela. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a fingerprint recognition based identification system is used. Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for every person and does not change in one's lifetime. Fingerprint recognition is a mature field today, but still identifying individual from a set of enrolled fingerprints is a time taking process. It was our responsibility to improve the fingerprint identification system for implementation on large databases e.g. of an institute or a country etc. In this project, many new algorithms have been used e.g. gender estimation, key based one to many matching, removing boundary minutiae. Using these new algorithms, we have developed an identification system which is faster in implementation than any other available today in the market. Although we are using this fingerprint identification system for student identification purpose in our project, the matching results are so good that it could perform very well on large databases like that of a country like India (MNIC Project). This system was implemented in Matlab10, Intel Core2Duo processor and comparison of our one to many identification was done with existing identification technique i.e. one to one identification on same platform. Our matching technique runs in O(n+N) time as compared to the existing O(Nn^2). The fingerprint identification system was tested on FVC2004 and Verifinger databases