29 research outputs found

    Online Algorithms for Dynamic Matching Markets in Power Distribution Systems

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    This paper proposes online algorithms for dynamic matching markets in power distribution systems, which at any real-time operation instance decides about matching -- or delaying the supply of -- flexible loads with available renewable generation with the objective of maximizing the social welfare of the exchange in the system. More specifically, two online matching algorithms are proposed for the following generation-load scenarios: (i) when the mean of renewable generation is greater than the mean of the flexible load, and (ii) when the condition (i) is reversed. With the intuition that the performance of such algorithms degrades with increasing randomness of the supply and demand, two properties are proposed for assessing the performance of the algorithms. First property is convergence to optimality (CO) as the underlying randomness of renewable generation and customer loads goes to zero. The second property is deviation from optimality, is measured as a function of the standard deviation of the underlying randomness of renewable generation and customer loads. The algorithm proposed for the first scenario is shown to satisfy CO and a deviation from optimal that varies linearly with the variation in the standard deviation. But the same algorithm is shown to not satisfy CO for the second scenario. We then show that the algorithm proposed for the second scenario satisfies CO and a deviation from optimal that varies linearly with the variation in standard deviation plus an offset

    Minimal-Variance Distributed Deadline Scheduling in a Stationary Environment

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    Many modern schedulers can dynamically adjust their service capacity to match the incoming workload. At the same time, however, variability in service capacity often incurs operational and infrastructure costs. In this paper, we propose distributed algorithms that minimize service capacity variability when scheduling jobs with deadlines. Specifically, we show that Exact Scheduling minimizes service capacity variance subject to strict demand and deadline requirements under stationary Poisson arrivals. We also characterize the optimal distributed policies for more general settings with soft demand requirements, soft deadline requirements, or both. Additionally, we show how close the performance of the optimal distributed policy is to that of the optimal centralized policy by deriving a competitive-ratio-like bound

    Influential Article Review - Development of Open-Loop Coordination Strategies

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    This paper examines demand. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: The activation of flexible loads through demand side management offers opportunities for more efficient power systems operations. Price-based incentives are a straight-forward form for decentral coordination of these flexible loads. However, their applicability has recently been seen more pessimistic as they may induce new load peaks due to herding effects. We revisit these results by characterizing desynchronized posted pricing approaches. Illustrating highly flexible load by means of electric vehicle charging, we show that these desynchronized rates can mitigate the occurrence of extreme load spikes, improve the utilization of renewable generation and in summary create significant system cost savings. Our results show that simple open-loop pricing can almost match the efficiency of closed-loop adaptive pricing in settings with limited system flexibility. We find that the more renewable generation and flexible load are present in the system, the better more complex pricing schemes fare compared to simple ones. This insight may guide regulators and utilities in establishing more effective pricing schemes in retail electricity markets. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Real-time Flexibility Feedback for Closed-loop Aggregator and System Operator Coordination

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    Aggregators have emerged as crucial tools for the coordination of distributed, controllable loads. However, to be used effectively, aggregators must be able to communicate the available flexibility of the loads they control to the system operator in a manner that is both (i) concise enough to be scalable to aggregators governing hundreds or even thousands of loads and (ii) informative enough to allow the system operator to send control signals to the aggregator that lead to optimization of system-level objectives, such as cost minimization, and do not violate private constraints of the loads, such as satisfying specific load demands. In this paper, we present the design of a real-time flexibility feedback signal based on maximization of entropy. The design provides a concise and informative signal that can be used by the system operator to perform online cost minimization and real-time capacity estimation, while provably satisfying the private constraints of the loads. In addition to deriving analytic properties of the design, we illustrate the effectiveness of the design using a dataset from an adaptive electric vehicle charging network

    Real-time Flexibility Feedback for Closed-loop Aggregator and System Operator Coordination

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    Aggregators have emerged as crucial tools for the coordination of distributed, controllable loads. However, to be used effectively, aggregators must be able to communicate the available flexibility of the loads they control to the system operator in a manner that is both (i) concise enough to be scalable to aggregators governing hundreds or even thousands of loads and (ii) informative enough to allow the system operator to send control signals to the aggregator that lead to optimization of system-level objectives, such as cost minimization, and do not violate private constraints of the loads, such as satisfying specific load demands. In this paper, we present the design of a real-time flexibility feedback signal based on maximization of entropy. The design provides a concise and informative signal that can be used by the system operator to perform online cost minimization and real-time capacity estimation, while provably satisfying the private constraints of the loads. In addition to deriving analytic properties of the design, we illustrate the effectiveness of the design using a dataset from an adaptive electric vehicle charging network.Comment: The Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy'20