20 research outputs found

    Real-time monitoring of respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科先端医療技術学A noninvasive and unconstrained real-time method to detect the respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep is presented. By employing the à trous algorithm of the wavelet transformation (WT), the respiration rhythm and pulse rate can be monitored in real-time from a pressure signal acquired with a pressure sensor placed under a pillow. The waveform for respiration rhythm detection is derived from the 26 scale approximation, while that for pulse rate detection is synthesized by combining the 24 and 2 5 scale details. To minimize the latency in data processing and realize the highest real-time performance, the respiration rhythm and pulse rate are estimated by using waveforms directly derived from the WT approximation and detail components without the reconstruction procedure. This method is evaluated with data collected from 13 healthy subjects. By comparing with detections from finger photoelectric plethysmograms used for pulse rate detection, the sensitivity and positive predictivity were 99.17% and 98.53%, respectively. Similarly, for respiration rhythm, compared with detections from nasal thermistor signals, results were 95.63% and 95.42%, respectively. This study suggests that the proposed method is promising to be used in a respiration rhythm and pulse rate monitor for real-time monitoring of sleep-related diseases during sleep. © 2006 IEEE

    Real-Time Monitoring of Respiration Rhythm and Pulse Rate During Sleep

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    Cardiac induced localised motion of the human torso detected by a long period grating fibre optic sensing scheme

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    Cardiovascular health of the human population is a major concern for medical clinicians, with cardiovascular diseases responsible for 48% of all deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. Therefore the development of new practicable and economical diagnostic tools to scrutinise the cardiovascular health of humans is a major driver for clinicians. We offer a new technique to obtain seismocardiographic signals covering both ballistocardiography (below 20Hz) and audible heart sounds (20Hz upwards). The detection scheme is based upon an array of curvature/displacement sensors using fibre optic long period gratings interrogated using a variation of the derivative spectroscopy interrogation technique. © 2014 SPIE

    Unobtrusive Health Screening on an Intelligent Toilet Seat

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    Home monitoring is a promising way to improve the quality of medical care in an ageing society. To circumvent the problem that especially demented patients may forget or be stressed by the use of medical devices at home, monitoring devices should be embedded in objects of daily life to check the patient’s health status whenever possible, without any interaction with the patient him/herself. This paper presents an intelligent toilet performing an unobtrusive health check when a person sits down. A variety of physical, electro-physical and urine parameters are analysed. This paper takes electrocardiogram and bioimpedance spectroscopy measurements and shows the practicability of measuring them on a toilet seat


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系[研究目的]魚類のウロコには骨形成をする骨芽細胞、骨吸収をする破骨細胞およびコラーゲンを中心とする骨基質タンパクからなり、健常骨モデル、骨代謝亢進モデルおよび骨吸収亢進モデル等の骨のモデルが作成できることを既に報告している。昨年は、これらの骨モデルに機械的刺激である低強度超音波を照射しその効果を調べた。その結果、健常骨モデルおよび骨代謝亢進モデルでは、骨形成が増加し、骨代謝亢進モデルでは、さらに骨吸収が抑制される効果も明らかとなった。一方、炎症性の骨吸収亢進モデルでは、骨形成および骨吸収作用に変化がないことが明らかとなった。今年度は、ウロコモデルで確認された低強度超音波の効果をマウスの頭蓋骨を使い、哺乳類の骨代謝に対する低強度超音波の効果を調べた。[研究成果]マウス新生仔をエーテル過剰吸入麻酔後、断頭し、頭蓋骨を取り出し左右を2等分した2骨片を対照群と曝露群とした。ウロコの系で決定した強度の低強度超音波を曝露群に照射後、対照群と同様に24時間組織培養し、超音波破砕し上清の酵素活性を測定した。その結果、骨形成をする骨芽細胞活性および骨吸収をする破骨細胞活性のどちらも変化しなかった。哺乳類の骨細胞は、骨基質内に存在しているため超音波が反射され届かないためと思われた。できるだけ骨組織が薄く柔らかいマウスの新生仔頭蓋骨を使ったが、細胞が表面にいるウロコとはやはり大きく異なることが明らかとなった。したがって、哺乳類の骨代謝を改善するためには、骨基質内にある細胞にも到達しうる機械的刺激が必要なことが示唆された。また、超音波の骨代謝への効果を調べるには、骨基質の表面に骨芽細胞と破骨細胞が共存するウロコが適したモデルとなることが明らかとなった。研究課題/領域番号:18650197, 研究期間(年度):2006 – 2008出典:「迅速・高感度・簡便な新規骨粗鬆症モデル系の開発と予防法への応用」研究成果報告書 課題番号18650197(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18650197/)を加工して作


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    Two methods which are suitable to monitor the small movements of the patient in a horizontal position on the bed are compared. The methods use sensors based on strain gauge bridges configured to measure the torsion deformation and sensors based on strain gauge bridges configured to measure the bending deformation of two two-arm brackets. Both methods provide information about the patient's physiological movements. The methods were tested and compared in order to decide which methods may be most appropriate in clinical practice. The two methods have never been compared before, and the results can be used in development of the new methods of patient monitoring

    A fully automated health-care monitoring at home without attachment of any biological sensors and its clinical evaluation.

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系Daily monitoring of health condition is important for an effective scheme for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as adiposis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. Commercially available devices for health care monitoring at home are cumbersome in terms of self-attachment of biological sensors and self-operation of the devices. From this viewpoint, we have been developing a non-conscious physiological monitor installed in a bath, a lavatory, and a bed for home health care and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a biological sensors directly attached to the body surface. In order to investigate its applicability to health condition monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can automatically monitor and store the health condition data. In this study, by evaluation on 3 patients with cardiac infarct or sleep apnea syndrome, patients\u27 health condition such as body and excretion weight in the toilet and apnea and hypopnea during sleeping were successfully monitored, indicating that the system appears useful for monitoring the health condition during daily living

    PATHOS: Pervasive at Home Sleep Monitoring

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    Sleeping disorders affect a large percentage of the population, and many of them go undiagnosed each year because the method of diagnosis is to stay overnight at a sleep center. Because pervasive technologies have become so prevalent and affordable, sleep monitoring is no longer confined to a permanent installation, and can therefore be brought directly into the user home. We present a unique solution to the problem of home sleep monitoring that has the possibility to take the place of and expand on the data from a sleep center. PATHOS focuses not only on analyzing patterns during the night, but also on collecting data about the subject lifestyle that is relevant and important to the diagnosis of his/her sleep. PATHOS means “evoking emotion.” Here, we mean Pathos will help us to keep healthy: both mentally and physically. Our solution uses existing technology to keep down cost and is completely wireless in order to provide portability and be easily to customize. The daytime collection also utilizes existing technology and offers a wide range of input methods to suit any type of person. We also include an in-depth look at the hardware we used to implement and the software providing user interaction. Our system is not only a viable alternative to a sleep center, it also provides functions that a static, short-term solution cannot provide, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment

    Design of a system for measuring subjects' physiological movements on the bed

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou snímání fyziologických pohybů těla metodou měření deformací konstrukce postele v domácím prostředí. Rozmístění tenzometrů proběhlo na základě simulace zatížení v programu SolidWorks. Dále je popsána realizace experimentálního měření a postup při zpracovávání získaných dat.This bachelor´s thesis deals with issue of sensing physiologic movements with strain gauges. Used method measures deformation of bed using strain gauges strategically placed on bed frame. Placing these sensors were led by load simulations outcomes, which were simulated in SolidWorks software. Experimental measurements has been done and data processing were described

    The impedance cardiography technique in medical diagnosis

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    Background: Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance (TEB) Technology sometimes called the Impedance Cardiography (ICG).  In 1940, the Impedance Cardiography emerged; the studies of this technique are realized to the cardiovascular diseases detection which used hemodynamic parameters measurements based on the skin electrodes contact by injecting a low amplitude alternating signal. The objective of this article is to review the various studies based on this signal type and to present the multiple methods used for the treatment and to have a correct analysis. Methods: This ICG technique consists for applying an electric field longitudinally across a segment of the thorax with amplitude in mean, high frequency and low amplitude current. To analyze the ICG signal, the signal denoising is necessary that’s why a multiple filters are proposed, and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) denoising is also used. Results: The ICG is considered advantageous compared to other invasive conventional techniques; it gives a good correlation, and solves the Doppler ultrasound and Thermodilution problems. According to the studies, the Daubechies wavelet family (db8) is the best DWT to eliminate the noises. There are several algorithms for the signal characteristic point’s detection. Conclusion: For the purpose of cardiovascular disease diagnosis and monitoring, the non-invasive ICG technique comes to solve the complexity problem for measurement and analyzing heart disease based on the thoracic electrical impedance change assessment that is due to blood velocity and resistivity changes (blood volume changes) in order to estimate several hemodynamic parameters. Keywords: ICG, cardiovascular disease, hemodynamic parameters, diagnosis and monitoring, correct analysis. &nbsp