6,167 research outputs found

    Multi-View Face Recognition From Single RGBD Models of the Faces

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    This work takes important steps towards solving the following problem of current interest: Assuming that each individual in a population can be modeled by a single frontal RGBD face image, is it possible to carry out face recognition for such a population using multiple 2D images captured from arbitrary viewpoints? Although the general problem as stated above is extremely challenging, it encompasses subproblems that can be addressed today. The subproblems addressed in this work relate to: (1) Generating a large set of viewpoint dependent face images from a single RGBD frontal image for each individual; (2) using hierarchical approaches based on view-partitioned subspaces to represent the training data; and (3) based on these hierarchical approaches, using a weighted voting algorithm to integrate the evidence collected from multiple images of the same face as recorded from different viewpoints. We evaluate our methods on three datasets: a dataset of 10 people that we created and two publicly available datasets which include a total of 48 people. In addition to providing important insights into the nature of this problem, our results show that we are able to successfully recognize faces with accuracies of 95% or higher, outperforming existing state-of-the-art face recognition approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks

    Effect of cooking time on physical properties of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy

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    One of the crucial elements in developing or reformulating product is to maintain the quality throughout its entire shelf life. This study aims to determine the effect of different cooking time on the almond milk-based of lemak cili api gravy. Various cooking times of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes were employed to the almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy followed by determination of their effects on physical properties such as total soluble solids content, pH and colour. pH was determined by using a pH meter. Refractometer was used to evaluate the total soluble solids content of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy. The colours were determined by using spectrophotometer which expressed as L*, a* and b* values. Results showed that almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy has constant values of total soluble solids with pH range of 5 to 6, which can be classified as low acid food. Colour analysis showed that the lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) are significantly increased while redness (a*) decreased. In conclusion, this study shows that physical properties of almond milk-based lemak cili api gravy changes by increasing the cooking time

    Face detection and clustering for video indexing applications

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    This paper describes a method for automatically detecting human faces in generic video sequences. We employ an iterative algorithm in order to give a confidence measure for the presence or absence of faces within video shots. Skin colour filtering is carried out on a selected number of frames per video shot, followed by the application of shape and size heuristics. Finally, the remaining candidate regions are normalized and projected into an eigenspace, the reconstruction error being the measure of confidence for presence/absence of face. Following this, the confidence score for the entire video shot is calculated. In order to cluster extracted faces into a set of face classes, we employ an incremental procedure using a PCA-based dissimilarity measure in con-junction with spatio-temporal correlation. Experiments were carried out on a representative broadcast news test corpus

    Improving Facial Analysis and Performance Driven Animation through Disentangling Identity and Expression

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    We present techniques for improving performance driven facial animation, emotion recognition, and facial key-point or landmark prediction using learned identity invariant representations. Established approaches to these problems can work well if sufficient examples and labels for a particular identity are available and factors of variation are highly controlled. However, labeled examples of facial expressions, emotions and key-points for new individuals are difficult and costly to obtain. In this paper we improve the ability of techniques to generalize to new and unseen individuals by explicitly modeling previously seen variations related to identity and expression. We use a weakly-supervised approach in which identity labels are used to learn the different factors of variation linked to identity separately from factors related to expression. We show how probabilistic modeling of these sources of variation allows one to learn identity-invariant representations for expressions which can then be used to identity-normalize various procedures for facial expression analysis and animation control. We also show how to extend the widely used techniques of active appearance models and constrained local models through replacing the underlying point distribution models which are typically constructed using principal component analysis with identity-expression factorized representations. We present a wide variety of experiments in which we consistently improve performance on emotion recognition, markerless performance-driven facial animation and facial key-point tracking.Comment: to appear in Image and Vision Computing Journal (IMAVIS
