5 research outputs found

    Real-Time Evaluation of Breast Self-Examination Using Computer Vision

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and breast self-examination (BSE) is considered as the most cost-effective approach for early breast cancer detection. The general objective of this paper is to design and develop a computer vision algorithm to evaluate the BSE performance in real-time. The first stage of the algorithm presents a method for detecting and tracking the nipples in frames while a woman performs BSE; the second stage presents amethod for localizing the breast region and blocks of pixels related to palpation of the breast, and the third stage focuses on detecting the palpated blocks in the breast region. The palpated blocks are highlighted at the time of BSE performance. In a correct BSE performance, all blocks must be palpated, checked, and highlighted, respectively. If any abnormality, such as masses, is detected, then this must be reported to a doctor to confirm the presence of this abnormality and proceed to perform other confirmatory tests. The experimental results have shown that the BSE evaluation algorithm presented in this paper provides robust performance

    Real-Time Evaluation of Breast Self-Examination Using Computer Vision

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and breast self-examination (BSE) is considered as the most cost-effective approach for early breast cancer detection. The general objective of this paper is to design and develop a computer vision algorithm to evaluate the BSE performance in real-time. The first stage of the algorithm presents a method for detecting and tracking the nipples in frames while a woman performs BSE; the second stage presents amethod for localizing the breast region and blocks of pixels related to palpation of the breast, and the third stage focuses on detecting the palpated blocks in the breast region. The palpated blocks are highlighted at the time of BSE performance. In a correct BSE performance, all blocks must be palpated, checked, and highlighted, respectively. If any abnormality, such as masses, is detected, then this must be reported to a doctor to confirm the presence of this abnormality and proceed to perform other confirmatory tests. The experimental results have shown that the BSE evaluation algorithm presented in this paper provides robust performance

    Utilidad de la t茅cnica ROLL (radioguided ocult lesion localization) en la ex茅resis de lesiones no palpables de mama

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    Avaluar l'efic脿cia de la localitzaci贸 radioguiada (ROLL) de lesions ocultes de mama (LNPM)respecte a la t猫cnica est脿ndard, l'ham quir煤rgic. M脠TODE: S'han estudiat 161 dones amb LNPM, 80 marcades amb ham quir煤rgic el mateix dia de la intervenci贸 i 81 marcades amb la injecci贸 intratumoral de 3 mCi de Tc99m Nanocoloide el dia previ a la cirurgia. Les lesions es van localitzar per ecografia o estereot脿xia. Les tumorectomies es van fer , en el primer grup seguint la direcci贸 de l'ham des de l'entrada fins la punta, i en el segon grup amb l'ajuda d'una sonda gammadetectora que indicava el lloc de m脿xima concentraci贸 de radioactivitat, on es trobava el tumor. Posteriorment es comprovaven els marges quir煤rgics al servei d'anatomia patol貌gica, determinant la necessitat d'ampliaci贸 si el marge es trobava a menys de 5 mm de la vora tumoral en l'estudi intraoperatori i a menys de 2 mm en l'estudi diferit. Es van recollir dades de percentatge de detecci贸, afectaci贸 de marges quir煤rgics, n煤mero d'ampliacions, pres猫ncia de tumor residual a l'ampliaci贸, reintervencions, volum de la tumorectomia i volum total extret, ratio volum/tumor, complicacions i influ猫ncia del metge nuclear. RESULTATS: Es van observar resultats sense diferencies significatives entre els dos grups en percentatge de detecci贸, afectaci贸 de marges, n煤mero d'ampliacions, pres猫ncia de tumor residual a l'ampliaci贸, reintervencions, volum de la tumorectomia , volum total extret, ratio volum/tumor i complicacions. L'an脿lisi multivariant mostra que els factors condicionants del volum extret son la t猫cnica de marcatge radiol貌gic, el cirurgi脿 i el metge nuclear. CONCLUSIONS: La t猫cnica ROLL permet la detecci贸 i exeresis de les LNPM amb la mateixa efic脿cia que l'ham i afegeix la possibilitat de detecci贸 del gangli sentinella en un mateix acte.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la eficacia de la localizaci贸n radioguiada (ROLL) de lesiones ocultas de mama (LNPM) respecto a la t茅cnica est谩ndar, el arp贸n quir煤rgico. M脡TODO: Se han estudiado 161 mujeres con LNPM, 80 marcadas con arp贸n el mismo d铆a de la intervenci贸n y 81 marcadas con inyecci贸n intratumoral de 3 mCi de Tc99m Nanocoloide el d铆a previo a la cirug铆a. Las lesiones se localizaron por ecograf铆a o estereotaxia. Las tumorectom铆as se realizaron , en el primer grupo siguiendo la direcci贸n del arp贸n desde su entrada hasta la punta, y en el segundo grupo con la ayuda de una sonda gammadetectora que indicaba el punto de m谩xima concentraci贸n de radioactividad, donde se encontraba el tumor. Posteriormente se comprobaron los m谩rgenes quir煤rgicos en el servicio de anatom铆a patol贸gica, determinando la necesidad de ampliaci贸n si el margen era menor a 5 mm del borde tumoral en el estudio intraoperatorio y menor a 2 mm en el estudio diferido. Se recogieron datos de porcentaje de detecci贸n, afectaci贸n de m谩rgenes quir煤rgicos, n煤mero de ampliaciones, presencia de tumor residual en la ampliaci贸n, reintervenciones, volumen de la tumorectom铆a y volumen total extra铆do, ratio volumen/tumor, complicaciones e influencia del m茅dico nuclear. RESULTADOS: Se observaron resultados sin diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en porcentaje de detecci贸n, afectaci贸n de m谩rgenes, n煤mero de ampliaciones, presencia de tumor residual en la ampliaci贸n, reintervenciones, volumen de la tumorectom铆a , volumen total extra铆do, ratio volumen/tumor y complicaciones. El an谩lisis multivariante mostr贸 que los factores condicionantes del volumen extra铆do son la t茅cnica de marcaje radiol贸gico, el cirujano y el m茅dico nuclear. CONCLUSIONES: La t茅cnica ROLL permite la detecci贸n i exeresis de las LNPM con la misma eficacia que el arp贸n y a帽ade la posibilidad de detecci贸n simult谩nea del ganglio centinela.PURPOSE: Evaluate the efficiency of radioguided occult lesion localization (ROLL) in non palpable breast lesions (NPBL) regard to the gold standard technique, the surgical wire. METHOD: Has been studied 161 women with NPBL, 80 marked with wire the same day of the surgery, and 81 marked with the intratumoral injection of 3 mCi of Tc99m-Nanocoloide the previous day to the surgery. The NPBL were located by ultrasound or stereotactic guidance. The lumpectomies were made , in the first group following the wire direction since its entry to the tip, and in the second group with the help of a gammaprobe that indicated the place of maximum radioactivity concentration, where tumor was located. Surgical margins were checked by pathology service, determining the need of extension if the margin were less than 5 mm of the tumoral edge in the intrasurgical study and to less than 2 mm in the differed study. Data were collected about detection average, surgical margins, number of extensions, presence of residual tumor on the extension, second surgeries, lumpectomy volume and total resected volume, volume/tumor ratio, complications and influence of the nuclear doctor. RESULTS: Not significant differences were observed between the two groups in detection average, surgical margins, number of extensions, presence of residual tumor on the extension, second surgeries, lumpectomy volume and total resected volume, volume/tumor ratio and complications. The multivariate analysis showed the factors that condition the resected volume were the radiological guidance technique, the surgeon and the nuclear doctor. CONCLUSIONS: ROLL allows the detection and resection of the NPBL with the same efficiency than the wire and adds the possibility of the sentinel node detection in a same act

    Real-time evaluation of breast self-examination using computer vision

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and breast self-examination (BSE) is considered as the most cost-effective approach for early breast cancer detection. The general objective of this paper is to design and develop a computer vision algorithm to evaluate the BSE performance in real-time. The first stage of the algorithm presents a method for detecting and tracking the nipples in frames while a woman performs BSE; the second stage presents a method for localizing the breast region and blocks of pixels related to palpation of the breast, and the third stage focuses on detecting the palpated blocks in the breast region. The palpated blocks are highlighted at the time of BSE performance. In a correct BSE performance, all blocks must be palpated, checked, and highlighted, respectively. If any abnormality, such as masses, is detected, then this must be reported to a doctor to confirm the presence of this abnormality and proceed to perform other confirmatory tests. The experimental results have shown that the BSE evaluation algorithm presented in this paper provides robust performance. 漏 2014 Eman Mohammadi et al