5 research outputs found

    Real-time control and management of distributed applications using ip-multicast

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    Abstract A central issue within any distributed computer environment is how to control and manage running applications. This paper presents an implementation of a framework for control and management of distributed applications and components using IPmulticast. The framework allows for easy and scalable control of single applications, groups of applications or parts of applications using a new agent based architecture. Messaging is done using the Control Bus and the Scalable Reliable Real-time Transfer Protocol for reliable distribution of data. The paper presents how this framework is integrated into Java based applications and how developers specify access points. The paper also presents an application called multicast Manager -mManager, a Java implementation that provides a user interface to the framework. The mManager allows administrators to get an overview of currently running applications and if necessary control these applications. The paper presents example usage scenarios where the framework is used to create bandwidth adaptive applications and better group awareness

    Implementação de um software discriminador de repasse de eventos para a arquitetura internet

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Este trabalho apresenta um Software Discriminador deRepasse de Eventos (SDRE) construído em Java, aplicando as funcionalidades do modelo OSI em ambientes SNMP. É feita uma revisão bibliográfica das duas arquiteturas de gerência de redes, buscando adequar a norma OSI/ITU-T X-734 à Internet e são apresentadas motivações que demonstram esforços atuais nesta área. Esta aplicação é simples e funcional, enfatizando a técnica de relatório de eventos, filtrando os mesmos e podendo selecionar várias estações de gerenciamento destinatárias, como forma de descentralizar e melhorar o desempenho da arquitetura de gerência de redes Internet. Por fim são apresentados os resultados dos testes efetuados, a avaliação e a validação do software, bem como o ambiente simulado e de produção onde foi implantado o discriminador

    Real-time control and management of distributed applications using IP-multicast

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    Real-Time Control and Management of Distributed Applications using IP-Multicast

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    A central issue within any distributed computer environment is how to control and manage running applications. This paper presents an implementation of a framework for control and management of distributed applications and components using IPmulticast. The framework allows for easy and scalable control of single applications, groups of applications or parts of applications using a new agent based architecture. Messaging is done using the Control Bus and the Scalable Reliable Real-time Transfer Protocol for reliable distribution of data. The paper presents how this framework is integrated into Java based applications and how developers specify access points. The paper also presents an application called multicast Manager - mManager, a Java implementation that provides a user interface to the framework. The mManager allows administrators to get an overview of currently running applications and if necessary control these applications. The paper presents example usage scenarios where the f..

    Real-Time Control and Management of Distributed Applications using IP-Multicast

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    A central issue within any distributed computer environment is how to control and manage installed software and running applications. With control and management, we mean both how to make permanent changes to installed software and real-time control of running applications. This paper presents a framework for control and management of distributed applications and components using IP-multicast. The framework allows for easy and scalable control of single applications, groups of applications or parts of applications using a new agent based architecture. Messaging is done using the Control Bus and the Scalable Reliable Real-time Transfer Protocol for reliable distribution of data. The paper also presents an application called multicast Manager - mManager, a prototype Java implementation that provides a user interface to the framework. The mManager allows administrators to get an overview of currently running applications and if necessary control these applications. The framework includes ..