5 research outputs found

    KidneyRegNet: A Deep Learning Method for 3DCT-2DUS Kidney Registration during Breathing

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    This work proposed a novel deep registration pipeline for 3D CT and 2D U/S kidney scans of free breathing, which consists of a feature network, and a 3D-2D CNN-based registration network. The feature network has handcraft texture feature layers to reduce the semantic gap. The registration network is encoder-decoder structure with loss of feature-image-motion (FIM), which enables hierarchical regression at decoder layers and avoids multiple network concatenation. It was first pretrained with retrospective datasets cum training data generation strategy, then adapted to specific patient data under unsupervised one-cycle transfer learning in onsite application. The experiment was on 132 U/S sequences, 39 multiple phase CT and 210 public single phase CT images, and 25 pairs of CT and U/S sequences. It resulted in mean contour distance (MCD) of 0.94 mm between kidneys on CT and U/S images and MCD of 1.15 mm on CT and reference CT images. For datasets with small transformations, it resulted in MCD of 0.82 and 1.02 mm respectively. For large transformations, it resulted in MCD of 1.10 and 1.28 mm respectively. This work addressed difficulties in 3DCT-2DUS kidney registration during free breathing via novel network structures and training strategy.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 9 table


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    Image-guided surgery (IGS) has been a major area of interest in recent decades that continues to transform surgical interventions and enable safer, less invasive procedures. In the preoperative contexts, diagnostic imaging, including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, offers a basis for surgical planning (e.g., definition of target, adjacent anatomy, and the surgical path or trajectory to the target). At the intraoperative stage, such preoperative images and the associated planning information are registered to intraoperative coordinates via a navigation system to enable visualization of (tracked) instrumentation relative to preoperative images. A major limitation to such an approach is that motions during surgery, either rigid motions of bones manipulated during orthopaedic surgery or brain soft-tissue deformation in neurosurgery, are not captured, diminishing the accuracy of navigation systems. This dissertation seeks to use intraoperative images (e.g., x-ray fluoroscopy and cone-beam CT) to provide more up-to-date anatomical context that properly reflects the state of the patient during interventions to improve the performance of IGS. Advanced motion models for inter-modality image registration are developed to improve the accuracy of both preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance for applications in orthopaedic pelvic trauma surgery and minimally invasive intracranial neurosurgery. Image registration algorithms are developed with increasing complexity of motion that can be accommodated (single-body rigid, multi-body rigid, and deformable) and increasing complexity of registration models (statistical models, physics-based models, and deep learning-based models). For orthopaedic pelvic trauma surgery, the dissertation includes work encompassing: (i) a series of statistical models to model shape and pose variations of one or more pelvic bones and an atlas of trajectory annotations; (ii) frameworks for automatic segmentation via registration of the statistical models to preoperative CT and planning of fixation trajectories and dislocation / fracture reduction; and (iii) 3D-2D guidance using intraoperative fluoroscopy. For intracranial neurosurgery, the dissertation includes three inter-modality deformable registrations using physic-based Demons and deep learning models for CT-guided and CBCT-guided procedures