2 research outputs found

    Proposta de Implementação em Hardware do Algoritmo de Otsu Aplicado ao Rastreamento em Tempo Real de Vermes

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    This work proposes an implementation in Field Programmable GateArray (FPGA) of the Otsu’s method applied to real-time trackingof worms called Caenorhabditis elegans. Real-time tracking is necessaryto measure changes in the worm’s behavior in response totreatment with Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) interference. Otsu’s methodis a global thresholding algorithm used to define an optimal thresholdbetween two classes. However, this technique in real-time applicationsassociated with the processing of high-resolution videoshas a high computational cost because of the massive amount ofdata generated. Otsu’s algorithm needs to identify the worms ineach frame captured by a high-resolution camera in a real-timeanalysis of the worm’s behavior. Thus, this work proposes a highperformanceimplementation of Otsu’s algorithm in FPGA. Theresults show it was possible to achieve a speedup up to 5 timeshigher than similar works in the literature

    Real Time Vision System for Obstacle Detection and Localization on FPGA

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    International audienceObstacle detection is a mandatory function for a robot navigating in an indoor environment especially when interaction with humans is done in a cluttered environment. Commonly used vision-based solutions like SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) or optical flow tend to be computation intensive and require powerful computation resources to meet low speed real-time constraints. Solutions using LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) sensors are more robust but not cost effective. This paper presents a real-time hardware architecture for vision-based obstacle detection and localization based on IPM (Inverse Perspective Mapping) for obstacle detection, and Otsu's method plus Bresenham's algorithm for obstacle segmentation and localization under the hypothesis of a flat ground. The proposed architecture combines cost effectiveness, high frame-rate with low latency, low power consumption and without any prior knowledge of the scene compared to existing implementations