18 research outputs found

    Reactive synchronization algorithms for multiprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-162).by Beng-Hong Lim.Ph.D

    Smartlocks: Self-Aware Synchronization through Lock Acquisition Scheduling

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    As multicore processors become increasingly prevalent, system complexity is skyrocketing. The advent of the asymmetric multicore compounds this -- it is no longer practical for an average programmer to balance the system constraints associated with today's multicores and worry about new problems like asymmetric partitioning and thread interference. Adaptive, or self-aware, computing has been proposed as one method to help application and system programmers confront this complexity. These systems take some of the burden off of programmers by monitoring themselves and optimizing or adapting to meet their goals. This paper introduces an open-source self-aware synchronization library for multicores and asymmetric multicores called Smartlocks. Smartlocks is a spin-lock library that adapts its internal implementation during execution using heuristics and machine learning to optimize toward a user-defined goal, which may relate to performance, power, or other problem-specific criteria. Smartlocks builds upon adaptation techniques from prior work like reactive locks, but introduces a novel form of adaptation designed for asymmetric multicores that we term lock acquisition scheduling. Lock acquisition scheduling is optimizing which waiter will get the lock next for the best long-term effect when multiple threads (or processes) are spinning for a lock. Our results demonstrate empirically that lock scheduling is important for asymmetric multicores and that Smartlocks significantly outperform conventional and reactive locks for asymmetries like dynamic variations in processor clock frequencies caused by thermal throttling events

    A comparison of software and hardware synchronization mechanisms for distributed shared memory multiprocessors

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    technical reportEfficient synchronization is an essential component of parallel computing. The designers of traditional multiprocessors have included hardware support only for simple operations such as compare-and-swap and load-linked/store-conditional, while high level synchronization primitives such as locks, barriers, and condition variables have been implemented in software [9,14,15]. With the advent of directory-based distributed shared memory (DSM) multiprocessors with significant flexibility in their cache controllers [7,12,17], it is worthwhile considering whether this flexibility should be used to support higher level synchronization primitives in hardware. In particular, as part of maintaining data consistency, these architectures maintain lists of processors with a copy of a given cache line, which is most of the hardware needed to implement distributed locks. We studied two software and four hardware implementations of locks and found that hardware implementation can reduce lock acquire and release times by 25-94% compared to well tuned software locks. In terms of macrobenchmark performance, hardware locks reduce application running times by up to 75% on a synthetic benchmark with heavy lock contention and by 3%-6% on a suite of SPLASH-2 benchmarks. In addition, emerging cache coherence protocols promise to increase the time spent synchronizing relative to the time spent accessing shared data, and our study shows that hardware locks can reduce SPLASH-2 execution times by up to 10-13% if the time spent accessing shared data is small. Although the overall performance impact of hardware lock mechanisms varies tremendously depending on the application, the added hardware complexity on a flexible architecture like FLASH [12] or Avalanche [7] is negligible, and thus hardware support for high level synchronization operations should be provided

    Contention Adapting Search Trees

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    Abstract-With multicores being ubiquitous, concurrent data structures are becoming increasingly important. This paper proposes a novel approach to concurrent data structure design where the data structure collects statistics about contention and adapts dynamically according to this statistics. We use this approach to create a contention adapting binary search tree (CA tree) that can be used to implement concurrent ordered sets and maps. Our experimental evaluation shows that CA trees scale similar to recently proposed algorithms on a big multicore machine on various scenarios with a larger set size, and outperform the same data structures in more contended scenarios and in sequential performance. We also show that CA trees are well suited for optimization with hardware lock elision. In short, we propose a practically useful and easy to implement and show correct concurrent search tree that naturally adapts to the level of contention. I. INTRODUCTION With multicores being widespread, the need for efficient concurrent data structures has increased. In this paper we propose a novel adaptive technique for creating concurrent data structures. Our technique collects statistics about contention in locks and does local adaptations dynamically to reduce the contention or to optimize for low contention. This is the first contribution of this paper. Previous research on adapting to the level of contention has focused on objects where access cannot be easily distibuted, such as locks We demonstrate the benefits of our contention adapting technique by describing and evaluating a data structure for concurrent ordered sets or maps. We call this data structure contention adapting search tree or CA tree for short. The design of CA trees is the second contribution of this paper. Curren

    RGLock: Recoverable Mutual Exclusion for Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems

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    Mutex locks have traditionally been the most popular concurrent programming mechanisms for inter-process synchronization in the rapidly advancing field of concurrent computing systems that support high-performance applications. However, the concept of recoverability of these algorithms in the event of a crash failure has not been studied thoroughly. Popular techniques like transaction roll-back are widely known for providing fault-tolerance in modern Database Management Systems. Whereas in the context of mutual exclusion in shared memory systems, none of the prominent lock algorithms (e.g., Lamport’s Bakery algorithm, MCS lock, etc.) are designed to tolerate crash failures, especially in operations carried out in the critical sections. Each of these algorithms may fail to maintain mutual exclusion, or sacrifice some of the liveness guarantees in presence of crash failures. Storing application data and recovery information in the primary storage with conventional volatile memory limits the development of efficient crash-recovery mechanisms since a failure on any component in the system causes a loss of program data. With the advent of Non-Volatile Main Memory technologies, opportunities have opened up to redefine the problem of Mutual Exclusion in the context of a crash-recovery model where processes may recover from crash failures and resume execution. When the main memory is non-volatile, an application’s entire state can be recovered from a crash using the in-memory state near-instantaneously, making a process’s failure appear as a suspend/resume event. This thesis proceeds to envision a solution for the problem of mutual exclusion in such systems. The goal is to provide a first-of-its-kind mutex lock that guarantees mutual exclusion and starvation freedom in emerging shared-memory architectures that incorporate non-volatile main memory (NVMM)

    Dynamic diffracting trees

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-111).by Giovanni M. Della-Libera.M.Eng

    Scalability of microkernel-based systems

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