14,322 research outputs found

    On-a-chip microdischarge thruster arrays inspired by photonic device technology for plasma television

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    This study shows that the practical scaling of a hollow cathode thruster device to MEMS level should be possible albeit with significant divergence from traditional design. The main divergence is the need to operate at discharge pressures between 1-3bar to maintain emitter diameter pressure products of similar values to conventional hollow cathode devices. Without operating at these pressures emitter cavity dimensions become prohibitively large for maintenance of the hollow cathode effect and without which discharge voltage would be in the hundreds of volts as with conventional microdischarge devices. In addition this requires sufficiently constrictive orifice diameters in the 10µm – 50µm range for single cathodes or <5µm larger arrays. Operation at this pressure results in very small Debye lengths (4 -5.2pm) and leads to large reductions in effective work function (0.3 – 0.43eV) via the Schottky effect. Consequently, simple work function lowering compounds such as lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) can be used to reduce operating temperature without the significant manufacturing complexity of producing porous impregnated thermionic emitters as with macro scale hollow cathodes, while still operating <1200°C at the emitter surface. The literature shows that LaB6 can be deposited using a variety of standard microfabrication techniques

    High Fidelity Tape Transfer Printing Based On Chemically Induced Adhesive Strength Modulation

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    Transfer printing, a two-step process (i.e. picking up and printing) for heterogeneous integration, has been widely exploited for the fabrication of functional electronics system. To ensure a reliable process, strong adhesion for picking up and weak or no adhesion for printing are required. However, it is challenging to meet the requirements of switchable stamp adhesion. Here we introduce a simple, high fidelity process, namely tape transfer printing(TTP), enabled by chemically induced dramatic modulation in tape adhesive strength. We describe the working mechanism of the adhesion modulation that governs this process and demonstrate the method by high fidelity tape transfer printing several types of materials and devices, including Si pellets arrays, photodetector arrays, and electromyography (EMG) sensors, from their preparation substrates to various alien substrates. High fidelity tape transfer printing of components onto curvilinear surfaces is also illustrated

    Reactive Atom Plasma (RAP) figuring machine for meter class optical surfaces

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    A new surface figuring machine called Helios 1200 is presented in this paper. It is designed for the figuring of meter sized optical surfaces with form accuracy correction capability better than 20 nm rms within a reduced number of iterations. Unlike other large figuring facilities using energy beams, Helios 1200 operates a plasma torch at atmospheric pressure, offers a high material removal rate, and a relatively low running cost. This facility is ideal to process large optical components, lightweight optics, silicon based and difficult to machine materials, aspheric, and free form surfaces. Also, the surfaces processed by the reactive atom plasma (RAP) are easy to fine polish through hand conventional sub-aperture polishing techniques. These unique combined features lead to a new capability for the fabrication of optical components opening up novel design possibilities for optical engineers. The key technical features of this large RAP machine are fast figuring capabilities, non-contact material removal tool, the use of a near Gaussian footprint energy beam, and a proven tool path strategy for the management of the heat transfer. Helios 1200 complies with the European machine safety standard and can be used with different types of reactive gases using either fluorine or chlorine compounds. In this paper, first the need for large optical component is discussed. Then, the RAP facility is described: radio frequency R.F generator, plasma torch, and 3 axis computer numerically controlled motion system. Both the machine design and the performance of the RAP tool is assessed under specific production conditions and in the context of meter class mirror and lens fabrication

    The black silicon method V: a study of the fabrication of movable structure for micro electromechanical systems

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    This paper presents a study of various well-known release techniques (bulk- and surface-micromachining) for the fabrication of movable silicon micromechanical structures. Their pro's and con's will be discussed. Further, a detailed study of a new self-aligned plasma technique is presented which uses silicon on insulator wafers (SOI). It has the ability to etch, release, and passivate MEMS in one ME run. Therefore, MEMS can be fabricated quickly, accurate, and at low costs

    Plasma Nanoscience: from Nano-Solids in Plasmas to Nano-Plasmas in Solids

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    The unique plasma-specific features and physical phenomena in the organization of nanoscale solid-state systems in a broad range of elemental composition, structure, and dimensionality are critically reviewed. These effects lead to the possibility to localize and control energy and matter at nanoscales and to produce self-organized nano-solids with highly unusual and superior properties. A unifying conceptual framework based on the control of production, transport, and self-organization of precursor species is introduced and a variety of plasma-specific non-equilibrium and kinetics-driven phenomena across the many temporal and spatial scales is explained. When the plasma is localized to micrometer and nanometer dimensions, new emergent phenomena arise. The examples range from semiconducting quantum dots and nanowires, chirality control of single-walled carbon nanotubes, ultra-fine manipulation of graphenes, nano-diamond, and organic matter, to nano-plasma effects and nano-plasmas of different states of matter.Comment: This is an essential interdisciplinary reference which can be used by both advanced and early career researchers as well as in undergraduate teaching and postgraduate research trainin

    Sub-10 nm colloidal lithography for integrated spin-photo-electronic devices

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    Colloidal lithography [1] is how patterns are reproduced in a variety of natural systems and is used more and more as an efficient fabrication tool in bio-, opto-, and nano-technology. Nanoparticles in the colloid are made to form a mask on a given material surface, which can then be transferred via etching into nano-structures of various sizes, shapes, and patterns [2,3]. Such nanostructures can be used in biology for detecting proteins [4] and DNA [5,6], for producing artificial crystals in photonics [7,8] and GHz oscillators in spin-electronics [9-14]. Scaling of colloidal patterning down to 10-nm and below, dimensions comparable or smaller than the main relaxation lengths in the relevant materials, including metals, is expected to enable a variety of new ballistic transport and photonic devices, such as spin-flip THz lasers [15]. In this work we extend the practice of colloidal lithography to producing large-area, near-ballistic-injection, sub-10 nm point-contact arrays and demonstrate their integration in to spin-photo-electronic devices.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Graphene etch mask for silicon

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    In this thesis, an alternative future use for graphene will be explored. Graphene, a popular two-dimensional material of remarkable electrical properties, has been thought to be a successor to current day microelectronic materials. With the many challenges posed by the manufacture of conventional devices from graphene, other adaptations for its properties are sought in the work that follows. Chiefly, its mechanical and chemical strength as an etch mask for silicon is tested.We attempt to present the progress toward a working model of a graphene etch mask. The influence of the mask geometry, etch method, etch conditions, substrate quality and other factors will be explored to present a clear understanding of methodology and requirements for carrying out the process. Along the way, other aspects of the project such as the growth and transfer of graphene, which are not the focus but extremely crucial to the results, will be elucidated as required. Possible future directions will also be presented to provide a notion of where the idea can head