4 research outputs found

    FInCo 2007 AGAPIA v0.1: A programming language for interactive systems and its typing system

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    Abstract A model (consisting of rv-systems), a core programming language (for developing rv-programs), several specification and analysis techniques appropriate for modeling, programming and reasoning about interactive computing systems have been recently introduced by Stefanescu using register machines and space-time duality, se

    Connector algebras for C/E and P/T nets interactions

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    A quite fourishing research thread in the recent literature on component based system is concerned with the algebraic properties of different classes of connectors. In a recent paper, an algebra of stateless connectors was presented that consists of five kinds of basic connectors, namely symmetry, synchronization, mutual exclusion, hiding and inaction, plus their duals and it was shown how they can be freely composed in series and in parallel to model sophisticated "glues". In this paper we explore the expressiveness of stateful connectors obtained by adding one-place buffers or unbounded buffers to the stateless connectors. The main results are: i) we show how different classes of connectors exactly correspond to suitable classes of Petri nets equipped with compositional interfaces, called nets with boundaries; ii) we show that the difference between strong and weak semantics in stateful connectors is reflected in the semantics of nets with boundaries by moving from the classic step semantics (strong case) to a novel banking semantics (weak case), where a step can be executed by taking some "debit" tokens to be given back during the same step; iii) we show that the corresponding bisimilarities are congruences (w.r.t. composition of connectors in series and in parallel); iv) we show that suitable monoidality laws, like those arising when representing stateful connectors in the tile model, can nicely capture concurrency aspects; and v) as a side result, we provide a basic algebra, with a finite set of symbols, out of which we can compose all P/T nets, fulfilling a long standing quest

    Reaction and Control I. Mixing Additive and Multiplicative Network Algebras

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    This paper is included in a series aiming to contribute to the algebraic theory of distributed computation. The key problem in understanding Multi-Agent Systems is to find a theory which integrates the reactive part and the control part of such systems. To this end we use the calculus of flownomials. It is a polynomial-like calculus for representing flowgraphs and their behaviours. An `additive' interpretation of the calculus was intensively developed to study control flowcharts and finite automata. For instance, regular algebra and iteration theories are included in a unified presentation. On the other hand, a `multiplicative' interpretation of the calculus of flownomials was developed to study dataflow networks. The claim of this series of papers is that the mixture of the additive and multiplicative network algebras will contribute to the understanding of distributed computation. The role of this first paper is to present a few motivating examples 1 . Keywords: Multi-agent systems..