84 research outputs found

    Parameter-independent Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus

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    In this work, we explore iterative approximate Byzantine consensus algorithms that do not make explicit use of the global parameter of the graph, i.e., the upper-bound on the number of faults, f

    Optimal byzantine resilient convergence in oblivious robot networks

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    Given a set of robots with arbitrary initial location and no agreement on a global coordinate system, convergence requires that all robots asymptotically approach the exact same, but unknown beforehand, location. Robots are oblivious-- they do not recall the past computations -- and are allowed to move in a one-dimensional space. Additionally, robots cannot communicate directly, instead they obtain system related information only via visual sensors. We draw a connection between the convergence problem in robot networks, and the distributed \emph{approximate agreement} problem (that requires correct processes to decide, for some constant Ï”\epsilon, values distance Ï”\epsilon apart and within the range of initial proposed values). Surprisingly, even though specifications are similar, the convergence implementation in robot networks requires specific assumptions about synchrony and Byzantine resilience. In more details, we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of mobile robots despite a subset of them being Byzantine (i.e. they can exhibit arbitrary behavior). Additionally, we propose a deterministic convergence algorithm for robot networks and analyze its correctness and complexity in various synchrony settings. The proposed algorithm tolerates f Byzantine robots for (2f+1)-sized robot networks in fully synchronous networks, (3f+1)-sized in semi-synchronous networks. These bounds are optimal for the class of cautious algorithms, which guarantee that correct robots always move inside the range of positions of the correct robots

    An Improved Approximate Consensus Algorithm in the Presence of Mobile Faults

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    This paper explores the problem of reaching approximate consensus in synchronous point-to-point networks, where each pair of nodes is able to communicate with each other directly and reliably. We consider the mobile Byzantine fault model proposed by Garay '94 -- in the model, an omniscient adversary can corrupt up to ff nodes in each round, and at the beginning of each round, faults may "move" in the system (i.e., different sets of nodes may become faulty in different rounds). Recent work by Bonomi et al. '16 proposed a simple iterative approximate consensus algorithm which requires at least 4f+14f+1 nodes. This paper proposes a novel technique of using "confession" (a mechanism to allow others to ignore past behavior) and a variant of reliable broadcast to improve the fault-tolerance level. In particular, we present an approximate consensus algorithm that requires only ⌈7f/2⌉+1\lceil 7f/2\rceil + 1 nodes, an ⌊f/2⌋\lfloor f/2 \rfloor improvement over the state-of-the-art algorithms. Moreover, we also show that the proposed algorithm is optimal within a family of round-based algorithms
