33 research outputs found

    Reachability cuts for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    This paper introduces a class of cuts, called reachability cuts, for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). Reachability cuts are closely related to cuts derived from precedence constraints in the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows and to k-path cuts for the VRPTW. In particular, any reachability cut dominates one or more k-path cuts. The paper presents separation procedures for reachability cuts and reports computational experiments on well-known VRPTW instances. The computational results suggest that reachability cuts can be highly useful as cutting planes for certain VRPTW instances.Routing; time windows; precedence constraints

    Note: Comments on the paper by Rosling (2002)

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    In this note we comment on whether the cost rate function of Model 2 of Rosling (2002) is exactInventory control; compound renewal process

    Scheduling participants of Assessment Centres

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    Assessment Centres are used as a tool for psychologists and coaches to ob- serve a number of dimensions in a person's behaviour and test his/her potential within a number of chosen focus areas. This is done in an intense course, with a number of dierent exercises which expose each participant's ability level in the chosen focus areas. The participants are observed by assessors with the purpose of gathering material for reaching a conclusion on each participant's personal pro le. We consider the particular case that arises at the company Human Equity (www.humanequity.dk), where Assessment Centres usually last two days and involve 3-6 psychologists or trained coaches as assessors. An entire course is composed of a number of rounds, with each round having its individual duration. In each round, the participants are divided into a number of groups with prespeci ed pairing of group sizes and assessors. The scheduling problem amounts to determining the allocation of participants to groups in each round. We have developed a model and solution approach for this particular scheduling problem, which may be viewed as a rather extensive generalization of the Social Golfer Problem.No keywords;

    Developing a closed-form cost expression for an (R,s,nQ) policy where the demand process is compound generalized Erlang.

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    We derive a closed-form cost expression for an (R,s,nQ) inventory control policy where all replenishment orders have a constant lead-time, unfilled demand is backlogged and inter-arrival times of order requests are generalized Erlang distributedInventory control; Compound renewal process; Generalized Erlang distribution;

    Streams of events and performance of queuing systems: The basic anatomy of arrival/departure processes, when focus is set on autocorrelation

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    Judging from the vast number of articles in the field of queuing simulation, that assumes i.i.d. in one or more of the stochastic processes used to model the situation at hand, often without much validation, it seems that sequence independence must be a very basic property of many real life situation or at least a very sound approximation. However, on the other hand, most actual decision making is based upon information taken from the past - where else! In fact the only real alternative that comes into my mind is to let a pair of dices fully and completely rule behaviour, but I wonder if such a decision setup is that widespread in consequent use anywhere. So, how come that sequence independence is so relatively popular in describing real system processes? I can only think of three possible explanations to this dilemma - (1) either sequence dependence is present, but is mostly not of a very significant nature or (2) aggregate system behaviour is in general very different from just the summing-up (even for finite sets of micro-behavioural patterns) and/or (3) it is simply a wrong assumption that in many cases is chosen by mere convention or plain convenience. It is evident that before choosing some arrival processes for some simulation study a thorough preliminary analysis has to be undertaken in order to uncover the basic time series nature of the interacting processes. Flexible methods for generating streams of autocorrelated variates of any desired distributional type, such as the ARTA method or some autocorrelation extended descriptive sampling method, can then easily be applied. The results from the Livny, Melamed and Tsiolis (1993) study as well as the results from this work both indicates that system performance measures as for instance average waiting time or average time in system are significantly influenced by the taken i.i.d. versus the autocorrelations assumptions. Plus/minus 35% in performance, but most likely a worsening, is easily observed, when comparing even moderate (probably more realistic) autocorrelation assumptions with the traditionally and commonly used i.i.d. assumptions.Autocorrelation; queuing systems; TES method; ARTA method Descriptive/Selective sampling; Simulation; Job/flow-shop; performance; control

    A comparison between the order and the volume fill rates for a base-stock inventory control system under a compound renewal demand process

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    The order fill rate is less commonly used than the volume fill rate (most often just denoted fill rate) as a performance measure for inventory control systems. However, in settings where the focus is on filling customer orders rather than total quantities, the order fill rate should be the preferred measure. In this paper we consider a continuous review, base-stock policy, where all replenishment orders have the same constant lead time and all unfilled demands are backordered. We develop exact mathematical expressions for the two fill-rate measures when demand follows a compound renewal process. We also elaborate on when the order fill rate can be interpreted as the (extended) ready rate. Furthermore, for the case when customer orders are generated by a negative binomial distribution, we show that it is the size of the shape parameter of this distribution that determines the relative magnitude of the two fill rates. In particular, we show that when customer orders are generated by a geometric distribution, the order fill rate and the volume fill rate are equal (though not equivalent when considering sample paths). For the case when customer inter-arrival times follow an Erlang distribution, we show how to compute the two fill rates.Backordering; continuous review; compound renewal process; inventory control; negative binomial distribution; service levels

    A note on “Multicriteria adaptive paths in stochastic, time-varying networks”

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    In a recent paper, Opasanon and Miller-Hooks study multicriteria adaptive paths in stochastic time-varying networks. They propose a label correcting algorithm for finding the full set of efficient strategies. In this note we show that their algorithm is not correct, since it is based on a property that does not hold in general. Opasanon and Miller-Hooks also propose an algorithm for solving a parametric problem. We give a simplified algorithm which is linear in the input size.Multiple objective programming; shortest paths; stochastic time-dependent networks; time-adaptive strategies

    Finding the K shortest hyperpaths using reoptimization

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    The shortest hyperpath problem is an extension of the classical shortest path problem and has applications in many different areas. Recently, algorithms for finding the K shortest hyperpaths in a directed hypergraph have been developed by Andersen, Nielsen and Pretolani. In this paper we improve the worst-case computational complexity of an algorithm for finding the K shortest hyperpaths in an acyclic hypergraph. This result is obtained by applying new reoptimization techniques for shortest hyperpaths. The algorithm turns out to be quite effective in practice and has already been successfully applied in the context of stochastic time-dependent networks, for finding the K best strategies and for solving bicriterion problems.Network programming; Directed hypergraphs; K shortest hyperpaths; K shortest paths

    A Column Generation Approach to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands

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    In this article we introduce a new exact solution approach to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands (CVRPSD). In particular, we consider the case where all customer demands are distributed independently and where each customer’s demand follows a Poisson distribution. The CVRPSD can be formulated as a Set Partitioning Problem. We show that, under the above assumptions on demands, the associated column generation subproblem can be solved using a dynamic programming scheme which is similar to that used in the case of deterministic demands. To evaluate the potential of our approach we have embedded this column generation scheme in a branch-and-price algorithm. Computational experiments on a large set of test instances show promising resultsRouting; Stochastic programming; Logistics; Branch and Bound; Dynamic programming

    The Q(s,S) control policy for the joint replenishment problem extended to the case of correlation among item-demands

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    We develop an algorithm to compute an optimal Q(s,S) policy for the joint replenishment problem when demands follow a compound correlated Poisson process. It is a non-trivial generalization of the work by Nielsen and Larsen (2005). We make some numerical analyses on two-item problems where we compare the optimal Q(s,S) policy to the optimal uncoordinated (s,S) policies. The results indicate that the more negative the correlation the less advantageous it is to coordinate. Therefore, in some cases the degree of correlation determines whether to apply the coordinated Q(s,S) policy or the uncoordinated (s,S) policies. Finally, we compare the Q(s,S) policy and the closely connected P(s,S) policy. Here we explain why the Q(s,S) policy is a better choice if item-demands are correlated.joint replenishment problem; compound correlated Poisson process