87,085 research outputs found

    Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes

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    In this paper we present an evaluation of techniques that are designed to encourage web searchers to interact more with the results of a web search. Two specific techniques are examined: the presentation of sentences that highly match the searcher's query and the use of implicit evidence. Implicit evidence is evidence captured from the searcher's interaction with the retrieval results and is used to automatically update the display. Our evaluation concentrates on the effectiveness and subject perception of these techniques. The results show, with statistical significance, that the techniques are effective and efficient for information seeking

    The State-of-the-arts in Focused Search

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    The continuous influx of various text data on the Web requires search engines to improve their retrieval abilities for more specific information. The need for relevant results to a user’s topic of interest has gone beyond search for domain or type specific documents to more focused result (e.g. document fragments or answers to a query). The introduction of XML provides a format standard for data representation, storage, and exchange. It helps focused search to be carried out at different granularities of a structured document with XML markups. This report aims at reviewing the state-of-the-arts in focused search, particularly techniques for topic-specific document retrieval, passage retrieval, XML retrieval, and entity ranking. It is concluded with highlight of open problems

    DCU-TCD@LogCLEF 2010: re-ranking document collections and query performance estimation

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    This paper describes the collaborative participation of Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin in LogCLEF 2010. Two sets of experiments were conducted. First, different aspects of the TEL query logs were analysed after extracting user sessions of consecutive queries on a topic. The relation between the queries and their length (number of terms) and position (first query or further reformulations) was examined in a session with respect to query performance estimators such as query scope, IDF-based measures, simplified query clarity score, and average inverse document collection frequency. Results of this analysis suggest that only some estimator values show a correlation with query length or position in the TEL logs (e.g. similarity score between collection and query). Second, the relation between three attributes was investigated: the user's country (detected from IP address), the query language, and the interface language. The investigation aimed to explore the influence of the three attributes on the user's collection selection. Moreover, the investigation involved assigning different weights to the three attributes in a scoring function that was used to re-rank the collections displayed to the user according to the language and country. The results of the collection re-ranking show a significant improvement in Mean Average Precision (MAP) over the original collection ranking of TEL. The results also indicate that the query language and interface language have more in uence than the user's country on the collections selected by the users

    Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement

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    Learning to rank has been intensively studied and widely applied in information retrieval. Typically, a global ranking function is learned from a set of labeled data, which can achieve good performance on average but may be suboptimal for individual queries by ignoring the fact that relevant documents for different queries may have different distributions in the feature space. Inspired by the idea of pseudo relevance feedback where top ranked documents, which we refer as the \textit{local ranking context}, can provide important information about the query's characteristics, we propose to use the inherent feature distributions of the top results to learn a Deep Listwise Context Model that helps us fine tune the initial ranked list. Specifically, we employ a recurrent neural network to sequentially encode the top results using their feature vectors, learn a local context model and use it to re-rank the top results. There are three merits with our model: (1) Our model can capture the local ranking context based on the complex interactions between top results using a deep neural network; (2) Our model can be built upon existing learning-to-rank methods by directly using their extracted feature vectors; (3) Our model is trained with an attention-based loss function, which is more effective and efficient than many existing listwise methods. Experimental results show that the proposed model can significantly improve the state-of-the-art learning to rank methods on benchmark retrieval corpora

    A study of interface support mechanisms for interactive information retrieval

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    Advances in search technology have meant that search systems can now offer assistance to users beyond simply retrieving a set of documents. For example, search systems are now capable of inferring user interests by observing their interaction, offering suggestions about what terms could be used in a query, or reorganizing search results to make exploration of retrieved material more effective. When providing new search functionality, system designers must decide how the new functionality should be offered to users. One major choice is between (a) offering automatic features that require little human input, but give little human control; or (b) interactive features which allow human control over how the feature is used, but often give little guidance over how the feature should be best used. This article presents a study in which we empirically investigate the issue of control by presenting an experiment in which participants were asked to interact with three experimental systems that vary the degree of control they had in creating queries, indicating which results are relevant in making search decisions. We use our findings to discuss why and how the control users want over search decisions can vary depending on the nature of the decisions and the impact of those decisions on the user's search

    Entity Ranking on Graphs: Studies on Expert Finding

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    Todays web search engines try to offer services for finding various information in addition to simple web pages, like showing locations or answering simple fact queries. Understanding the association of named entities and documents is one of the key steps towards such semantic search tasks. This paper addresses the ranking of entities and models it in a graph-based relevance propagation framework. In particular we study the problem of expert finding as an example of an entity ranking task. Entity containment graphs are introduced that represent the relationship between text fragments on the one hand and their contained entities on the other hand. The paper shows how these graphs can be used to propagate relevance information from the pre-ranked text fragments to their entities. We use this propagation framework to model existing approaches to expert finding based on the entity's indegree and extend them by recursive relevance propagation based on a probabilistic random walk over the entity containment graphs. Experiments on the TREC expert search task compare the retrieval performance of the different graph and propagation models

    Characterizing Search Behavior in Productivity Software

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    Complex software applications expose hundreds of commands to users through intricate menu hierarchies. One of the most popular productivity software suites, Microsoft Office, has recently developed functionality that allows users to issue free-form text queries to a search system to quickly find commands they want to execute, retrieve help documentation or access web results in a unified interface. In this paper, we analyze millions of search sessions originating from within Microsoft Office applications, collected over one month of activity, in an effort to characterize search behavior in productivity software. Our research brings together previous efforts in analyzing command usage in large-scale applications and efforts in understanding search behavior in environments other than the web. Our findings show that users engage primarily in command search, and that re-accessing commands through search is a frequent behavior. Our work represents the first large-scale analysis of search over command spaces and is an important first step in understanding how search systems integrated with productivity software can be successfully developed