3 research outputs found

    Semantics-Aligned Representation Learning for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (reID) aims to match person images to retrieve the ones with the same identity. This is a challenging task, as the images to be matched are generally semantically misaligned due to the diversity of human poses and capture viewpoints, incompleteness of the visible bodies (due to occlusion), etc. In this paper, we propose a framework that drives the reID network to learn semantics-aligned feature representation through delicate supervision designs. Specifically, we build a Semantics Aligning Network (SAN) which consists of a base network as encoder (SA-Enc) for re-ID, and a decoder (SA-Dec) for reconstructing/regressing the densely semantics aligned full texture image. We jointly train the SAN under the supervisions of person re-identification and aligned texture generation. Moreover, at the decoder, besides the reconstruction loss, we add Triplet ReID constraints over the feature maps as the perceptual losses. The decoder is discarded in the inference and thus our scheme is computationally efficient. Ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our design. We achieve the state-of-the-art performances on the benchmark datasets CUHK03, Market1501, MSMT17, and the partial person reID dataset Partial REID. Code for our proposed method is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/Semantics-Aligned-Representation-Learning-for-Person-Re-identification.Comment: Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), code has been release

    3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resolution Images and Videos

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    3D human pose and shape estimation from monocular images has been an active research area in computer vision. Existing deep learning methods for this task rely on high-resolution input, which however, is not always available in many scenarios such as video surveillance and sports broadcasting. Two common approaches to deal with low-resolution images are applying super-resolution techniques to the input, which may result in unpleasant artifacts, or simply training one model for each resolution, which is impractical in many realistic applications. To address the above issues, this paper proposes a novel algorithm called RSC-Net, which consists of a Resolution-aware network, a Self-supervision loss, and a Contrastive learning scheme. The proposed method is able to learn 3D body pose and shape across different resolutions with one single model. The self-supervision loss enforces scale-consistency of the output, and the contrastive learning scheme enforces scale-consistency of the deep features. We show that both these new losses provide robustness when learning in a weakly-supervised manner. Moreover, we extend the RSC-Net to handle low-resolution videos and apply it to reconstruct textured 3D pedestrians from low-resolution input. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the RSC-Net can achieve consistently better results than the state-of-the-art methods for challenging low-resolution images.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2007.1366