2 research outputs found

    Polynomial solutions of algebraic difference equations and homogeneous symmetric polynomials

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    This article addresses the problem of computing an upper bound of the degree d of a polynomial solution P(x) of an algebraic differ- ence equation of the form Gx)(P(x āˆ’Ļ„1), . . . , P(x āˆ’Ļ„s) + G0(x) = 0 when such P(x) with the coeļ¬ƒcients in a ļ¬eld K of character- istic zero exists and where G is a non-linear s-variable polynomial with coeļ¬ƒcients in K[x] and G0 is a polynomial with coeļ¬ƒcients in K. It will be shown that if G is a quadratic polynomial with constant coeļ¬ƒcients then one can construct a countable family of polynomi- als fl(u0) such that if there exists a (minimal) index l0 with fl0(u0) being a non-zero polynomial, then the degree d is one of its roots or d ā‰¤ l0, or d < deg(G0). Moreover, the existence of such l0 will be proven for K being the ļ¬eld of real numbers. These results are based on the properties of the modules generated by special fami- lies of homogeneous symmetric polynomials. A suļ¬ƒcient condition for the existence of a similar bound of the degree of a polynomial solution for an algebraic difference equation with G of arbitrary total degree and with variable coeļ¬ƒcients will be proven as well