9 research outputs found

    Rate-invariant analysis of covariance trajectories

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    Statistical analysis of dynamic systems, such as videos and dynamic functional connectivity, is often translated into a problem of analyzing trajectories of relevant features, particularly covariance matrices. As an example, in video-based action recognition, a natural mathematical representation of activity videos is as parameterized trajectories on the set of symmetric, positive-definite matrices (SPDMs). The variable execution-rates of actions, implying arbitrary parameterizations of trajectories, complicates their analysis and classification. To handle this challenge, we represent covariance trajectories using transported square-root vector fields (TSRVFs), constructed by parallel translating scaled-velocity vectors of trajectories to their starting points. The space of such representations forms a vector bundle on the SPDM manifold. Using a natural Riemannian metric on this vector bundle, we approximate geodesic paths and geodesic distances between trajectories in the quotient space of this vector bundle. This metric is invariant to the action of the reparameterization group, and leads to a rate-invariant analysis of trajectories. In the process, we remove the parameterization variability and temporally register trajectories during analysis. We demonstrate this framework in multiple contexts, using both generative statistical models and discriminative data analysis. The latter is illustrated using several applications involving video-based action recognition and dynamic functional connectivity analysis

    Representation and Characterization of Non-Stationary Processes by Dilation Operators and Induced Shape Space Manifolds

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    We have introduce a new vision of stochastic processes through the geometry induced by the dilation. The dilation matrices of a given processes are obtained by a composition of rotations matrices, contain the measure information in a condensed way. Particularly interesting is the fact that the obtention of dilation matrices is regardless of the stationarity of the underlying process. When the process is stationary, it coincides with the Naimark Dilation and only one rotation matrix is computed, when the process is non-stationary, a set of rotation matrices are computed. In particular, the periodicity of the correlation function that may appear in some classes of signal is transmitted to the set of dilation matrices. These rotation matrices, which can be arbitrarily close to each other depending on the sampling or the rescaling of the signal are seen as a distinctive feature of the signal. In order to study this sequence of matrices, and guided by the possibility to rescale the signal, the correct geometrical framework to use with the dilation's theoretic results is the space of curves on manifolds, that is the set of all curve that lies on a base manifold. To give a complete sight about the space of curve, a metric and the derived geodesic equation are provided. The general results are adapted to the more specific case where the base manifold is the Lie group of rotation matrices. The notion of the shape of a curve can be formalized as the set of equivalence classes of curves given by the quotient space of the space of curves and the increasing diffeomorphisms. The metric in the space of curve naturally extent to the space of shapes and enable comparison between shapes.Comment: 19 pages, draft pape

    Computing distances and geodesics between manifold-valued curves in the SRV framework

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    This paper focuses on the study of open curves in a Riemannian manifold M, and proposes a reparametrization invariant metric on the space of such paths. We use the square root velocity function (SRVF) introduced by Srivastava et al. to define a Riemannian metric on the space of immersions M'=Imm([0,1],M) by pullback of a natural metric on the tangent bundle TM'. This induces a first-order Sobolev metric on M' and leads to a distance which takes into account the distance between the origins in M and the L2-distance between the SRV representations of the curves. The geodesic equations for this metric are given and exploited to define an exponential map on M'. The optimal deformation of one curve into another can then be constructed using geodesic shooting, which requires to characterize the Jacobi fields of M'. The particular case of curves lying in the hyperbolic half-plane is considered as an example, in the setting of radar signal processing

    Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Covariance Trajectories

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition using deep covariance descriptors. The solution is based on the idea of encoding local and global Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) features extracted from still images, in compact local and global covariance descriptors. The space geometry of the covariance matrices is that of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. By conducting the classification of static facial expressions using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a valid Gaussian kernel on the SPD manifold, we show that deep covariance descriptors are more effective than the standard classification with fully connected layers and softmax. Besides, we propose a completely new and original solution to model the temporal dynamic of facial expressions as deep trajectories on the SPD manifold. As an extension of the classification pipeline of covariance descriptors, we apply SVM with valid positive definite kernels derived from global alignment for deep covariance trajectories classification. By performing extensive experiments on the Oulu-CASIA, CK+, SFEW and AFEW datasets, we show that both the proposed static and dynamic approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for facial expression recognition outperforming many recent approaches