582 research outputs found

    Outage Probability Analysis of Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems

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    abstract: Multiple-input multiple-output systems have gained focus in the last decade due to the benefits they provide in enhancing the quality of communications. On the other hand, full-duplex communication has attracted remarkable attention due to its ability to improve the spectral efficiency compared to the existing half-duplex systems. Using full-duplex communications on MIMO co-operative networks can provide us solutions that can completely outperform existing systems with simultaneous transmission and reception at high data rates. This thesis considers a full-duplex MIMO relay which amplifies and forwards the received signals, between a source and a destination that do not a have line of sight. Full-duplex mode raises the problem of self-interference. Though all the links in the system undergo frequency flat fading, the end-to-end effective channel is frequency selective. This is due to the imperfect cancellation of the self-interference at the relay and this residual self-interference acts as intersymbol interference at the destination which is treated by equalization. This also leads to complications in form of recursive equations to determine the input-output relationship of the system. This also leads to complications in the form of recursive equations to determine the input-output relationship of the system. To overcome this, a signal flow graph approach using Mason's gain formula is proposed, where the effective channel is analyzed with keen notice to every loop and path the signal traverses. This gives a clear understanding and awareness about the orders of the polynomials involved in the transfer function, from which desired conclusions can be drawn. But the complexity of Mason's gain formula increases with the number of antennas at relay which can be overcome by the proposed linear algebraic method. Input-output relationship derived using simple concepts of linear algebra can be generalized to any number of antennas and the computation complexity is comparatively very low. For a full-duplex amplify-and-forward MIMO relay system, assuming equalization at the destination, new mechanisms have been implemented at the relay that can compensate the effect of residual self-interference namely equal-gain transmission and antenna selection. Though equal-gain transmission does not perform better than the maximal ratio transmission, a trade-off can be made between performance and implementation complexity. Using the proposed antenna selection strategy, one pair of transmit-receive antennas at the relay is selected based on four selection criteria discussed. Outage probability analysis is performed for all the strategies presented and detailed comparison has been established. Considering minimum mean-squared error decision feedback equalizer at the destination, a bound on the outage probability has been obtained for the antenna selection case and is used for comparisons. A cross-over point is observed while comparing the outage probabilities of equal-gain transmission and antenna selection techniques, as the signal-to-noise ratio increases and from that point antenna selection outperforms equal-gain transmission and this is explained by the fact of reduced residual self-interference in antenna selection method.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Differential modulation for two-way wireless communications: a perspective of differential network coding at the physical layer

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    This work considers two-way relay channels (TWRC), where two terminals transmit simultaneously to each other with the help of a relay node. For single antenna systems, we propose several new transmission schemes for both amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol and decode-and-forward (DF) protocol where the channel state information is not required. These new schemes are the counterpart of the traditional noncoherent detection or differential detection in point-to-point communications. Differential modulation design for TWRC is challenging because the received signal is a mixture of the signals from both source terminals. We derive maximum likelihood (ML) detectors for both AF and DF protocols, where the latter can be considered as performing differential network coding at the physical layer. As the exact ML detector is prohibitively complex, we propose several suboptimal alternatives including decision feedback detectors and prediction-based detectors. All these strategies work well as evidenced by the simulation results. The proposed protocols are especially useful when the required average data rate is high. In addition, we extend the protocols to the multiple-antenna case and provide the design criterion of the differential unitary space time modulation (DUSTM) for TWRC

    Channel Estimation in Half and Full Duplex Relays

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    abstract: Both two-way relays (TWR) and full-duplex (FD) radios are spectrally efficient, and their integration shows great potential to further improve the spectral efficiency, which offers a solution to the fifth generation wireless systems. High quality channel state information (CSI) are the key components for the implementation and the performance of the FD TWR system, making channel estimation in FD TWRs crucial. The impact of channel estimation on spectral efficiency in half-duplex multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) TWR systems is investigated. The trade-off between training and data energy is proposed. In the case that two sources are symmetric in power and number of antennas, a closed-form for the optimal ratio of data energy to total energy is derived. It can be shown that the achievable rate is a monotonically increasing function of the data length. The asymmetric case is discussed as well. Efficient and accurate training schemes for FD TWRs are essential for profiting from the inherent spectrally efficient structures of both FD and TWRs. A novel one-block training scheme with a maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is proposed to estimate the channels between the nodes and the residual self-interference (RSI) channel simultaneously. Baseline training schemes are also considered to compare with the one-block scheme. The Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) of the training schemes are derived and analyzed by using the asymptotic properties of Toeplitz matrices. The benefit of estimating the RSI channel is shown analytically in terms of Fisher information. To obtain fundamental and analytic results of how the RSI affects the spectral efficiency, one-way FD relay systems are studied. Optimal training design and ML channel estimation are proposed to estimate the RSI channel. The CRBs are derived and analyzed in closed-form so that the optimal training sequence can be found via minimizing the CRB. Extensions of the training scheme to frequency-selective channels and multiple relays are also presented. Simultaneously sensing and transmission in an FD cognitive radio system with MIMO is considered. The trade-off between the transmission rate and the detection accuracy is characterized by the sum-rate of the primary and the secondary users. Different beamforming and combining schemes are proposed and compared.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Cooperative diversity for the cellular uplink: Sharing strategies, performance analysis, and receiver design

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    In this thesis, we propose data sharing schemes for the cooperative diversity in a cellular uplink to exploit diversity and enhance throughput performance of the system. Particularly, we consider new two and three-or-more user decode and forward (DF) protocols using space time block codes. We discuss two-user and three-user amplify and forward (AF) protocols and evaluate the performance of the above mentioned data sharing protocols in terms of the bit error rate and the throughput in an asynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular uplink. We develop a linear receiver for joint space-time decoding and multiuser detection that provides full diversity and near maximum-likelihood performance.;We also focus on a practical situation where inter-user channel is noisy and cooperating users can not successfully estimate other user\u27s data. We further design our system model such that, users decide not to forward anything in case of symbol errors. Channel estimation plays an important role here, since cooperating users make random estimation errors and the base station can not have the knowledge of the errors or the inter-user channels. We consider a training-based approach for channel estimation. We provide an information outage probability analysis for the proposed multi-user sharing schemes. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in cooperative networks

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    2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In recent years, the capacity and charging speed of batteries have become the bottleneck of mobile communications systems. Energy harvesting (EH) is regarded as a promising technology to significantly extend the lifetime of battery-powered devices. Among many EH technologies, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) proposes to harvest part of the energy carried by the wireless communication signals. In particular, SWIPT has been successfully applied to energy-constrained relays that are mainly or exclusively powered by the energy harvested from the received signals. These relays are known as EH relays, which attract significant attention in both the academia and the industry. In this research, we investigate the performance of SWIPT-based EH cooperative networks and the optimization problems therein. Due to hardware limitations, the energy harvesting circuit cannot decode the signal directly. Power splitting (PS) is a popular and effective solution to this problem. Therefore, we focus on PS based SWIPT in this research. First, different from existing work that employs time-switching (TS) based SWIPT, we propose to employ PS based SWIPT for a truly full-duplex (FD) EH relay network, where the information reception and transmission take place simultaneously at the relay all the time. This more thorough exploitation of the FD feature consequently leads to a significant capacity improvement compared with existing alternatives in the literature. Secondly, when multiple relays are available in the network, we explore the relay selection (RS) and network beamforming techniques in EH relay networks. Assuming orthogonal bandwidth allocation, both single relay selection (SRS) and general relay selection (GRS) without the limit on the number of cooperating relays are investigated and the corresponding RS methods are proposed. We will show that our proposed heuristic GRS methods outperform the SRS methods and achieve very similar performance compared with the optimal RS method achieved by exhaustive search but with dramatically reduced complexity. Under the shared bandwidth assumption, network beamforming among EH relays is investigated. We propose a joint PS factor optimization method based on semidefinite relaxation. Simulations show that network beamforming achieves the best performance among all other cooperative techniques. Finally, we study the problem of power allocation and PS factor optimization for SWIPT over doubly-selective wireless channels. In contrast to existing work in the literature, we take the channel variation in both time and frequency domains into consideration and jointly optimize the power allocation and the PS factors. The objective is to maximize the achievable data rate with constraints on the delivered energy in a time window. Since the problem is difficult to solve directly due to its nonconvexity, we proposed a two-step approach, named joint power allocation and splitting (JoPAS), to solve the problem along the time and frequency dimensions sequentially. Simulations show significantly improved performance compared with the existing dynamic power splitting scheme. A suboptimal heuristic algorithm, named decoupled power allocation and splitting (DePAS), is also proposed with significantly reduced computational complexity and simulations demonstrate its near-optimum performance

    Non-coherent successive relaying and cooperation: principles, designs, and applications

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    Cooperative communication is capable of forming a virtual antenna array for each node (user) in a network by allowing the nodes (users) to relay the messages of others to the destination. Such a relay aided network may be viewed as a distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system relying on the spatially distributed single antennas of the cooperating mobiles, which avoids the correlation of the antenna elements routinely encountered in conventional MIMO systems and hence attains the maximum achievable diversity gain. Therefore, the family of cooperative communication techniques may be regarded as a potential solution for future wireless networks. However, constrained by the half-duplex transmit/receive mode of most practical transceivers, the cooperative networks may impose a severe 50% throughput loss. As a remedy, successive relaying can be employed, which is capable of mimicking a full-duplex relay and thereby recovering much of the 50% throughput loss. Furthermore, for the sake of bypassing power-hungry and potentially excessive-complexity channel estimation, noncoherent detection techniques may be employed for multiple-antenna aided systems, because estimating all the associated channels may become unrealistic. Explicitly, the mobile-stations acting as relays cannot be realistically expected to estimate the source-to-relay channels. In order to motivate further research on noncoherent successive relaying aided systems, a comprehensive review of its basic concepts, fundamental principles, practical transceiver designs and open challenges is provide