220 research outputs found

    Virtual Prototyping for validation of functional architectures

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    International audienceThis paper will present a new approach how to use virtual prototyping to validate functional architectures. The approach points out how functional architecture can be set up and tested in order to get highly validated data before making final architectural/design decisions. The introduction will speak about the current facts, the constrains and the tendencies to create a common and understandable picture in which the proposed solution may be implemented. Then we will give a description and definition of MiLMiL / SiLSiL / HiL, rapid prototyping and virtual prototyping to avoid confusion. The main part will discuss functional and logical architecture, the mapping of both as well a the variants that have to be considered. It will be shown how validation by virtual prototyping can help to define and proof architectural decision. Finally we will give a short outlook on how to migrate from virtual prototyping systems via rapid prototyping via fullpass and bypass to HiL applications. The conclusion summarizes the advantages compared to the current situation

    Migrating from proprietary tools to open-source software for EAST-ADL metamodel generation and evolution

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    Open-source software has numerous advantages over proprietary commercial-off-The-shelf (COTS) software. However, there are modeling languages, tool chains, and tool frameworks that are developed and maintained in an open-source manner but still incorporate COTS tools. Such an incorporation of COTS tools into an overall open-source approach completely annihilates the actual open-source advantages and goals. In this tool paper, we demonstrate how we eliminated a COTS tool from the otherwise open-source-based generation and evolution workflow of the domain-specific modeling language East-Adl, used in the automotive industry to describe a variety of interdisciplinary aspects of vehicle systems. By switching to a pure open-source solution, East-Adl becomes easier to inspect, evolve, and develop a community around. We compare both the mixed COTS/open-source and the open-source-only workflows, outline the advantages of the open-source-only solution, and show that we achieve equivalent tooling features compared to the original approach

    07451 Abstracts Collection -- Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems

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    From 04.11. to 09.11.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07451 ``Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Applying Model Based Techniques for Early Safety Evaluation of an Automotive Architecture in Compliance with the ISO 26262 Standard

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    International audienceIn 2011, the automotive industry introduced the application of a standardized process for functional safety-related development of automotive electronic products. The related international standard, ISO 26262 functional safety for road vehicles, has high demands on process documentation and analysis. Within an engineering context this challenges the tremendous increase of complexity for modern automotive systems and high productivity demands for industrial competiveness purpose. Model based development techniques based on an Architecture Description Language (ADL) has been identified as the best candidate to manage the system complexity and the related safety analysis with the benefit of formal description and capabilities for test automation. The proposed concept relies on the definition of a compositional error modeling approach tightly coupled with the system architecture model, capable to analyze the software and hardware architectures and implementations. This paper explains the results of the language extension based on the EAST-ADL and AUTOSAR domain model in terms of early safety evaluation of an automotive architecture, automating the qualitative and quantitative assessment of road vehicle products as claimed by the application of the ISO 26262

    Analysis as first-class citizens – an application to Architecture Description Languages

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    Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) support modeling and analysis of systems through models transformation and exploration. Various contributions made proposals to bring verification capabilities to designers through model-based frame- works and illustrated benefits to the overall system quality. Model-level analyses are usually performed as an exogenous, unidirectional and semantically weak transformation towards a third-party model. We claim such process can be incomplete and/or inefficient because gathered results lead to evolution of the primary model. This is particularly problematic for the design of Distributed Real-Time Embedded (DRE) systems that has to tackle many concerns like time, security or safety. In this paper, we argue why analysis should no longer be considered as a side step in the design process but, rather, should be embedded as a first-class citizen in the model itself. We review several standardized architecture description languages, which consider analysis as a goal. As an element of solution, we introduce current work on the definition of a language dedicated to the analysis of models within the scope of one particular ADL, namely the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL)

    Faster Development of AUTOSAR compliant ECUs through simulation

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    International audienceVirtualization allows the simulation of automotive ECUs on a Windows PC executing in a closed-loop with a vehicle simulation model. This approach enables moving many development tasks from road or test rigs and HiL (Hardware in the loop) to PCs, where they can often be performed faster and cheaper. Technical challenge: How to port ECU tasks and basic software to Windows PC with reasonable effort, so that key development tasks can be performed on a PC, without the need of accessing real hardware such as vehicle prototypes, test rigs or HiL facilities. This paper presents a new solution for the use case of ECUs developed within the emerging AUTOSAR standard: First, the AUTOSAR authoring tool AUTOSAR Builder (Dassault Systèmes) is used to design the application software and system aspects of a single ECU or an distributed embedded system which is then stored as AUTOSAR XML descriptions. The application code can either be developed in the AUTOSAR Builder environment or auto-generated by tools such as Embedded Coder (MathWorks), TargetLink (dSPACE) or Ascet (ETAS). Once tested in AUTOSAR Builder, selected software components or compositions can be exported including an AUTOSAR OS (Operating System) and RTE (Run- Time Environment) as an FMU (Functional Mockup Unit). FMU [4] is a new exchange format for models that has been developed in the EU-funded MODELISAR project (2008 - 2011) and since then gained considerable acceptance across multiple industries and tools. The FMU can then be imported into the virtual ECU tool Silver (QTronic), where it can be co-simulated with vehicle models originating from a wide range of simulation tools, including Dymola, SimulationX, MapleSim and AMESim. Vehicle models are again provided as FMUs, or via proprietary binary export formats, typically Windows DLLs. Tools for measurement and calibration such as CANape (Vector Informatik) or INCA (ETAS) can then be connected to the virtual ECU running on PC, to directly measure or tune its parameters, like an engineer would do in a real car. Virtual ECUs are also used to move testing activities from test rigs and HiLs to Windows PC

    A Walk through EMS2010 Modular Software Development

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    International audienceThe development of internal combustion engines is driven by two forces: the need for increased performances and most important of all the regulation for emissions reduction. Thanks to electronic control, in recent years engines have known spectacular progression in those two areas, but also a spectacular increase in complexity, especially for software. With the current high level of complexity rigorous processes are not enough to guarantee the quality. This is why RENAULT haslaunched the EMS 2010 (Engine Management System) project to build the standardization of the software structure with the support of its suppliers, especially the support of SIEMENS VDO. This article presents the main specificities of EMS 2010 software development through two parts. The first part introduces the EMS 2010 software architecture, its principles and main notions, and ends with a comparison with AUTOSAR. The second part goes through the technical particularities of the different steps of EMS 2010 software development from the specification of a module to its integration into a complete software
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