3 research outputs found

    Scores of hesitant fuzzy elements revisited: “Was sind und was sollen”

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    [EN] This paper revolves around the notion of score for hesitant fuzzy elements, the constituent parts of hesitant fuzzy sets. Scores allow us to reduce the level of uncertainty of hesitant fuzzy sets to classical fuzzy sets, or to rank alternatives characterized by hesitant fuzzy information. We propose a rigorous and normative definition capable of encapsulating the characteristics of the most important scores introduced in the literature. We systematically analyse different types of scores, with a focus on coherence properties based on cardinality and monotonicity. The hesitant fuzzy elements considered in this analysis are unrestricted. The inspection of the infinite case is especially novel. In particular, special attention will be paid to the analysis of hesitant fuzzy elements that are intervals

    Ranking Sets of Objects: The Complexity of Avoiding Impossibility Results

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    The problem of lifting a preference order on a set of objects to a preference order on a family of subsets of this set is a fundamental problem with a wide variety of applications in AI. The process is often guided by axioms postulating properties the lifted order should have. Well-known impossibility results by Kannai and Peleg and by Barber\`a and Pattanaik tell us that some desirable axioms - namely dominance and (strict) independence - are not jointly satisfiable for any linear order on the objects if all non-empty sets of objects are to be ordered. On the other hand, if not all non-empty sets of objects are to be ordered, the axioms are jointly satisfiable for all linear orders on the objects for some families of sets. Such families are very important for applications as they allow for the use of lifted orders, for example, in combinatorial voting. In this paper, we determine the computational complexity of recognizing such families. We show that it is Π2p\Pi_2^p-complete to decide for a given family of subsets whether dominance and independence or dominance and strict independence are jointly satisfiable for all linear orders on the objects if the lifted order needs to be total. Furthermore, we show that the problem remains coNP-complete if the lifted order can be incomplete. Additionally, we show that the complexity of these problem can increase exponentially if the family of sets is not given explicitly but via a succinct domain restriction. Finally, we show that it is NP-complete to decide for family of subsets whether dominance and independence or dominance and strict independence are jointly satisfiable for at least one linear orders on the objects