632 research outputs found

    Design of Energy-Efficient A/D Converters with Partial Embedded Equalization for High-Speed Wireline Receiver Applications

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    As the data rates of wireline communication links increases, channel impairments such as skin effect, dielectric loss, fiber dispersion, reflections and cross-talk become more pronounced. This warrants more interest in analog-to-digital converter (ADC)-based serial link receivers, as they allow for more complex and flexible back-end digital signal processing (DSP) relative to binary or mixed-signal receivers. Utilizing this back-end DSP allows for complex digital equalization and more bandwidth-efficient modulation schemes, while also displaying reduced process/voltage/temperature (PVT) sensitivity. Furthermore, these architectures offer straightforward design translation and can directly leverage the area and power scaling offered by new CMOS technology nodes. However, the power consumption of the ADC front-end and subsequent digital signal processing is a major issue. Embedding partial equalization inside the front-end ADC can potentially result in lowering the complexity of back-end DSP and/or decreasing the ADC resolution requirement, which results in a more energy-effcient receiver. This dissertation presents efficient implementations for multi-GS/s time-interleaved ADCs with partial embedded equalization. First prototype details a 6b 1.6GS/s ADC with a novel embedded redundant-cycle 1-tap DFE structure in 90nm CMOS. The other two prototypes explain more complex 6b 10GS/s ADCs with efficiently embedded feed-forward equalization (FFE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE) in 65nm CMOS. Leveraging a time-interleaved successive approximation ADC architecture, new structures for embedded DFE and FFE are proposed with low power/area overhead. Measurement results over FR4 channels verify the effectiveness of proposed embedded equalization schemes. The comparison of fabricated prototypes against state-of-the-art general-purpose ADCs at similar speed/resolution range shows comparable performances, while the proposed architectures include embedded equalization as well

    Parallel-sampling ADC architecture for power-efficient broadband multi-carrier systems

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    Low Power and Small Area Mixed-Signal Circuits:ADCs, Temperature Sensors and Digital Interfaces

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    Duty Cycling and Compact Layout Techniques in ADCs and Analog Front-ends

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    Implementation of a 200 MSps 12-bit SAR ADC

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    Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with high conversion frequency, often based on pipelined architectures, are used for measuring instruments, wireless communication and video applications. Successive approximation register (SAR) converters offer a compact and power efficient alternative but the conversion speed is typically designed for lower frequencies. In this thesis a low-power 12-bit 200 MSps SAR ADC based on charge redistribution was designed for a 28 nm CMOS technology. The proposed design uses an efficient SAR algorithm (merged capacitor switching procedure) to reduce power consumption due to capacitor charging by 88 % compared to a conventional design, as well as reducing the total capacitor area by half. Sampling switches were bootstrapped for increased linearity compared to simple transmission gates. Another feature of the low power design is a fully-dynamic comparator which does not require a preamplifier. Pre-layout simulations of the SAR ADC with 800 MHz input frequency shows an SNDR of 64.8 dB, corresponding to an ENOB of 10.5, and an SFDR of 75.3 dB. The total power consumption is 1.77 mW with an estimated value of 500 W for the unimplemented digital logic. Calculation of the Schreier figure-of-merit was done with an input signal at the Nyquist frequency. The simulated SNDR, SFDR and power equals 69.5 dB, 77.3 dB and 1.9 mW respectively, corresponding to a figure-of merit of 176.6 dB.FrÄn analogt till digitalt - snabba och strömsnÄla omvandlare Dagens digitala samhÀlle stÀller höga krav pÄ prestanda och effektivitet. I samarbete med Ericsson i Lund har en krets för signalomvandling utvecklats. Genom smart design uppnÄs hög hastighet och lÄg strömförbrukning som ligger i forskningens framkant. FrÄn analogt till digitalt Ett viktigt byggblock för telekommunikation och videoapplikationer Àr sÄ kallade A/D-omvandlare, som översÀtter mellan analoga signaler (till exempel ljud) och digitala signaler bestÄende av ettor och nollor. En vÀldigt effektiv metod för A/D-omvandling bygger pÄ sÄ kallad successiv approximation. Metoden innebÀr att signalen som ska omvandlas jÀmförs med en referensnivÄ, som stegvis justeras för att nÀrma sig signalens vÀrde. Till slut har man en tillrÀckligt god uppskattning av vÀrdet som ska mÀtas. Just en sÄdan omvandlare har utvecklats med höga krav pÄ hastighet och energiförbrukning. Detta gjordes genom datorsimuleringar av modeller som beskriver kretsen. ReferensnivÄn skapas ofta genom att styra ett nÀtverk som lagrar elektrisk laddning. Omvandlingens noggrannhet, eller upplösning, beror pÄ hur mÄnga nivÄer som finns tillgÀngliga det vill sÀga hur nÀra signalens vÀrde man kan komma. I den designade kretsen finns hela 4096 nivÄer! Det finns mÄnga kÀllor till osÀkerhet i systemet, bland annat hur exakta referensnivÄerna Àr och hur bra jÀmförelsen med insignalen kan göras. Eftersom dessa eventuellt kan leda till en försÀmring av omvandlingens noggrannhet mÄste alla delar i kretsen utformas med detta i Ätanke. Höga hastigheter Eftersom det krÀvs mÄnga steg för referensnivÄn att nÀrma sig signalens vÀrde Àr den maximala omvandlingshastigheten ofta begrÀnsad. Med teknikens utveckling öppnas nya möjligheter i takt med att mikrochippens enskilda komponenter blir snabbare. Modern forskning visar att omvandlare baserade pÄ successiv approximation kan uppnÄ hastigheter pÄ flera miljoner mÀtvÀrden varje sekund, vilket Àven den utvecklade kretsen klarar av. Effektiv design Nya metoder för successiv approximation möjliggör stora besparingar nÀr det gÀller effektförbrukning, till exempel genom att effektivisera upp- och urladdningen av nÀtverket. Genom smÄ Àndringar kunde nÀtverkets energiförbrukning minskas med över 90 % samtidigt som dess area halverades. Eftersom produktionskostnaden för integrerade kretsar Àr hög medför varje minskning av kretsens area att kostnaden sjunker

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively

    Low-Power Slew-Rate Boosting Based 12-Bit Pipeline ADC Utilizing Forecasting Technique in the Sub-ADCS

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    The dissertation presents architecture and circuit solutions to improve the power efficiency of high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADCs in advanced CMOS technologies. First, the 4.5bit algorithmic pipelined front-end stage is proposed. It is shown that the algorithmic pipelined ADC requires a simpler sub-ADC and shows lower sensitivity to the Multiplying DAC (MDAC) errors and smaller area and power dissipation in comparison to the conventional multi-bit per stage pipelined ADC. Also, it is shown that the algorithmic pipelined architecture is more tolerant to capacitive mismatch for the same input-referred thermal noise than the conventional multi-bit per stage architecture. To take full advantage of these properties, a modified residue curve for the pipelined ADC is proposed. This concept introduces better linearity compared with the conventional residue curve of the pipelined ADC; this approach is particularly attractive for the digitization of signals with large peak to average ratio such as OFDM coded signals. Moreover, the minimum total required transconductance for the different architectures of the 12-bit pipelined ADC are computed. This helps the pipelined ADC designers to find the most power-efficient architecture between different topologies based on the same input-referred thermal noise. By employing this calculation, the most power efficient architecture for realizing the 12-bit pipelined ADC is selected. Then, a technique for slew-rate (SR) boosting in switched-capacitor circuits is proposed in the order to be utilized in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique makes use of a class-B auxiliary amplifier that generates a compensating current only when high slew-rate is demanded by large input signal. The proposed architecture employs simple circuitry to detect the need of injecting current at the output load by implementing a Pre-Amp followed by a class-B amplifier, embedded with a pre-defined hysteresis, in parallel with the main amplifier to boost its slew phase. The proposed solution requires small static power since it does not need high dc-current at the output stage of the main amplifier. The proposed technique is suitable for high-speed low-power multi-bit/stage pipelined ADC applications. Both transistor-level simulations and experimental results in TSMC 40nm technology reduces the slew-time for more than 45% and shorts the 1% settling time by 28% when used in a 4.5bit/stage pipelined ADC; power consumption increases by 20%. In addition, the technique of inactivating and disconnecting of the sub-ADC’s comparators by forecasting the sign of the sampled input voltage is proposed in the order to reduce the dynamic power consumption of the sub-ADCs in the proposed 12-bit pipelined ADC. This technique reduces the total dynamic power consumption more than 46%. The implemented 12-bit pipelined ADC achieves an SNDR/SFDR of 65.9/82.3 dB at low input frequencies and a 64.1/75.5 dB near Nyquist frequency while running at 500 MS/s. The pipelined ADC prototype occupies an active area of 0.9 mm^2 and consumes 18.16 mW from a 1.1 V supply, resulting in a figure of merit (FOM) of 22.4 and a 27.7 fJ/conversion-step at low-frequency and Nyquist frequency, respectively

    Integrated Electronics for Wireless Imaging Microsystems with CMUT Arrays

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    Integration of transducer arrays with interface electronics in the form of single-chip CMUT-on-CMOS has emerged into the field of medical ultrasound imaging and is transforming this field. It has already been used in several commercial products such as handheld full-body imagers and it is being implemented by commercial and academic groups for Intravascular Ultrasound and Intracardiac Echocardiography. However, large attenuation of ultrasonic waves transmitted through the skull has prevented ultrasound imaging of the brain. This research is a prime step toward implantable wireless microsystems that use ultrasound to image the brain by bypassing the skull. These microsystems offer autonomous scanning (beam steering and focusing) of the brain and transferring data out of the brain for further processing and image reconstruction. The objective of the presented research is to develop building blocks of an integrated electronics architecture for CMUT based wireless ultrasound imaging systems while providing a fundamental study on interfacing CMUT arrays with their associated integrated electronics in terms of electrical power transfer and acoustic reflection which would potentially lead to more efficient and high-performance systems. A fully wireless architecture for ultrasound imaging is demonstrated for the first time. An on-chip programmable transmit (TX) beamformer enables phased array focusing and steering of ultrasound waves in the transmit mode while its on-chip bandpass noise shaping digitizer followed by an ultra-wideband (UWB) uplink transmitter minimizes the effect of path loss on the transmitted image data out of the brain. A single-chip application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is de- signed to realize the wireless architecture and interface with array elements, each of which includes a transceiver (TRX) front-end with a high-voltage (HV) pulser, a high-voltage T/R switch, and a low-noise amplifier (LNA). Novel design techniques are implemented in the system to enhance the performance of its building blocks. Apart from imaging capability, the implantable wireless microsystems can include a pressure sensing readout to measure intracranial pressure. To do so, a power-efficient readout for pressure sensing is presented. It uses pseudo-pseudo differential readout topology to cut down the static power consumption of the sensor for further power savings in wireless microsystems. In addition, the effect of matching and electrical termination on CMUT array elements is explored leading to new interface structures to improve bandwidth and sensitivity of CMUT arrays in different operation regions. Comprehensive analysis, modeling, and simulation methodologies are presented for further investigation.Ph.D

    Energy-efficient analog-to-digital conversion for ultra-wideband radio

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-222).In energy constrained signal processing and communication systems, a focus on the analog or digital circuits in isolation cannot achieve the minimum power consumption. Furthermore, in advanced technologies with significant variation, yield is traditionally achieved only through conservative design and a sacrifice of energy efficiency. In this thesis, these limitations are addressed with both a comprehensive mixed-signal design methodology and new circuits and architectures, as presented in the context of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for ultra-wideband (UWB) radio. UWB is an emerging technology capable of high-data-rate wireless communication and precise locationing, and it requires high-speed (>500MS/s), low-resolution ADCs. The successive approximation register (SAR) topology exhibits significantly reduced complexity compared to the traditional flash architecture. Three time-interleaved SAR ADCs have been implemented. At the mixed-signal optimum energy point, parallelism and reduced voltage supplies provide more than 3x energy savings. Custom control logic, a new capacitive DAC, and a hierarchical sampling network enable the high-speed operation. Finally, only a small amount of redundancy, with negligible power penalty, dramatically improves the yield of the highly parallel ADC in deep sub-micron CMOS.by Brian P. Ginsburg.Ph.D
