21 research outputs found

    Blackbox identity testing for bounded top fanin depth-3 circuits: the field doesn't matter

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    Let C be a depth-3 circuit with n variables, degree d and top fanin k (called sps(k,d,n) circuits) over base field F. It is a major open problem to design a deterministic polynomial time blackbox algorithm that tests if C is identically zero. Klivans & Spielman (STOC 2001) observed that the problem is open even when k is a constant. This case has been subjected to a serious study over the past few years, starting from the work of Dvir & Shpilka (STOC 2005). We give the first polynomial time blackbox algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm runs in time poly(nd^k), regardless of the base field. The only field for which polynomial time algorithms were previously known is F=Q (Kayal & Saraf, FOCS 2009, and Saxena & Seshadhri, FOCS 2010). This is the first blackbox algorithm for depth-3 circuits that does not use the rank based approaches of Karnin & Shpilka (CCC 2008). We prove an important tool for the study of depth-3 identities. We design a blackbox polynomial time transformation that reduces the number of variables in a sps(k,d,n) circuit to k variables, but preserves the identity structure.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, preliminary versio

    Tight bounds and conjectures for the isolation lemma

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    Given a hypergraph HH and a weight function w:V{1,,M}w: V \rightarrow \{1, \dots, M\} on its vertices, we say that ww is isolating if there is exactly one edge of minimum weight w(e)=iew(i)w(e) = \sum_{i \in e} w(i). The Isolation Lemma is a combinatorial principle introduced in Mulmuley et. al (1987) which gives a lower bound on the number of isolating weight functions. Mulmuley used this as the basis of a parallel algorithm for finding perfect graph matchings. It has a number of other applications to parallel algorithms and to reductions of general search problems to unique search problems (in which there are one or zero solutions). The original bound given by Mulmuley et al. was recently improved by Ta-Shma (2015). In this paper, we show improved lower bounds on the number of isolating weight functions, and we conjecture that the extremal case is when HH consists of nn singleton edges. When MnM \gg n our improved bound matches this extremal case asymptotically. We are able to show that this conjecture holds in a number of special cases: when HH is a linear hypergraph or is 1-degenerate, or when M=2M = 2. We also show that it holds asymptotically when Mn1M \gg n \gg 1

    Multivariate sparse interpolation using randomized Kronecker substitutions

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    We present new techniques for reducing a multivariate sparse polynomial to a univariate polynomial. The reduction works similarly to the classical and widely-used Kronecker substitution, except that we choose the degrees randomly based on the number of nonzero terms in the multivariate polynomial, that is, its sparsity. The resulting univariate polynomial often has a significantly lower degree than the Kronecker substitution polynomial, at the expense of a small number of term collisions. As an application, we give a new algorithm for multivariate interpolation which uses these new techniques along with any existing univariate interpolation algorithm.Comment: 21 pages, 2 tables, 1 procedure. Accepted to ISSAC 201

    Deterministic Identity Testing for Sum of Read-Once Oblivious Arithmetic Branching Programs

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    A read-once oblivious arithmetic branching program (ROABP) is an arithmetic branching program (ABP) where each variable occurs in at most one layer. We give the first polynomial time whitebox identity test for a polynomial computed by a sum of constantly many ROABPs. We also give a corresponding blackbox algorithm with quasi-polynomial time complexity nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)}. In both the cases, our time complexity is double exponential in the number of ROABPs. ROABPs are a generalization of set-multilinear depth-33 circuits. The prior results for the sum of constantly many set-multilinear depth-33 circuits were only slightly better than brute-force, i.e. exponential-time. Our techniques are a new interplay of three concepts for ROABP: low evaluation dimension, basis isolating weight assignment and low-support rank concentration. We relate basis isolation to rank concentration and extend it to a sum of two ROABPs using evaluation dimension (or partial derivatives).Comment: 22 pages, Computational Complexity Conference, 201

    Quasi-polynomial Hitting-set for Set-depth-Delta Formulas

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    We call a depth-4 formula C set-depth-4 if there exists a (unknown) partition (X_1,...,X_d) of the variable indices [n] that the top product layer respects, i.e. C(x) = \sum_{i=1}^k \prod_{j=1}^{d} f_{i,j}(x_{X_j}), where f_{i,j} is a sparse polynomial in F[x_{X_j}]. Extending this definition to any depth - we call a depth-Delta formula C (consisting of alternating layers of Sigma and Pi gates, with a Sigma-gate on top) a set-depth-Delta formula if every Pi-layer in C respects a (unknown) partition on the variables; if Delta is even then the product gates of the bottom-most Pi-layer are allowed to compute arbitrary monomials. In this work, we give a hitting-set generator for set-depth-Delta formulas (over any field) with running time polynomial in exp(({Delta}^2 log s)^{Delta - 1}), where s is the size bound on the input set-depth-Delta formula. In other words, we give a quasi-polynomial time blackbox polynomial identity test for such constant-depth formulas. Previously, the very special case of Delta=3 (also known as set-multilinear depth-3 circuits) had no known sub-exponential time hitting-set generator. This was declared as an open problem by Shpilka & Yehudayoff (FnT-TCS 2010); the model being first studied by Nisan & Wigderson (FOCS 1995). Our work settles this question, not only for depth-3 but, up to depth epsilon.log s / loglog s, for a fixed constant epsilon < 1. The technique is to investigate depth-Delta formulas via depth-(Delta-1) formulas over a Hadamard algebra, after applying a `shift' on the variables. We propose a new algebraic conjecture about the low-support rank-concentration in the latter formulas, and manage to prove it in the case of set-depth-Delta formulas.Comment: 22 page

    Deterministic Factorization of Sparse Polynomials with Bounded Individual Degree

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    In this paper we study the problem of deterministic factorization of sparse polynomials. We show that if fF[x1,x2,,xn]f \in \mathbb{F}[x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}] is a polynomial with ss monomials, with individual degrees of its variables bounded by dd, then ff can be deterministically factored in time spoly(d)logns^{\mathrm{poly}(d) \log n}. Prior to our work, the only efficient factoring algorithms known for this class of polynomials were randomized, and other than for the cases of d=1d=1 and d=2d=2, only exponential time deterministic factoring algorithms were known. A crucial ingredient in our proof is a quasi-polynomial sparsity bound for factors of sparse polynomials of bounded individual degree. In particular we show if ff is an ss-sparse polynomial in nn variables, with individual degrees of its variables bounded by dd, then the sparsity of each factor of ff is bounded by sO(d2logn)s^{O({d^2\log{n}})}. This is the first nontrivial bound on factor sparsity for d>2d>2. Our sparsity bound uses techniques from convex geometry, such as the theory of Newton polytopes and an approximate version of the classical Carath\'eodory's Theorem. Our work addresses and partially answers a question of von zur Gathen and Kaltofen (JCSS 1985) who asked whether a quasi-polynomial bound holds for the sparsity of factors of sparse polynomials

    No short polynomials vanish on bounded rank matrices

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    We show that the shortest nonzero polynomials vanishing on bounded-rank matrices and skew-symmetric matrices are the determinants and Pfaffians characterising the rank. Algebraically, this means that in the ideal generated by all tt-minors or tt-Pfaffians of a generic matrix or skew-symmetric matrix one cannot find any polynomial with fewer terms than those determinants or Pfaffians, respectively, and that those determinants and Pfaffians are essentially the only polynomials in the ideal with that many terms. As a key tool of independent interest, we show that the ideal of a sufficiently general tt-dimensional subspace of an affine nn-space does not contain polynomials with fewer than t+1t+1 terms.Comment: 13 pages, comments welcome, v2: 15 pages, final version as in Bulletin LM