6 research outputs found

    Randomized Two-Process Wait-Free Test-and-Set

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    We present the first explicit, and currently simplest, randomized algorithm for 2-process wait-free test-and-set. It is implemented with two 4-valued single writer single reader atomic variables. A test-and-set takes at most 11 expected elementary steps, while a reset takes exactly 1 elementary step. Based on a finite-state analysis, the proofs of correctness and expected length are compressed into one table.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX source; Submitte

    Lower Bounds for Shared-Memory Leader Election Under Bounded Write Contention

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    This paper gives tight logarithmic lower bounds on the solo step complexity of leader election in an asynchronous shared-memory model with single-writer multi-reader (SWMR) registers, for both deterministic and randomized obstruction-free algorithms. The approach extends to lower bounds for deterministic and randomized obstruction-free algorithms using multi-writer registers under bounded write concurrency, showing a trade-off between the solo step complexity of a leader election algorithm, and the worst-case number of stalls incurred by a processor in an execution

    Tight Bounds for Asynchronous Renaming

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    Randomized versus Deterministic Implementations of Concurrent Data Structures

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    One of the key trends in computing over the past two decades has been increased distribution, both at the processor level, where multi-core architectures are now the norm, and at the system level, where many key services are currently distributed overmultiple machines. Thus, understanding the power and limitations of computing in a concurrent, distributed setting is one of the major challenges in Computer Science. In this thesis, we analyze the complexity of implementing concurrent data structures in asynchronous shared memory systems. We focus on the complexity of a classic distributed coordination task called renaming, in which a set of processes need to pick distinct names from a small set of identifiers. We present the first tight bounds for the time complexity of this problem, both for deterministic and randomized implementations, solving a long-standing open problem in the field. For deterministic algorithms, we prove a tight linear lower bound; for randomized solutions, we provide logarithmic upper and lower bounds on time complexity. Together, these results show an exponential separation between deterministic and randomized renaming solutions. Importantly, the lower bounds extend to implementations of practical shared-memory data structures, such as queues, stacks, and counters. From a technical perspective, this thesis highlights new connections between the distributed renaming problem and other fundamental objects, such as sorting networks, mutual exclusion, and counters. In particular, we show that sorting networks can be used to obtain optimal randomized solutions to renaming, and that, in turn, the existence of these solutions implies a linear lower bound on the complexity of the problem. In sum, the results in this thesis suggest that deterministic implementations of shared-memory data structures do not scale well in terms of worst-case time complexity. On the positive side, we emphasize randomization as a natural alternative, which can circumvent the deterministic lower bounds with high probability. Thus, a promising direction for future work is to extend our randomized renaming techniques to obtain efficient implementations of concurrent data structures

    Fault Tolerance for Stream Programs on Parallel Platforms

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    A distributed system is defined as a collection of autonomous computers connected by a network, and with the appropriate distributed software for the system to be seen by users as a single entity capable of providing computing facilities. Distributed systems with centralised control have a distinguished control node, called leader node. The main role of a leader node is to distribute and manage shared resources in a resource-efficient manner. A distributed system with centralised control can use stream processing networks for communication. In a stream processing system, applications typically act as continuous queries, ingesting data continuously, analyzing and correlating the data, and generating a stream of results. Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to process the information, even if it happens any failure or anomaly in the system. Fault tolerance has become an important requirement for distributed systems, due to the possibility of failure has currently risen to the increase in number of nodes and the runtime of applications in distributed system. Therefore, to resolve this problem, it is important to add fault tolerance mechanisms order to provide the internal capacity to preserve the execution of the tasks despite the occurrence of faults. If the leader on a centralised control system fails, it is necessary to elect a new leader. While leader election has received a lot of attention in message-passing systems, very few solutions have been proposed for shared memory systems, as we propose. In addition, rollback-recovery strategies are important fault tolerance mechanisms for distributed systems, since that it is based on storing information into a stable storage in failure-free state and when a failure affects a node, the system uses the information stored to recover the state of the node before the failure appears. In this thesis, we are focused on creating two fault tolerance mechanisms for distributed systems with centralised control that uses stream processing for communication. These two mechanism created are leader election and log-based rollback-recovery, implemented using LPEL. The leader election method proposed is based on an atomic Compare-And-Swap (CAS) instruction, which is directly available on many processors. Our leader election method works with idle nodes, meaning that only the non-busy nodes compete to become the new leader while the busy nodes can continue with their tasks and later update their leader reference. Furthermore, this leader election method has short completion time and low space complexity. The log-based rollback-recovery method proposed for distributed systems with stream processing networks is a novel approach that is free from domino effect and does not generate orphan messages accomplishing the always-no-orphans consistency condition. Additionally, this approach has lower overhead impact into the system compared to other approaches, and it is a mechanism that provides scalability, because it is insensitive to the number of nodes in the system

    Notes on Theory of Distributed Systems

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    Notes for the Yale course CPSC 465/565 Theory of Distributed Systems