817 research outputs found

    Computation of the von Neumann entropy of large matrices via trace estimators and rational Krylov methods

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    We consider the problem of approximating the von Neumann entropy of a large, sparse, symmetric positive semidefinite matrix AA, defined as tr(f(A))\operatorname{tr}(f(A)) where f(x)=xlogxf(x)=-x\log x. After establishing some useful properties of this matrix function, we consider the use of both polynomial and rational Krylov subspace algorithms within two types of approximations methods, namely, randomized trace estimators and probing techniques based on graph colorings. We develop error bounds and heuristics which are employed in the implementation of the algorithms. Numerical experiments on density matrices of different types of networks illustrate the performance of the methods.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Faster randomized partial trace estimation

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    We develop randomized matrix-free algorithms for estimating partial traces. Our algorithm improves on the typicality-based approach used in [T. Chen and Y-C. Cheng, Numerical computation of the equilibrium-reduced density matrix for strongly coupled open quantum systems, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 064106 (2022)] by deflating important subspaces (e.g. corresponding to the low-energy eigenstates) explicitly. This results in a significant variance reduction for matrices with quickly decaying singular values. We then apply our algorithm to study the thermodynamics of several Heisenberg spin systems, particularly the entanglement spectrum and ergotropy

    Minimum Relative Entropy for Quantum Estimation: Feasibility and General Solution

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    We propose a general framework for solving quantum state estimation problems using the minimum relative entropy criterion. A convex optimization approach allows us to decide the feasibility of the problem given the data and, whenever necessary, to relax the constraints in order to allow for a physically admissible solution. Building on these results, the variational analysis can be completed ensuring existence and uniqueness of the optimum. The latter can then be computed by standard, efficient standard algorithms for convex optimization, without resorting to approximate methods or restrictive assumptions on its rank.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    There is entanglement in the primes

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    Large series of prime numbers can be superposed on a single quantum register and then analyzed in full parallelism. The construction of this Prime state is efficient, as it hinges on the use of a quantum version of any efficient primality test. We show that the Prime state turns out to be very entangled as shown by the scaling properties of purity, Renyi entropy and von Neumann entropy. An analytical approximation to these measures of entanglement can be obtained from the detailed analysis of the entanglement spectrum of the Prime state, which in turn produces new insights in the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture for the pairwise distribution of primes. The extension of these ideas to a Twin Prime state shows that this new state is even more entangled than the Prime state, obeying majorization relations. We further discuss the construction of quantum states that encompass relevant series of numbers and opens the possibility of applying quantum computation to Arithmetics in novel ways.Comment: 30 pages, 11 Figs. Addition of two references and correction of typo