11 research outputs found

    Intelligent energy management using data mining techniques at Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal facilities

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    The fusion of emerged technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things in manufacturing has pioneered this industry to meet the fourth stage of the industrial revolution (industry 4.0). One major approach to keeping this sector sustainable and productive is intelligent energy demand planning. Monitoring and controlling the consumption of energy under industry 4.0, directly results in minimizing the cost of operation and maximizing efficiency. To advance the research on the adoption of industry 4.0, this study examines CRISP-DM methodology to project data mining approach over data from 2020 to 2021 which was collected from industrial sensors to predict/forecast future electrical consumption at Bosch car multimedia facilities located at Braga, Portugal. Moreover, the influence of indicators such as humidity and temperature on electrical energy consumption was investigated. This study employed five promising regression algorithms and FaceBook prophet (FB prophet) to apply over data belonging to two HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) sensors (E333, 3260). Results indicate Random Forest (RF) algorithms as a potential regression approach for prediction and the outcome of FB prophet to forecast the demand of future usage of electrical energy associated with HVAC presented. Based on that, it was concluded that predicting the usage of electrical energy for both data points requires time series techniques. Where "timestamp" was identified as the most effective feature to predict consume of electrical energy by regression technique (RF). The result of this study was integrated with Intelligent Industrial Management System (IIMS) at Bosch Portugal.- (undefined

    An Efficient CBIR System for Medical Images Using Neural Network

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    This paper introduces an innovative Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system that has been specifically developed for medical databases. Its objective is to resolve the drawbacks of conventional keyword-based search approaches when considering the widespread digitization of medical illustrations, diagrams, and paintings. In contrast to conventional methods that rely on textual queries, CBIR systems effectively locate and retrieve relevant images by analyzing image content using computer vision and image processing techniques, as well as information retrieval and database methods.A key challenge in CBIR lies in bridging the semantic gap between high-level user queries, often expressed through example images, and the low-level features of images such as texture, shape, and objects. This paper explores techniques to mitigate this disparity, enhancing the system's ability to accurately interpret user queries and retrieve relevant images. The proposed CBIR system operates within a medical database containing images of various human organs, including the brain, heart, hand, chest, spine, and shoulder, categorized into six distinct classes. By leveraging low-level image features such as texture and shape, extracted using methods like mean, variance, standard deviation, area, perimeter, circularity, and aspect ratio analysis, the system performs iterative searches to retrieve relevant images.Classification of retrieved images is accomplished using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which have demonstrated efficacy in medical image classification tasks based on imaging modalities and the presence of normal or abnormal conditions. Performance evaluation of the CBIR system is conducted using confusion matrices to calculate precision and recall, essential metrics for assessing retrieval accuracy. By focusing on medical datasets and integrating advanced feature extraction and classification techniques, this CBIR system aims to significantly enhance image retrieval efficiency and accuracy, particularly in the context of medical applications where precise retrieval of relevant images is critical for diagnostic and research purposes. &nbsp

    An Intelligent Radiomic Approach for Lung Cancer Screening

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    Funding: This project is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), RTI2018-095209-B-C21 (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE), Generalitat de Catalunya, 2017-SGR-1624 and CERCA-Programme. Debora Gil is supported by Serra Hunter Fellow.This project is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci?n (MCI), Agencia Estatal de Investigaci?n (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), RTI2018-095209-B-C21 (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE), Generalitat de Catalunya, 2017-SGR-1624 and CERCA-Programme. Debora Gil is supported by Serra Hunter Fellow. Barcelona Respiratory Network (BRN), Acad?mia de Ci?ncies M?diques de Catalunya i Balears, i Fundaci? Ramon Pla i Armengol.The efficiency of lung cancer screening for reducing mortality is hindered by the high rate of false positives. Artificial intelligence applied to radiomics could help to early discard benign cases from the analysis of CT scans. The available amount of data and the fact that benign cases are a minority, constitutes a main challenge for the successful use of state of the art methods (like deep learning), which can be biased, over-fitted and lack of clinical reproducibility. We present an hybrid approach combining the potential of radiomic features to characterize nodules in CT scans and the generalization of the feed forward networks. In order to obtain maximal reproducibility with minimal training data, we propose an embedding of nodules based on the statistical significance of radiomic features for malignancy detection. This representation space of lesions is the input to a feed forward network, which architecture and hyperparameters are optimized using own-defined metrics of the diagnostic power of the whole system. Results of the best model on an independent set of patients achieve 100% of sensitivity and 83% of specificity (AUC = 0.94) for malignancy detection

    Classification of Pulmonary Nodules by Using Hybrid Features

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    Early detection of pulmonary nodules is extremely important for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. In this study, a new classification approach for pulmonary nodules from CT imagery is presented by using hybrid features. Four different methods are introduced for the proposed system. The overall detection performance is evaluated using various classifiers. The results are compared to similar techniques in the literature by using standard measures. The proposed approach with the hybrid features results in 90.7% classification accuracy (89.6% sensitivity and 87.5% specificity)

    Computer-aided detection of lung nodules: A review

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    We present an in-depth review and analysis of salient methods for computer-aided detection of lung nodules. We evaluate the current methods for detecting lung nodules using literature searches with selection criteria based on validation dataset types, nodule sizes, numbers of cases, types of nodules, extracted features in traditional feature-based classifiers, sensitivity, and false positives (FP)/scans. Our review shows that current detection systems are often optimized for particular datasets and can detect only one or two types of nodules. We conclude that, in addition to achieving high sensitivity and reduced FP/scans, strategies for detecting lung nodules must detect a variety of nodules with high precision to improve the performances of the radiologists. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first review of the effectiveness of feature extraction using traditional feature-based classifiers. Moreover, we discuss deep-learning methods in detail and conclude that features must be appropriately selected to improve the overall accuracy of the system. We present an analysis of current schemes and highlight constraints and future research areas

    A lung cancer detection approach based on shape index and curvedness superpixel candidate selection

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    Orientador : Lucas Ferrari de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/08/2016Inclui referências : f. 72-76Área de concentração: Sistemas eletrônicosResumo: Câncer é uma das causas com mais mortalidade mundialmente. Câncer de pulmão é o tipo de câncer mais comum (excluíndo câncer de pele não-melanoma). Seus sintomas aparecem em estágios mais avançados, o que dificulta o seu tratamento. Para diagnosticar o paciente, a tomografia computadorizada é utilizada. Ela é composta de diversos cortes, que mapeiam uma região 3D de interesse. Apesar de fornecer muitos detalhes, por serem gerados vários cortes, a análise de exames de tomografia computadorizada se torna exaustiva, o que pode influenciar negativamente no diagnóstico feito pelo especialista. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de métodos para a segmentação do pulmão e a detecção de nódulos em imagens de tomografia computadorizada do tórax. As imagens são segmentadas para separar o pulmão das outras estruturas e após, detecção de nódulos utilizando a técnicas de superpixeis são aplicadas. A técnica de Rótulamento dos Eixos teve uma média de preservação de nódulos de 93,53% e a técnica Monotone Chain Convex Hull apresentou melhores resultados com uma taxa de 97,78%. Para a detecção dos nódulos, as técnicas Felzenszwalb e SLIC são empregadas para o agrupamento de regiões de nódulos em superpixeis. Uma seleção de candidatos à nódulos baseada em shape index e curvedness é aplicada para redução do número de superpixeis. Para a classificação desses candidatos, foi utilizada a técnica de Florestas Aleatórias. A base de imagens utilizada foi a LIDC, que foi dividida em duas sub-bases: uma de desenvolvimento, composta pelos pacientes 0001 a 0600, e uma de validação, composta pelos pacientes 0601 a 1012. Na base de validação, a técnica Felzenszwalb obteve uma sensibilidade de 60,61% e 7,2 FP/exame. Palavras-chaves: Câncer de pulmão. Detecção de nódulos. Superpixel. Shape index.Abstract: Cancer is one of the causes with more mortality worldwide. Lung cancer is the most common type (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Its symptoms appear mostly in advanced stages, which difficult its treatment. For patient diagnostic, computer tomography (CT) is used. CT is composed of many slices, which maps a 3D region of interest. Although it provides many details, its analysis is very exhaustive, which may has negatively influence in the specialist's diagnostic. The objective of this work is the development of lung segmentation and nodule detection methods in chest CT images. These images are segmented to separate the lung region from other parts and, after that, nodule detection using superpixel methods is applied. The Axes' Labeling had a mean of nodule preservation of 93.53% and the Monotone Chain Convex Hull method presented better results, with a mean of 97.78%. For nodule detection, the Felzenszwalb and SLIC methods are employed to group nodule regions. A nodule candidate selection based on shape index and curvedness is applied for superpixel reduction. Then, classification of these candidates is realized by the Random Forest. The LIDC database was divided into two data sets: a development data set composed of the CT scans of patients 0001 to 0600, and a untouched, validation data set, composed of patients 0601 to 1012. For the validation data set, the Felzenszwalb method had a sensitivity of 60.61% and 7.2 FP/scan. Key-words: Lung cancer. Nodule detection. Superpixel. Shape index

    Random forest based lung nodule classification aided by clustering

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    An automated lung nodule detection system can help spot lung abnormalities in CT lung images. Lung nodule detection can be achieved using template-based, segmentation-based, and classification-based methods. The existing systems that include a classification component in their structures have demonstrated better performances than their counterparts. Ensemble learners combine decisions of multiple classifiers to form an integrated output. To improve the performance of automated lung nodule detection, an ensemble classification aided by clustering (CAC) method is proposed. The method takes advantage of the random forest algorithm and offers a structure for a hybrid random forest based lung nodule classification aided by clustering. Several experiments are carried out involving the proposed method as well as two other existing methods. The parameters of the classifiers are varied to identify the best performing classifiers. The experiments are conducted using lung scans of 32 patients including 5721 images within which nodule locations are marked by expert radiologists. Overall, the best sensitivity of 98.33% and specificity of 97.11% have been recorded for proposed system. Also, a high receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Az of 0.9786 has been achieved.S.L.A. Lee, A.Z. Kouzani, E.J. H