8 research outputs found

    An excursion to the Kolmogorov random strings

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    AbstractWe study the sets of resource-bounded Kolmogorov random strings:Rt={x|Ct(n)(x)⩾|x|} fort(n)=2nk. We show that the class of sets that Turing reduce toRthas measure 0 inEXPwith respect to the resource-bounded measure introduced by Lutz. From this we conclude thatRtis not Turing-complete forEXP. This contrasts with the resource-unbounded setting. ThereRis Turing-complete forco-RE. We show that the class of sets to whichRtbounded truth-table reduces, hasp2-measure 0 (therefore, measure 0 inEXP). This answers an open question of Lutz, giving a natural example of a language that is not weakly complete forEXPand that reduces to a measure 0 class inEXP. It follows that the sets that are ⩽pbbt-hard forEXPhavep2-measure 0

    Instance complexities of hard and weakly hard problems

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    This thesis investigates the instance complexities of problems that are hard or weakly hard for exponential time under polynomial time, many-one reductions. It is shown that almost every instance of almost every problem in exponential time has essentially maximal instance complexity. It follows that every weakly hard problem has a dense set of such maximally hard instances. This extends the theorem, due to Orponen, Ko, Schöning and Watanabe (1994), that every hard problem for exponential time has a dense set of maximally hard instances. Complementing this, it is shown that every hard problem for exponential time also has a dense set of unusually easy instances

    Random Strings Make Hard Instances

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    Random strings make hard instances

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    Random Strings Make Hard Instances

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    We establish the truth of the "instance complexity conjecture" in the case of DEXT-complete sets w.r.t. polynomial time computations, and r.e. complete sets w.r.t. recursive computations. Specifically, we obtain for every DEXT-complete set A an exponentially dense subset C such that for every nondecreasing polynomial t(n) = !(n log n), ic t (x : A) K t (x) \Gamma c holds for some constant c and all x 2 C, where ic t and K t are the t-bounded instance complexity and Kolmogorov complexity measures, respectively. For r.e. complete sets A we obtain an infinite set C ` A such that ic 1 (x : A) K 1 (x) \Gamma c holds for some constant c and all x 2 C. The proofs are based on the observation that Kolmogorov random strings are individually hard to recognize by bounded computations

    Random Strings Make Hard Instances

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