21,350 research outputs found

    Random procedures for dominating sets in bipartite graphs

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    Using multilinear functions and random procedures, new upper bounds on the domination number of a bipartite graph in terms of the cardinalities and the minimum degrees of the two colour classes are established

    Random procedures for dominating sets in graphs

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    We present and analyze some random procedures for the construction of small dominating sets in graphs. Several upper bounds for the domination number of a graph are derived from these procedures

    Multi-constructor CMSA for the maximum disjoint dominating sets problem

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    We propose the Multi-Constructor CMSA, a Construct, Merge, Solve and Adapt (CMSA) algorithm that employs multiple heuristic procedures, respectively solution constructors, for the Maximum Disjoint Dominating Sets Problem (MDDSP). At every iteration of the search procedure, the solution components built by the constructors are merged into a sub-instance, which is subsequently solved by an exact solver and then adapted to keep only beneficial solution components. In our CMSA the solution constructors are chosen at random according to their relative probabilities, which are adapted during the search, through a mechanism based on reinforcement learning. We test two variants of the new Multi-Constructor CMSA that employ, respectively, two and six solution constructors, on a new set of 3600 problem instances, encompassing random graphs, Watts–Strogatz networks and Barabási-Albert networks, generated through a Hammersley sampling procedure on the instance space. We compare our algorithm against six heuristics from the literature, as well as with the standard version of CMSA. Furthermore, we employ an integer linear programming (ILP) model that is able to achieve a good performance for small, sparse graphs. Overall, the experimental results show that all versions of CMSA outperform by a large margin the previous state of the art and that, among the variants of CMSA, the novel version that combines two constructors provides slightly better results than the other ones, more prominently on larger graphs

    Best and worst case permutations for random online domination of the path

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    We study a randomized algorithm for graph domination, by which, according to a uniformly chosen permutation, vertices are revealed and added to the dominating set if not already dominated. We determine the expected size of the dominating set produced by the algorithm for the path graph PnP_n and use this to derive the expected size for some related families of graphs. We then provide a much-refined analysis of the worst and best cases of this algorithm on PnP_n and enumerate the permutations for which the algorithm has the worst-possible performance and best-possible performance. The case of dominating the path graph has connections to previous work of Bouwer and Star, and of Gessel on greedily coloring the path.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Message and time efficient multi-broadcast schemes

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    We consider message and time efficient broadcasting and multi-broadcasting in wireless ad-hoc networks, where a subset of nodes, each with a unique rumor, wish to broadcast their rumors to all destinations while minimizing the total number of transmissions and total time until all rumors arrive to their destination. Under centralized settings, we introduce a novel approximation algorithm that provides almost optimal results with respect to the number of transmissions and total time, separately. Later on, we show how to efficiently implement this algorithm under distributed settings, where the nodes have only local information about their surroundings. In addition, we show multiple approximation techniques based on the network collision detection capabilities and explain how to calibrate the algorithms' parameters to produce optimal results for time and messages.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    Random subgraphs make identification affordable

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    An identifying code of a graph is a dominating set which uniquely determines all the vertices by their neighborhood within the code. Whereas graphs with large minimum degree have small domination number, this is not the case for the identifying code number (the size of a smallest identifying code), which indeed is not even a monotone parameter with respect to graph inclusion. We show that every graph GG with nn vertices, maximum degree Δ=ω(1)\Delta=\omega(1) and minimum degree δclogΔ\delta\geq c\log{\Delta}, for some constant c>0c>0, contains a large spanning subgraph which admits an identifying code with size O(nlogΔδ)O\left(\frac{n\log{\Delta}}{\delta}\right). In particular, if δ=Θ(n)\delta=\Theta(n), then GG has a dense spanning subgraph with identifying code O(logn)O\left(\log n\right), namely, of asymptotically optimal size. The subgraph we build is created using a probabilistic approach, and we use an interplay of various random methods to analyze it. Moreover we show that the result is essentially best possible, both in terms of the number of deleted edges and the size of the identifying code