35,325 research outputs found

    Intercalates and Discrepancy in Random Latin Squares

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    An intercalate in a Latin square is a 2×22\times2 Latin subsquare. Let NN be the number of intercalates in a uniformly random n×nn\times n Latin square. We prove that asymptotically almost surely N(1o(1))n2/4N\ge\left(1-o\left(1\right)\right)\,n^{2}/4, and that EN(1+o(1))n2/2\mathbb{E}N\le\left(1+o\left(1\right)\right)\,n^{2}/2 (therefore asymptotically almost surely Nfn2N\le fn^{2} for any ff\to\infty). This significantly improves the previous best lower and upper bounds. We also give an upper tail bound for the number of intercalates in two fixed rows of a random Latin square. In addition, we discuss a problem of Linial and Luria on low-discrepancy Latin squares

    Extrema of graph eigenvalues

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    In 1993 Hong asked what are the best bounds on the kk'th largest eigenvalue λk(G)\lambda_{k}(G) of a graph GG of order nn. This challenging question has never been tackled for any 2<k<n2<k<n. In the present paper tight bounds are obtained for all k>2,k>2, and even tighter bounds are obtained for the kk'th largest singular value λk(G).\lambda_{k}^{\ast}(G). Some of these bounds are based on Taylor's strongly regular graphs, and other on a method of Kharaghani for constructing Hadamard matrices. The same kind of constructions are applied to other open problems, like Nordhaus-Gaddum problems of the kind: How large can λk(G)+λk(Gˉ)\lambda_{k}(G)+\lambda_{k}(\bar{G}) be?? These constructions are successful also in another open question: How large can the Ky Fan norm λ1(G)+...+λk(G)\lambda_{1}^{\ast}(G)+...+\lambda_{k}^{\ast }(G) be ?? Ky Fan norms of graphs generalize the concept of graph energy, so this question generalizes the problem for maximum energy graphs. In the final section, several results and problems are restated for (1,1)(-1,1)-matrices, which seem to provide a more natural ground for such research than graphs. Many of the results in the paper are paired with open questions and problems for further study.Comment: 32 page

    Thresholds for Latin squares and Steiner triple systems: Bounds within a logarithmic factor

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    We prove that for nNn \in \mathbb N and an absolute constant CC, if pClog2n/np \geq C\log^2 n / n and Li,j[n]L_{i,j} \subseteq [n] is a random subset of [n][n] where each k[n]k\in [n] is included in Li,jL_{i,j} independently with probability pp for each i,j[n]i, j\in [n], then asymptotically almost surely there is an order-nn Latin square in which the entry in the iith row and jjth column lies in Li,jL_{i,j}. The problem of determining the threshold probability for the existence of an order-nn Latin square was raised independently by Johansson, by Luria and Simkin, and by Casselgren and H{\"a}ggkvist; our result provides an upper bound which is tight up to a factor of logn\log n and strengthens the bound recently obtained by Sah, Sawhney, and Simkin. We also prove analogous results for Steiner triple systems and 11-factorizations of complete graphs, and moreover, we show that each of these thresholds is at most the threshold for the existence of a 11-factorization of a nearly complete regular bipartite graph.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure. Final version, to appear in Transactions of the AM