431 research outputs found

    Mining Mid-level Features for Action Recognition Based on Effective Skeleton Representation

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    Recently, mid-level features have shown promising performance in computer vision. Mid-level features learned by incorporating class-level information are potentially more discriminative than traditional low-level local features. In this paper, an effective method is proposed to extract mid-level features from Kinect skeletons for 3D human action recognition. Firstly, the orientations of limbs connected by two skeleton joints are computed and each orientation is encoded into one of the 27 states indicating the spatial relationship of the joints. Secondly, limbs are combined into parts and the limb's states are mapped into part states. Finally, frequent pattern mining is employed to mine the most frequent and relevant (discriminative, representative and non-redundant) states of parts in continuous several frames. These parts are referred to as Frequent Local Parts or FLPs. The FLPs allow us to build powerful bag-of-FLP-based action representation. This new representation yields state-of-the-art results on MSR DailyActivity3D and MSR ActionPairs3D

    Supervised cross-modal factor analysis for multiple modal data classification

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    In this paper we study the problem of learning from multiple modal data for purpose of document classification. In this problem, each document is composed two different modals of data, i.e., an image and a text. Cross-modal factor analysis (CFA) has been proposed to project the two different modals of data to a shared data space, so that the classification of a image or a text can be performed directly in this space. A disadvantage of CFA is that it has ignored the supervision information. In this paper, we improve CFA by incorporating the supervision information to represent and classify both image and text modals of documents. We project both image and text data to a shared data space by factor analysis, and then train a class label predictor in the shared space to use the class label information. The factor analysis parameter and the predictor parameter are learned jointly by solving one single objective function. With this objective function, we minimize the distance between the projections of image and text of the same document, and the classification error of the projection measured by hinge loss function. The objective function is optimized by an alternate optimization strategy in an iterative algorithm. Experiments in two different multiple modal document data sets show the advantage of the proposed algorithm over other CFA methods

    Visualization of Frequent Itemsets with Nested Circular Layout and Bundling Algorithm

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    International audienceFrequent itemset mining is one of the major data mining issues. Once generated by algorithms, the itemsets can be automatically processed, for instance to extract association rules. They can also be explored with visual tools, in order to analyze the emerging patterns. Graphical itemsets representation is a convenient way to obtain an overview of the global interaction structure. However, when the complexity of the database increases, the network may become unreadable. In this paper, we propose to display itemsets on concentric circles, each one being organized to lower the intricacy of the graph through an optimization process. Thanks to a graph bundling algorithm, we finally obtain a compact representation of a large set of itemsets that is easier to exploit. Colors accumulation and interaction operators facilitate the exploration of the new bundle graph and to illustrate how much an itemset is supported by the data

    Deep Item-based Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation

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    Item-based Collaborative Filtering(short for ICF) has been widely adopted in recommender systems in industry, owing to its strength in user interest modeling and ease in online personalization. By constructing a user's profile with the items that the user has consumed, ICF recommends items that are similar to the user's profile. With the prevalence of machine learning in recent years, significant processes have been made for ICF by learning item similarity (or representation) from data. Nevertheless, we argue that most existing works have only considered linear and shallow relationship between items, which are insufficient to capture the complicated decision-making process of users. In this work, we propose a more expressive ICF solution by accounting for the nonlinear and higher-order relationship among items. Going beyond modeling only the second-order interaction (e.g. similarity) between two items, we additionally consider the interaction among all interacted item pairs by using nonlinear neural networks. Through this way, we can effectively model the higher-order relationship among items, capturing more complicated effects in user decision-making. For example, it can differentiate which historical itemsets in a user's profile are more important in affecting the user to make a purchase decision on an item. We treat this solution as a deep variant of ICF, thus term it as DeepICF. To justify our proposal, we perform empirical studies on two public datasets from MovieLens and Pinterest. Extensive experiments verify the highly positive effect of higher-order item interaction modeling with nonlinear neural networks. Moreover, we demonstrate that by more fine-grained second-order interaction modeling with attention network, the performance of our DeepICF method can be further improved.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to TOI