60,924 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of coherent anti-Stokes Raman lineshape to time asymmetry of laser pulses

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    We show that coherent anti-Stokes Raman lineshapes do not follow known spectral profiles if the time asymmetry of realistic laser pulses is taken into account. Examples are given for nanosecond and picosecond laser pulses commonly employed in frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. More remarkably, the analysis suggests an effect of line narrowing in comparison to the customary approach, based primarily on the Voigt lineshape.Comment: 8 pages, 3 short sections, 4 figure

    The Interplay of Structure and Dynamics in the Raman Spectrum of Liquid Water over the Full Frequency and Temperature Range

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    While many vibrational Raman spectroscopy studies of liquid water have investigated the temperature dependence of the high-frequency O-H stretching region, few have analyzed the changes in the Raman spectrum as a function of temperature over the entire spectral range. Here, we obtain the Raman spectra of water from its melting to boiling point, both experimentally and from simulations using an ab initio-trained machine learning potential. We use these to assign the Raman bands and show that the entire spectrum can be well described as a combination of two temperature-independent spectra. We then assess which spectral regions exhibit strong dependence on the local tetrahedral order in the liquid. Further, this work demonstrates that changes in this structural parameter can be used to elucidate the temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum of liquid water and provides a guide to the Raman features that signal water ordering in more complex aqueous systems

    Femtosecond Covariance Spectroscopy

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    The success of non-linear optics relies largely on pulse-to-pulse consistency. In contrast, covariance based techniques used in photoionization electron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry have shown that wealth of information can be extracted from noise that is lost when averaging multiple measurements. Here, we apply covariance based detection to nonlinear optical spectroscopy, and show that noise in a femtosecond laser is not necessarily a liability to be mitigated, but can act as a unique and powerful asset. As a proof of principle we apply this approach to the process of stimulated Raman scattering in alpha-quartz. Our results demonstrate how nonlinear processes in the sample can encode correlations between the spectral components of ultrashort pulses with uncorrelated stochastic fluctuations. This in turn provides richer information compared to the standard non-linear optics techniques that are based on averages over many repetitions with well-behaved laser pulses. These proof-of-principle results suggest that covariance based nonlinear spectroscopy will improve the applicability of fs non-linear spectroscopy in wavelength ranges where stable, transform limited pulses are not available such as, for example, x-ray free electron lasers which naturally have spectrally noisy pulses ideally suited for this approach

    Nanoscale Vibrational Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We use near-field Raman imaging and spectroscopy to study localized vibrational modes along individual, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with a spatial resolution of 10−20 nm. Our approach relies on the enhanced field near a laser-irradiated gold tip which acts as the Raman excitation source. We find that for arc-discharge SWNTs, both the radial breathing mode (RBM) and intermediate frequency mode (IFM) are highly localized. We attribute such localization to local changes in the tube structure (n, m). In comparison, we observe no such localization of the Raman active modes in SWNTs grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The direct comparison between arc-discharge and CVD-grown tubes allows us to rule out any artifacts induced by the supporting substrate