3 research outputs found

    Analysis, Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of 3D Time-of-Flight Imaging Systems

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    The present thesis is concerned with the optimization of 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) imaging systems. These novel cameras determine range images by actively illuminating a scene and measuring the time until the backscattered light is detected. Depth maps are constructed from multiple raw images. Usually two of such raw images are acquired simultaneously using special correlating sensors. This thesis covers four main contributions: A physical sensor model is presented which enables the analysis and optimization of the process of raw image acquisition. This model supports the proposal of a new ToF sensor design which employs a logarithmic photo response. Due to asymmetries of the two read-out paths current systems need to acquire the raw images in multiple instances. This allows the correction of systematic errors. The present thesis proposes a method for dynamic calibration and compensation of these asymmetries. It facilitates the computation of two depth maps from a single set of raw images and thus increases the frame rate by a factor of two. Since not all required raw images are captured simultaneously motion artifacts can occur. The present thesis proposes a robust method for detection and correction of such artifacts. All proposed algorithms have a computational complexity which allowsreal-time execution even on systems with limited resources (e.g. embeddedsystems). The algorithms are demonstrated by use of a commercial ToF camera

    On Creating Reference Data for Performance Analysis in Image Processing

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    This thesis investigates methods for the creation of reference datasets for image processing, especially for the dense correspondence problem. Three types of reference data can be identified: Real datasets with dense ground truth, real datasets with sparse or missing ground truth and synthetic datasets. For the creation of real datasets with ground truth a existing method based on depth map fusion was evaluated. The described method is especially suited for creating large amounts of reference data with known accuracy. The creation of reference datasets with missing ground truth was examined on the example of multiple datasets for the automotive industry. The data was used succesfully for verification and evaluation by multiple image processing projects. Finally, it was investigated how methods from computer graphics can be used for creating synthetic reference datasets. Especially the creation of photorealistic image sequences using global illumination has been examined for the task of evaluating algorithms. The results show that while such sequences can be used for evaluation, their creation is hindered by practicallity problems. As an application example, a new simulation method for Time-of-Flight depth cameras which can simulate all relevant error sources of these systems was developed

    Forum Bildverarbeitung

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    Bildverarbeitung spielt in vielen Bereichen der Technik zur schnellen und berührungslosen Datenerfassung eine Schlüsselrolle und hat sich in unterschiedlichen Anwendungen einen unverzichtbaren Platz erobert. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist dabei eine zielführende Verarbeitung der erfassten Bildsignale. Das "Forum Bildverarbeitung" greift diese hochaktuelle Entwicklung sowohl hinsichtlich der theoretischen Grundlagen, Beschreibungsansätze und Werkzeuge als auch relevanter Anwendungen auf