5 research outputs found

    Radio Graceful Labelling of Graphs

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    Radio labelling problem of graphs have their roots in communication problem known as \emph{Channel Assignment Problem}. For a simple connected graph G=(V(G),E(G))G=(V(G), E(G)), a radio labeling is a mapping f ⁣:V(G){0,1,2,}f \colon V(G)\rightarrow \{0,1,2,\ldots\} such that f(u)f(v)diam(G)+1d(u,v)|f(u)-f(v)|\geq {\rm diam}(G)+1-d(u,v) for each pair of distinct vertices u,vV(G)u,v\in V(G), where diam(G)\rm{diam}(G) is the diameter of GG and d(u,v)d(u,v) is the distance between uu and vv. A radio labeling ff of a graph GG is a \emph{radio graceful labeling} of GG if f(V(G))={0,1,,V(G)1}f(V(G)) = \{0,1,\ldots, |V(G)|-1\}. A graph for which a radio graceful labeling exists is called \emph{radio graceful}. In this article, we study radio graceful labeling for general graphs in terms of some new parameters

    Radio Number of Hamming Graphs of Diameter 3

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    For GG a simple, connected graph, a vertex labeling f:V(G)Z+f:V(G)\to \Z_+ is called a \emph{radio labeling of GG} if it satisfies |f(u)-f(v)|\geq\diam(G)+1-d(u,v) for all distinct vertices u,vV(G)u,v\in V(G). The \emph{radio number of GG} is the minimal span over all radio labelings of GG. If a bijective radio labeling onto {1,2,,V(G)}\{1,2,\dots,|V(G)|\} exists, GG is called a \emph{radio graceful} graph. We determine the radio number of all diameter 3 Hamming graphs and show that an infinite subset of them is radio graceful

    Radio Graceful Hamming Graphs

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    For kZ+ k \in \mathbb{Z}_+ and GG a simple, connected graph, a kk-radio labeling f:V(G)Z+ f : V (G) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_+ of GG requires all pairs of distinct vertices uu and vv to satisfy f(u)f(v)k+1d(u,v) |f(u) − f(v)| \ge k + 1 − d(u, v) . We consider kk-radio labelings of GG when k=diam(G) k = \text{diam} (G). In this setting, ff is injective; if ff is also surjective onto 1,2,...,V(G) {1, 2, . . ., |V (G)|} , then ff is a consecutive radio labeling. Graphs that can be labeled with such a labeling are called radio graceful. In this paper, we give two results on the existence of radio graceful Hamming graphs. The main result shows that the Cartesian product of tt copies of a complete graph is radio graceful for certain tt. Graphs of this form provide infinitely many examples of radio graceful graphs of arbitrary diameter. We also show that these graphs are not radio graceful for large tt

    Radio graceful Hamming graphs

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    Radio Graceful Hamming Graphs

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    For k ∈ ℤ+ and G a simple, connected graph, a k-radio labeling f : V (G) → ℤ+ of G requires all pairs of distinct vertices u and v to satisfy |f(u) − f(v)| ≥ k + 1 − d(u, v). We consider k-radio labelings of G when k = diam(G). In this setting, f is injective; if f is also surjective onto {1, 2, . . . , |V (G)|}, then f is a consecutive radio labeling. Graphs that can be labeled with such a labeling are called radio graceful. In this paper, we give two results on the existence of radio graceful Hamming graphs. The main result shows that the Cartesian product of t copies of a complete graph is radio graceful for certain t. Graphs of this form provide infinitely many examples of radio graceful graphs of arbitrary diameter. We also show that these graphs are not radio graceful for large t