6,707 research outputs found

    Evidence-informed regulatory practice: an adaptive response, 2005‑15

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    Overview: In this occasional paper, the ACMA reflects on its regulatory practice over the past 10 years; specifically, the role of research in evidence-informed decision-making and regulation. It looks at how the ACMA has used research in an environment of ongoing change to document and build evidence, inform public debate about regulation, and build capability among our stakeholders to make communications and media work in Australia’s national interest

    IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on: 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting

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    [EN] The upcoming fifth-generation ( 5G ) of wireless communications technologies is expected to revolutionize society digital transformation thanks to its unprecedented wireless performance capabilities, providing speeds of several Gbps, very low latencies well below 5 ms, ultra-reliable transmissions with up to 99.999% success probability, while being able to handle a huge number of devices simultaneously connected to the network. The first version of the 3GPP specification (i.e., Release 15) has been recently completed and many 5G trials are under plan or carrying out worldwide, with the first commercial deployments happening in 2019."© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."Gomez-Barquero, D.; Li, W.; Fuentes, M.; Xiong, J.; Araniti, G.; Akamine, C.; Wang, J. (2019). IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on: 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 65(2):351-355. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2019.2914866S35135565

    Technology for Good: Innovative Use of Technology by Charities

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    Technology for Good identifies ten technologies being used by charitable organizations in innovative ways. The report briefly introduces each technology and provides examples of how those technologies are being used.Examples are drawn from a broad spectrum of organizations working on widely varied issues around the globe. This makes Technology for Good a unique repository of inspiration for the public and private sectors, funders, and other change makers who support the creation and use of technology for social good

    Sanchari: Moving Up the Value Chain Through Telecommunication Services

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    The year 2009 was a critical year in the development of Sanchari, a state-owned telecommunication infrastructure (TI) service provider in India. Over the past few years, Sanchari had successfully developed and delivered on-demand infrastructure services to customers in the state of Karnataka, India. Sanchari’s management team wanted to move their business up the value chain to take advantage of the rapidly growing telecommunication industry in India. In the middle of 2009, Sanchari was approached by the state government of Karnataka to lead the development of a state-wide-area-network (SWAN) under the e-government initiative. This e-government project could give Sanchari an opportunity to move up the value chain. Sanchari needed to decide whether it would take the sole responsibility of this project as the government agent or form a partnership with a private company to execute it. This decision, however, would depend on whether Sanchari wanted to develop into an infrastructure or software service provider or maintain its status quo as a TI service provider in the long term. The teaching case provides a challenging decision-making situation for students and urges them to analyze the benefits and risks of moving up the telecommunication value chain
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