788 research outputs found

    Open, Closed, and Shared Access Femtocells in the Downlink

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    A fundamental choice in femtocell deployments is the set of users which are allowed to access each femtocell. Closed access restricts the set to specifically registered users, while open access allows any mobile subscriber to use any femtocell. Which one is preferable depends strongly on the distance between the macrocell base station (MBS) and femtocell. The main results of the paper are lemmas which provide expressions for the SINR distribution for various zones within a cell as a function of this MBS-femto distance. The average sum throughput (or any other SINR-based metric) of home users and cellular users under open and closed access can be readily determined from these expressions. We show that unlike in the uplink, the interests of home and cellular users are in conflict, with home users preferring closed access and cellular users preferring open access. The conflict is most pronounced for femtocells near the cell edge, when there are many cellular users and fewer femtocells. To mitigate this conflict, we propose a middle way which we term shared access in which femtocells allocate an adjustable number of time-slots between home and cellular users such that a specified minimum rate for each can be achieved. The optimal such sharing fraction is derived. Analysis shows that shared access achieves at least the overall throughput of open access while also satisfying rate requirements, while closed access fails for cellular users and open access fails for the home user.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Multi-channel Hybrid Access Femtocells: A Stochastic Geometric Analysis

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    For two-tier networks consisting of macrocells and femtocells, the channel access mechanism can be configured to be open access, closed access, or hybrid access. Hybrid access arises as a compromise between open and closed access mechanisms, in which a fraction of available spectrum resource is shared to nonsubscribers while the remaining reserved for subscribers. This paper focuses on a hybrid access mechanism for multi-channel femtocells which employ orthogonal spectrum access schemes. Considering a randomized channel assignment strategy, we analyze the performance in the downlink. Using stochastic geometry as technical tools, we model the distribution of femtocells as Poisson point process or Neyman-Scott cluster process and derive the distributions of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios, and mean achievable rates, of both nonsubscribers and subscribers. The established expressions are amenable to numerical evaluation, and shed key insights into the performance tradeoff between subscribers and nonsubscribers. The analytical results are corroborated by numerical simulations.Comment: This is the final version, which was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Open vs Closed Access Femtocells in the Uplink

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    Femtocells are assuming an increasingly important role in the coverage and capacity of cellular networks. In contrast to existing cellular systems, femtocells are end-user deployed and controlled, randomly located, and rely on third party backhaul (e.g. DSL or cable modem). Femtocells can be configured to be either open access or closed access. Open access allows an arbitrary nearby cellular user to use the femtocell, whereas closed access restricts the use of the femtocell to users explicitly approved by the owner. Seemingly, the network operator would prefer an open access deployment since this provides an inexpensive way to expand their network capabilities, whereas the femtocell owner would prefer closed access, in order to keep the femtocell's capacity and backhaul to himself. We show mathematically and through simulations that the reality is more complicated for both parties, and that the best approach depends heavily on whether the multiple access scheme is orthogonal (TDMA or OFDMA, per subband) or non-orthogonal (CDMA). In a TDMA/OFDMA network, closed-access is typically preferable at high user densities, whereas in CDMA, open access can provide gains of more than 200% for the home user by reducing the near-far problem experienced by the femtocell. The results of this paper suggest that the interests of the femtocell owner and the network operator are more compatible than typically believed, and that CDMA femtocells should be configured for open access whereas OFDMA or TDMA femtocells should adapt to the cellular user density.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Performance analysis of resource scheduling in LTE femtocell with hybrid access mode

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    Femtocell is a promising technology that intends in solving the indoor coverage problems so as to enhance the cell capacity. The overall network performance, in turn depends on the access methods used by the femtocells. The access method is used to identify about the user’s connectivity with the femtocell network. There are three access mechanisms defined in Third Generation partnership Project (3GPP) specification for Long Term Evolution (LTE) femtocells: open, closed and hybrid access mechanisms. Hybrid access mechanism is mostly preferred by the network for the effective utilization of resources. But, it is important to regulate the proper scheduling scheme for them. In this paper, scheduling in femtocell is investigated, where, among the non subscribers, preference is given to the users who have high throughput priority metric, thereby increasing overall throughput of the network

    Business models for deployment and operation of femtocell networks; - Are new cooperation strategies needed for mobile operators?

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    In this paper we discuss different business models for deployment and operation of femtocell networks intended for provisioning of public mobile broad band access services. In these types of business cases the operators use femtocells in order to reduce investments in "more costly" macro networks since the traffic can be "offloaded" to "less costly" femtocell networks. This is in contrast to the many business cases presented in Femtoforum where femtocells mainly are discussed as a solution to improve indoor coverage for voice services in homes and small offices, usually for closed user groups The main question discussed in this paper is if "operators need to consider new forms of cooperation strategies in order to enable large scale deployment of femtocells for public access?" By looking into existing solutions for indoor wireless access services we claim that the answer is both "Yes" and "No". No, since many types of cooperation are already in place for indoor deployment. Yes, because mobile operators need to re-think the femtocell specific business models, from approaches based on singe operator networks to different forms of cooperation involving multi-operator solutions, e.g. roaming and network sharing. --
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