10 research outputs found

    Adaptive Multi-state Millimeter Wave Cell Selection Scheme for 5G communication

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    Millimeter wave bands have been introduced as one of the most promising solutions to alleviate the spectrum secrecy in the upcoming future cellular technology (5G) due the enormous amount of raw bandwidth available in these bands. However, the inherent propagation characteristics of mmWave frequencies could impose new challenges i.e. higher path loss, atmospheric absorption, and rain attenuation which in turn increase the outage probability and hence, degrading the overall system performance. Therefore, in this paper, a novel flexible scheme is proposed namely Adaptive Multi-State MmWave Cell Selection (AMSMC-S) through adopting three classes of mmWave base stations, able to operate at various mmWave carrier frequencies (73, 38 and 28 GHz). Two mmWave cellular Grid-Based cell deployment scenarios have been implemented with two inter-site-distances 200 m and 300 m, corresponding to target area of (2.1 km2) and (2.2 km2). The maximum SINR value at the user equipment (UE) is taken in to consideration to enrich the mobile user experience. Numerical results show an improvement of overall system performance, where the outage probability reduced significantly to zero while maintaining an acceptable performance of the 5G systems with approximately more than 50% of the mobile stations with more than 1Gbps data rate.

    Sub-THz wireless transport layer for ubiquitous high data rate

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    5G and the future 6G ambitions will be real when wireless “unlimited data’ will be available. Multi-Gigabit per second or Terabit per second are the new units to measure the data demand of emerging applications such as 8K video, e-health, extended reality, vehicle to everything , and many others. Actual wireless networks are based on the fiber substrate that feeds, by fixed access points, a wireless layer for distribution to users at much lower capacity, posing a limit to the introduction of data hungry applications. To increase the area capacity of the wireless distribution layer, an ubiquitous data source is needed. A wireless layer to transport data at rooftop level is conceived to replicate wireless the data provision of the fiber substrate, with unlimited access flexibility. This new layer is fed by fiber and provides to the wireless distribution layer links arbitrarily distributed, for a ubiquitous data distribution. The architecture and enabling technology of the proposed wireless transport layer will be described

    On Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks: Current Status and Potentials

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    In this paper, we introduce and study the potentials and challenges of integrated access and backhaul (IAB) as one of the promising techniques for evolving 5G networks. We study IAB networks from different perspectives. We summarize the recent Rel-16 as well as the upcoming Rel-17 3GPP discussions on IAB, and highlight the main IAB-specific agreements on different protocol layers. Also, concentrating on millimeter wave-based communications, we evaluate the performance of IAB networks in both dense and suburban areas. Using a finite stochastic geometry model, with random distributions of IAB nodes as well as user equipments (UEs) in a finite region, we study the service coverage rate defined as the probability of the event that the UEs' minimum rate requirements are satisfied. We present comparisons between IAB and hybrid IAB/fiber-backhauled networks where a part or all of the small base stations are fiber-connected. Finally, we study the robustness of IAB networks to weather and various deployment conditions and verify their effects, such as blockage, tree foliage, rain as well as antenna height/gain on the coverage rate of IAB setups, as the key differences between the fiber-connected and IAB networks. As we show, IAB is an attractive approach to enable the network densification required by 5G and beyond.Comment: Revised manuscript in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societ