14 research outputs found

    Parameterizing the semantics of fuzzy attribute implications by systems of isotone Galois connections

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    We study the semantics of fuzzy if-then rules called fuzzy attribute implications parameterized by systems of isotone Galois connections. The rules express dependencies between fuzzy attributes in object-attribute incidence data. The proposed parameterizations are general and include as special cases the parameterizations by linguistic hedges used in earlier approaches. We formalize the general parameterizations, propose bivalent and graded notions of semantic entailment of fuzzy attribute implications, show their characterization in terms of least models and complete axiomatization, and provide characterization of bases of fuzzy attribute implications derived from data

    Rethinking Hart : From Open Texture to Prototype Theory - Analytic Philosophy Meets Cognitive Linguistics

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    The article is based on an observation that there are significant and non-arbitrary similarities between two, seemingly quite distant, theories that address the problem of linguistic categorization. One is the theory of open texture put forward by a prominent legal philosopher, Herbert L.A Hart. The other is the theory of prototypes, originated from psychological research by Eleanor Rosch and developed by cognitively- oriented linguists, most notably Charles Fillmore, George Lakoff, and Ronald Langacker. Firstly, the origins of the open texture theory are presented, including the discussion of Friedrich Waismann鈥檚 and Ludwig Wittgenstein鈥檚 ideas and their impact on Hart鈥檚 theory. Secondly, Hart鈥檚 theory of open texture is examined, based on several articles and his masterpiece: The Concept of Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1961). Thirdly, a brief introduction to the prototype theory is provided, focusing on its reception in Cognitive Linguistics. Fourthly, a comparison of both theories is presented, including a sketch of a broader philosophical and historical background, as well as a detailed analysis of similarities and dissimilarities between them. The comparison results in a conclusion that, on linguistic grounds, the open texture theory can be viewed as an anticipation of prototype theory. Finally, several reservations are made in order to avoid possible confusions and some obvious objections


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    Prototype theory is a semantic theory according to which the membership of conceptual categories is based not on a list of criterial features, but rather on the similarity to the most representative member of the category. Consequently, conceptual categories may lack classical definitions and rigid boundaries. This article supports the claims, already made by other scholars working in the field, that prototype theory may greatly augment our understanding of legal (i.e. statutory, judicial) interpretation. Legal provisions are traditionally written as classical definitions, but they are rarely applied that way. Statutory concepts tend to be interpreted with a great deal of flexibility, using a wide array of extra-textual factors. This is especially true for the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which has to deal with the challenges of the multilingual, supranational law of the European Union.Teoria prototypu jest teori膮 semantyczn膮, zgodnie z kt贸r膮 przynale偶no艣膰 do kategorii poj臋ciowych nie opiera si臋 na zestawie okre艣lonych cech, lecz na podobie艅stwie do najbardziej reprezentatywnego egzemplarza danej kategorii. W zwi膮zku z tym kategorie poj臋ciowe mog膮 nie poddawa膰 si臋 klasycznemu definiowaniu, a ich granice bywaj膮 rozmyte. Artyku艂 ten wspiera twierdzenia innych autor贸w, 偶e teoria prototyp贸w mo偶e znacz膮co pog艂臋bi膰 nasze rozumienie interpretacji prawniczej. Przepisy prawne s膮 tradycyjnie formu艂owane jak klasyczne definicje, jednak rzadko s膮 stosowane w ten spos贸b. Poj臋cia ustawowe s膮 cz臋sto interpretowane z du偶膮 elastyczno艣ci膮, przy wykorzystaniu szerokiej palety czynnik贸w pozatekstowych. Jest to szczeg贸lnie aktualne w przypadku orzecznictwa Trybuna艂u Sprawiedliwo艣ci Unii Europejskiej, kt贸ry stoi przed wyzwaniem stosowania wieloj臋zycznego, ponadnarodowego prawa Unii Europejskiej

    Staying Faithful to the Standards of Proof

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    Academics have never quite understood the standards of proof or, indeed, much about the theory of proof Their formulations beget probabilistic musings, which beget all sorts of paradoxes, which in turn beget radical reconceptions and proposals for reform. The theoretical radicals argue that the law needs some basic reconception such as recognizing the aim of legal proof as not at all a search for truth but rather the production of an acceptable result, or that the law needs some shattering reform such as greatly heightening the civil standard of proof on each part of the case to ensure a more-likely than- not overall result. This Article refutes all those baroque rereadings. It shows that the standards of proof properly understood on the law\u27s own terms without a probabilistic overlay, work just fine. The law tells factfinders to compare their degree of belief in the alleged fact to their degree of contradictory disbelief. Obeying that instruction resolves mathematically the paradoxes that traditional probability theory creates for itself Most surprising, the burden of proof by which the proponent must prove all the elements and the opponent need disprove only one, does not produce an asymmetry between the parties. The law\u27s standards of proof need no drastic reconception or reform, because the law knew what it was doing all along. It deals with factual beliefs in a world that will remain uncertain, not with the odds of the facts becoming certain. And the well-established mathematics of beliefs are not the mathematics of odds

    Radim Belohlavek and George J. Klir (eds.), Concepts and Fuzzy Logic

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    Conjuntos construibles en modelos valuados en ret铆culos

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    We investigate different set-theoretic constructions in Residuated Logic based on Fitting鈥檚 work on Intuitionistic Kripke models of Set Theory. Firstly, we consider constructable sets within valued models of Set Theory. We present two distinct constructions of the constructable universe: L B and L B , and prove that the they are isomorphic to V (von Neumann universe) and L (G枚del鈥檚 constructible universe), respectively. Secondly, we generalize Fitting鈥檚 work on Intuitionistic Kripke models of Set Theory using Ono and Komori鈥檚 Residuated Kripke models. Based on these models, we provide a general- ization of the von Neumann hierarchy in the context of Modal Residuated Logic and prove a translation of formulas between it and a suited Heyting valued model. We also propose a notion of universe of constructable sets in Modal Residuated Logic and discuss some aspects of it.Investigamos diferentes construcciones de la teor铆a de conjuntos en L贸gica Residual basados en el trabajo de Fitting sobre los modelos intuicionistas de Kripke de la Teor铆a de Conjuntos. En primer lugar, consideramos conjuntos construibles dentro de modelos valuados de la Teor铆a de Conjuntos. Presentamos dos construcciones distintas del universo construible: L B y L B , y demostramos que son isomorfos a V (universo von Neumann) y L (universo construible de G枚del), respectivamente. En segundo lugar, generalizamos el trabajo de Fitting sobre los modelos intuicionistas de Kripke de la teor铆a de conjuntos utilizando los modelos residuados de Kripke de Ono y Komori. Con base en estos modelos, proporcionamos una generalizaci贸n de la jerarqu铆a de von Neumann en el contexto de la L贸gica Modal Residuada y demostramos una traducci贸n de f贸rmulas entre ella y un modelo Heyting valuado adecuado. Tambi茅n proponemos una noci贸n de universo de conjuntos construibles en L贸gica Modal Residuada y discutimos algunos aspectos de la misma. (Texto tomado de la fuente)Maestr铆aMag铆ster en Ciencias - Matem谩ticasL贸gica matem谩tica, teor铆a de conjunto