13 research outputs found

    Parallel point reprojection

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    Journal ArticleImprovements in hardware have recently made interactive ray tracing practical for some applications. However, when the scene complexity or rendering algorithm cost is high, the frame rate is too low in practice. Researchers have attempted to solve this problem by caching results from ray tracing and using these results in multiple frames via reprojection. However, the reprojection can become too slow when the number of samples that are reused is high, so previous systems have been limited to small images or a sparse set of computed pixels. To overcome this problem we introduce techniques to perform this reprojection in a scalable fashion on multiple processors

    Interactive raytraced caustics

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    technical reportIn computer graphics, bright patterns of light focused onto matte surfaces are called ?caustics?. We present a method for rendering dynamic scenes with moving caustics at interactive rates. This technique requires some simplifying assumptions about caustic behavior allowing us to consider it a local spatial property which we sample in a pre-processing stage. Storing the caustic locally limits caustic rendering to a simple lookup. We examine a number of ways to represent this data, allowing us to trade between accuracy, storage, run time, and precomputation time

    Parallel point reprojection

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    Journal ArticleImprovements in hardware have recently made interactive ray tracing practical for some applications. However, when the scene complexity or rendering algorithm cost is high, the frame rate is too low in practice. Researchers have attempted to solve this problem by caching results from ray tracing and using these results in multiple frames via reprojection. However, the reprojection can become too slow when the number of samples that are reused is high, so previous systems have been limited to small images or a sparse set of computed pixels

    Interactive caustics using local precomputed irradiance

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    Journal ArticleBright patterns of light focused via reflective or refractive objects onto matte surfaces are called "caustics". We present a method for rendering dynamic scenes with moving caustics at interactive rates. This technique requires some simplifying assumptions about caustic behavior allowing us to consider it a local spatial property which we sample in a pre-processing stage. Storing the caustic locally limits caustic rendering to a simple lookup. We examine a number of ways to represent this data, allowing us to trade between accuracy, storage, run time, and precomputation time

    Practical global illumination for interactive particle visualization

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    ManuscriptParticle-based simulation methods are used to model a wide range of complex phenomena and to solve time-dependent problems of various scales. Effective visualizations of the resulting state will communicate subtle changes in the three-dimensional structure, spatial organization, and qualitative trends within a simulation as it evolves. We present two algorithms targeting upcoming, highly parallel multicore desktop systems to enable interactive navigation and exploration of large particle datasets with global illumination effects. Monte Carlo path tracing and texture mapping are used to capture computationally expensive illumination effects such as soft shadows and diffuse interreflection. The first approach is based on precomputation of luminance textures and removes expensive illumination calculations from the interactive rendering pipeline. The second approach is based on dynamic luminance texture generation and decouples interactive rendering from the computation of global illumination effects. These algorithms provide visual cues that enhance the ability to perform analysis and feature detection tasks while interrogating the data at interactive rates. We explore the performance of these algorithms and demonstrate their effectiveness using several large datasets

    Interactive display of isosurfaces with global illumination

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-In many applications, volumetric data sets are examined by displaying isosurfaces, surfaces where the data, or some function of the data, takes on a given value. Interactive applications typically use local lighting models to render such surfaces. This work introduces a method to precompute or lazily compute global illumination to improve interactive isosurface renderings. The precomputed illumination resides in a separate volume and includes direct light, shadows, and interreflections. Using this volume, interactive globally illuminated renderings of isosurfaces become feasible while still allowing dynamic manipulation of lighting, viewpoint and isovalue

    Frequency Based Radiance Cache for Rendering Animations

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    International audienceWe propose a method to render animation sequences with direct distant lighting that only shades a fraction of the total pixels. We leverage frequency-based analyses of light transport to determine shading and image sampling rates across an animation using a samples cache. To do so, we derive frequency bandwidths that account for the complexity of distant lights, visibility, BRDF, and temporal coherence during animation. We finaly apply a cross-bilateral filter when rendering our final images from sparse sets of shading points placed according to our frequency-based oracles (generally < 25% of the pixels, per frame)

    Radiance Interpolants for Accelerated Bounded-Error Ray Tracing

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    this paper, we present a system that exploits object-space, rayspace, image-space and temporal coherence to accelerate ray tracing. Our system uses per-surface interpolants to approximate radiance, while conservatively bounding error. The techniques we introduce in this paper should enhance both interactive and batch ray tracers

    Shadow Computations using Robust Epsilon Visibility

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    Analytic visibility algorithms, for example methods which compute a subdivided mesh to represent shadows, are notoriously unrobust and hard to use in practice. We present a new method based on a generalized definition of extremal stabbing lines, which are the extremities of shadow boundaries. We treat scenes containing multiple edges or vertices in degenerate configurations, (e.g., collinear or coplanar). We introduce a robust epsilon method to determine whether each generalized extremal stabbing line is blocked, or is touched by these scene elements, and thus added to the line's generators. We develop robust blocker predicates for polygons which are smaller than epsilon. For larger values, small shadow features merge and eventually disappear. We can thus robustly connect generalized extremal stabbing lines in degenerate scenes to form shadow boundaries. We show that our approach is consistent, and that shadow boundary connectivity is preserved when features merge. We have implemented our algorithm, and show that we can robustly compute analytic shadow boundaries to the precision of our chosen epsilon threshold for non-trivial models, containing numerous degeneracies