23,662 research outputs found

    Scattered Data Interpolation on Embedded Submanifolds with Restricted Positive Definite Kernels: Sobolev Error Estimates

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    In this paper we investigate the approximation properties of kernel interpolants on manifolds. The kernels we consider will be obtained by the restriction of positive definite kernels on Rd\R^d, such as radial basis functions (RBFs), to a smooth, compact embedded submanifold \M\subset \R^d. For restricted kernels having finite smoothness, we provide a complete characterization of the native space on \M. After this and some preliminary setup, we present Sobolev-type error estimates for the interpolation problem. Numerical results verifying the theory are also presented for a one-dimensional curve embedded in R3\R^3 and a two-dimensional torus

    Numerical solutions of a boundary value problem on the sphere using radial basis functions

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    Boundary value problems on the unit sphere arise naturally in geophysics and oceanography when scientists model a physical quantity on large scales. Robust numerical methods play an important role in solving these problems. In this article, we construct numerical solutions to a boundary value problem defined on a spherical sub-domain (with a sufficiently smooth boundary) using radial basis functions (RBF). The error analysis between the exact solution and the approximation is provided. Numerical experiments are presented to confirm theoretical estimates

    A High-Order Kernel Method for Diffusion and Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Surfaces

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    In this paper we present a high-order kernel method for numerically solving diffusion and reaction-diffusion partial differential equations (PDEs) on smooth, closed surfaces embedded in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. For two-dimensional surfaces embedded in R3\mathbb{R}^3, these types of problems have received growing interest in biology, chemistry, and computer graphics to model such things as diffusion of chemicals on biological cells or membranes, pattern formations in biology, nonlinear chemical oscillators in excitable media, and texture mappings. Our kernel method is based on radial basis functions (RBFs) and uses a semi-discrete approach (or the method-of-lines) in which the surface derivative operators that appear in the PDEs are approximated using collocation. The method only requires nodes at "scattered" locations on the surface and the corresponding normal vectors to the surface. Additionally, it does not rely on any surface-based metrics and avoids any intrinsic coordinate systems, and thus does not suffer from any coordinate distortions or singularities. We provide error estimates for the kernel-based approximate surface derivative operators and numerically study the accuracy and stability of the method. Applications to different non-linear systems of PDEs that arise in biology and chemistry are also presented

    Compactly supported radial basis functions: How and why?

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    Compactly supported basis functions are widely required and used in many applications. We explain why radial basis functions are preferred to multi-variate polynomials for scattered data approximation in high-dimensional space and give a brief description on how to construct the most commonly used compactly supported radial basis functions - the Wendland functions and the new found missing Wendland functions. One can construct a compactly supported radial basis function with required smoothness according to the procedure described here without sophisticated mathematics. Very short programs and extended tables for compactly supported radial basis functions are supplied

    The use of the mesh free methods (radial basis functions) in the modeling of radionuclide migration and moving boundary value problems

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    Recently, the mesh free methods (radial basis functions-RBFs) have emerged as a novel computing method in the scientific and engineering computing community. The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) has been usually obtained by finite difference methods (FDM), finite element methods (FEM) and boundary elements methods (BEM). These conventional numerical methods still have some drawbacks. For example, the construction of the mesh in two or more dimensions is a nontrivial problem. Solving PDEs using radial basis function (RBF) collocations is an attractive alternative to these traditional methods because no tedious mesh generation is required. We compare the mesh free method, which uses radial basis functions, with the traditional finite difference scheme and analytical solutions. We will present some examples of using RBFs in geostatistical analysis of radionuclide migration modeling. The advection-dispersion equation will be used in the Eulerian and Lagrangian forms. Stefan's or moving boundary value problems will also be presented. The position of the moving boundary will be simulated by the moving data centers method and level set method

    Zooming from Global to Local: A Multiscale RBF Approach

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    Because physical phenomena on Earth's surface occur on many different length scales, it makes sense when seeking an efficient approximation to start with a crude global approximation, and then make a sequence of corrections on finer and finer scales. It also makes sense eventually to seek fine scale features locally, rather than globally. In the present work, we start with a global multiscale radial basis function (RBF) approximation, based on a sequence of point sets with decreasing mesh norm, and a sequence of (spherical) radial basis functions with proportionally decreasing scale centered at the points. We then prove that we can "zoom in" on a region of particular interest, by carrying out further stages of multiscale refinement on a local region. The proof combines multiscale techniques for the sphere from Le Gia, Sloan and Wendland, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 48 (2010) and Applied Comp. Harm. Anal. 32 (2012), with those for a bounded region in Rd\mathbb{R}^d from Wendland, Numer. Math. 116 (2012). The zooming in process can be continued indefinitely, since the condition numbers of matrices at the different scales remain bounded. A numerical example illustrates the process